View Full Version : RAW Results - 29th Jan 2007

01-30-2007, 11:09 AM
RAW Results - 29th Jan 2007
Location - Dallas, Texas
Announcers - J.R and Jerry 'The King' Lawler

Shawn Michaels is out to the ring to start the show. HBK reminds us that last week he said no mere mortal would keep him from winning. Unfortunately, there were 29 mortal men...and the Undertaker. Even though Michaels didn't win, he meant what he said. The Showstopper is back, and he plans on being the next WWE Champion at WrestleMania. Shawn addresses the Undertaker having a choice at what brand he wants a title shot on. However, since the Dead Man hasn't made his choice. If he chooses Batista or Bobby Lashley (lol!), that leaves the WWE Champion, so he wants to throw his hat in the ring.

Cena's music begins to play, and the WWE Champion comes out. JR puts over Cena's gutsy performance. Cena grabs a mic and spells it out. WrestleMania 23...Cena vs. The Showstopper. Cena likes it, but it is up to the Undertaker. Cena begins to say if it is him and Shawn, but Edge's music interrupts him. Edge says that he told HBK after the Rumble he would be disappointed, and Edge was right. He also says he's got Cena's number, and he is also defeated at WrestleMania. That makes him deserving of the WWE Title match.

Before he can go on, Randy Orton comes out. Orton says while they may be Tag Team Champions, last night it was every man for them self, and the WWE Championship is no different. Orton points out that he's never gotten a chance at Cena. Edge says there is a good reason for that, but before he can explain, Cena tells them to come to the ring and "get your asses whipped". Rated RKO start to go to the ring, but Mr. McMahon starts to scream on the Titantron. He reminds us that he tells us what the audience wants. So because it is Mr. McMahon Fan Appreciation Night, there will be a Tag Team Championship match. Rated RKO will face John Cena and Shawn Michaels.

Cryme Tyme is walking towards the camera in the back. JTG gives a shout out to his homeboys in Dallas. Shad tells him they have to go, but JTG gives one more shout out to Sabrina in the strip club.

Cryme Tyme (JTG & Shad Gaspard) vs. The World's Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas)

JR points out that Benjamin was impressive in the Rumble match. Haas, who is sporting cornrows (!), starts with Shad. Charlie gets a hammerlock in. Shad elbows out, so Charlie goes to a side headlock. Shad shoulderblocks Haas and knocks Shelton off the apron. Shelton retaliates by attacking Shad's knee. Haas goes right to work on it in the corner. Haas gets a single leg takedown and tags Shelton in. Shelton playfully kicks at Shad. He continues working on the knee. Shad punches out of the corner. Shelton counters with a roll up into a half Boston Crab on the injured knee. Shad powers out and goes for JTG. He finally makes the hot tag and JTG cleans house with dropkicks. Shelton gets a reverse elbow. Shad tosses Benjamin out. Shelton skins the cat and does a headscissors takedown to remove Shad from the ring. Shelton comes back in the ring, but JTG comes from behind with a roll up. Haas interferes and gives JTG a DDT. Shelton covers and TWGTT win.

Winners: The World's Greatest Tag Team

Vince is in the back with Melina, telling her to take advantage of opportunities. She thanks Mr. McMahon, hugs him, and leaves. Coachman comes in saying Fan Appreciation Night is ready. Vince says after it is over, he will be thought of as a great humanitarian. His name will be up there with Mother Theresa, Ghandi, and Desmond Tutu.

WWE 24/7 presents This Week in Wrestling History. On January 24, 1988, the first Royal Rumble was shown. One Man Gang eliminated one fourth of the competitors, but could not get winner Hacksaw Jim Duggan out of the ring.

Melina vs. Maria

Melina does a new variation on the entrance, where she climbs the steps, but drops to a split on the apron. Melina says she will seize an opportunity, and the match is a "First Contender's" match for the Women's Championship. JR says how much Maria has improved. Maria gets a quick roll up. Maria charges Melina in the corner and hits a Bronco Buster. She yanks Melina out of the corner for two. Melina goes for the hair and chokes Maria on the mat. Melina throws her down by the hair. Melina throws Maria in the corner and puts her across the ropes before kicking her in the back. Melina then chokes her with the boot. Maria counters with a roll up for two. The ladies trade shots in the midsection. Maria hits a jawbreaker, but Melina comes back with a flapjack. Melina slaps on a Muta Lock and Maria taps. Lawler says she calls it the California Dream. JR acted like he had never seen it before.

Winner: Melina

Highlights are shown of the Royal Rumble. Like everyone else who saw it has said, get the replay if you didn't watch. Tremendous finish to the match.

Michaels is walking in the back when Grisham asks him about Rated RKO ending DX as we know it. Michaels says he plans on walking out as one half of the tag team champions. Grisham asks how they will perform as a team. HBK says with all due respect, Cena is no Triple H.

Mickie is talking to someone when Super Crazy comes up and does his new bit.

