View Full Version : *Spoilers* Heat Results (2nd Feb) + RAW Dark matches and RAW notes

01-30-2007, 12:14 PM
Show looked pretty packed though a couple empty seats were spotted.

Dark Match: Vladimir Kozlov -vs- Mike Foxx
Kozlov talked on the mic before