Melina says what's really crazy is Mickie thinks she can hold onto the title. A catfight ensues. Nitro comes in to help Melina during the pull apart. Melina calls Mickie a whore, which may be a worked shoot given their history.

In the locker room, Edge is talking to Cade and Murdoch. He puts over how deserving he is of a title shot. Cade says Orton is overrated, but Edge stops him and says Randy is a perfect partner. If they are on the same page, no one can stop them. Cade and Murdoch glare as Edge walks away.

Umaga vs. Val Venis

Venis is already in the ring when we return from the commercial break. Umaga has bruises on his neck where Cena choked him out with the ring cable.

Umaga gives Val a Samoan Drop. He picks Val up and punches him. Val is tied in the tree of woe. Umaga hits some shots to the stomach. Umaga comes off the ropes and hits a flying headbutt. Umaga pounds him in the corner and connects with the Whipsplash. Umaga picks him up and ends the squash with the Samoan Spike. JR puts over how dangerous Umaga still is.

Winner: Umaga

As Umaga makes his way up the ramp, Vince comes out in a cowboy hat for Fan Appreciation Night. The announcers mention it will also be Fan Appreciation Night on ECW tomorrow night, marking the first time Vince appears in ECW.

Vince says the first thing he would like to say is "Howdy, pardner!" He then says, "Why you must be the new schoolmarm." He then puts down the idea of a cowboy hat, saying anyone over the age of five wearing one is stupid. Take that, JBL! There is a giant picture being covered in the ring. Vince stomps on the hat for good measure. Vince says this is an opportunity to say two words he often doesn't say to anyone. Thank you. He thanks the fans for making him a billionaire. Vince has a special gift, and calls for a volunteer in the crowd. Vince picks out a young lady and brings her into the ring. Vince says how nervous she must be, standing next to Vince. Her name is Jackie, and she is the envy of everyone in the arena and around the world. Vince asks for and receives a drum roll. Vince pulls down the cover, and it is a giant cover of the Muscle & Fitness magazine he was on. He gives it to Jackie as a present. Vince says it's the personal touch that counts. The crowd starts to chant "What" but Vince tells them to stop.

Donald Trump, the real Trump, comes on the Titantron and says the fans don't like or appreciate Vince. He asks who the hell would want that photograph of Vince. He says if Vince doesn't know his audience, then Trump does. They want value. The best way Trump knows to show appreciation is to give them what everybody wants, and that is money. That's why Trump is dropping buckets of cash. Money starts to fall from the ceiling. Lawler says it is real money. One fan holds up a hundred dollar bill. There are tens, twenties, fifties, and hundreds. You can call Trump Aaron Burr from the way he's dropping Hamiltons. Vince says in bewilderment it is actually raining cash. He says Donald Trump hasn't heard the last of this. Vince says it is his money, since he rented the building. He struts to the back in anger.

Coach apologizes for Trump upstaging Vince. Vince says he has never been embarrassed like that. Coach says he has collected some money from the crowd, and even put in ten dollars of his own. Vince snatches it and rides off in the limo.

Carlito w/ Torrie Wilson & Super Crazy vs. Chris Masters & Kenny Dykstra

Masters and Crazy start off with a lockup. Masters pushes him into the corner and punches at the break. He kicks Crazy in the corner. Crazy counters an irish whip with a springboard body press. He follows with a dropkick and corkscrew elbow drop. Masters pushes him into the corner and tags Kenny in. Crazy rolls out of a sunset flip and dropkicks Kenny. Carlito tags in and gives Kenny a back body drop. Crazy gets a blind tag, and Carlito gives Dykstra a huracanrana. They then clothesline Masters out of the ring. The two follow that with stereo tope con hilos. Masters trips Super Crazy as he is coming off the ropes. Dykstra tags Masters in, and Masters gets a backbreaker. He follows that with punches on the mat. Kenny tags in and hits a punch off the middle rope for two. Kenny puts Crazy in a chinlock on the mat. Kenny connects with a jumping back elbow. Masters tags back in and the two give Super Crazy a vertical suplex for two as Carlito interferes. Masters drops an elbow on Crazy and whips him into the corner. Kenny tags in once again. He stomps on Crazy and elbows him in the back. A Lariat from Kenny gets two. Kenny gets another reverse chinlock. Super Crazy blocks a suplex and both men are down. They make the tag at the same time. Carlito punches Masters and hits a springboard back elbow, followed by a Million Dollar Knee Lift and a clothesline. A dropkick gets two when Kenny interferes. Super Crazy dumps Kenny from the ring. Carlito blocks a charge in the corner, and rakes Masters eyes to get out of a military press. Carlito hits the Backcracker for the win.

Winners: Carlito & Super Crazy

Randy Orton is in the back with Todd Grisham. Grisham asks how Orton puts the animosity behind him. Orton points out that winning the Tag Titles with Edge is one of his career highlights. Orton says he agrees with Cena, and it is up to the Undertaker to determine who he faces. Todd asks how Orton and Edge can put aside their differences. Randy continues to dance around the obvious and he says that he looks forward to retaining the titles.

Intercontinental Title Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. The Great Khali

Khali holds the title up and pushes Hardy down. Khali tosses Hardy over the top rope. He pulls Jeff onto the apron and clobbers him in the chest with forearms. Hardy is tossed back in the ring and thrown in the corner. Khali hits an elbow, and follows it with a headbutt. Khali knocks Jeff down again with a right hand and stomps him in the head. Khali chops Jeff on the ropes. Hardy floats over a scoop slam attempt and hits Khali in the chest, but is clotheslined down. Hardy connects with Whisper in the Wind and dodges a big boot to straddle Khali on the ropes. He punches Khali, but is again knocked over. Khali sets him on the ropes and knocks him from the ring. Khali stands there as the referee counts, making no attempt to get Hardy in the ring. Jeff is counted out, but retains the IC Title.

Winner: The Great Khali

The audience gets a sneak peek/behind the scenes look at Candice's Go Daddy commercial that will air during the Super Bowl.

The Wrestlemania Recall is the first Money in the Bank ladder match from WM 21. Shelton stole the show, but it was Edge who won the match, and later used the contract to with the WWE Championship.

Russian MMA/Sambo Champion Vladimir Kozlov is being interviewed in the crowd and asked about seeing the first Royal Rumble match. Kozlov says only in America can money fall from the sky, and that is why he loves DOUBLE DOUBLE E. As for the Rumble, Vladimir was not impressed and talks a little smack on some of the top stars.

Highlights of the Last Man Standing match at the Rumble are shown. Again, a great match.

Flair and Cena are talking in the back. Cena says he has a great opportunity to become the Tag Team Champion with Shawn Michaels. Flair points out that HBK is focused on getting the main event at Mania. Flair tells Cena to watch out for Michaels making a statement with the Superkick. Good segment to build heat for the main event.

World Tag Team Championship Match
Rated RKO (Randy Orton & Edge)(c) vs. Shawn Michaels and John Cena

Edge and Michaels start out. The two go around the ring with a collar and elbow tie up. Edge misses a spear in the corner and Michaels chops him. Michaels takes Edge down with an enziguri. He taunts Orton with crotch chops. Michaels goes back to chopping Edge. HBK counters a back body drop attempt with a knee lift. Cena tags in and gives Edge a hip toss. That is followed with a elbow drop for two. Cena blocks a charge in the corner and hits a DDT for two. Edge coutners and throws Cena into the turnbuckle. Orton tags in. He gives Cena a European Uppercut. Orton pummels Cena with right hands on the mat. Cena reverses an irish whip and throws Orton into the corner. He then hits a Fisherman's Suplex for two. Orton throws Cena into his corner and stomps and punches him. Edge chokes Cena when the ref isn't looking. Cena punches back and floats over Orton, pushing him into Edge. Orton clotheslines Cena down. He and Edge have words since Orton inadvertently knocked him off the apron. Edge starts to walk to the back and the two yell at each other. Commercial.

Back from the break, Edge is in the ring with Cena. Cena hits a Blue Thunder Driver, but Orton prevents him from doing the 5 Knuckle Shuffle when he hits Cena in the abdomen. Cena collapses and falls from the ring. HBK tries to help, but the ref sends him back to his corner. Edge hits Cena in the back and throws him in the ring, getting a near fall. Edge keeps Cena from making the tag and Orton comes in. Orton stomps Cena numerous times in various spots. Orton connects with a jumping knee drop. He tags Edge back in and Edge kicks Cena in the gut. Edge with some forearms and a standing dropkick for a couple two counts. Edge continues to work on the abdomen. Orton tags in and gives Cena a leg drop and another knee drop. Orton hits Cena in the chest with forearms for two. Orton then locks in the legscissors around Cena's abdomen while applying a headlock. Cena stands up with Orton wrapped around him and drives Orton in the corner. Orton releases the hold, but misses a dropkick as Cena holds the ropes. Cena is busted open. Both men crawl to their respective corners.

Michaels and Edge tag in and HBK cleans house with right hands. Michaels gives Edge a flying forearm, inverted atomic drop, and scoop slam. HBK gets the Flying Elbow Drop off the top rope. He tunes up the band, but Orton dropkicks him. Orton then tags in and gets ready to deliver an RKO. Michaels is able to block it. Cena tags back in and hits the FU on Orton. Cena covers for three.

Winners, and NEW World Tag Team Champions: John Cena & Shawn Michaels

Cena is wary of the Superkick and starts screaming at Michaels, holding the WWE Championship and asking him if that is what he wants. Just then, Undertaker's music plays, and he is elevated from the bottom of the stage with flames in the background. Cena looks on as smoke engulfs Undertaker on the stage. JR says the Undertaker has seemingly made it clear he is coming for Cena's WWE Championship. Great finish to the show as we get a cliffhanger.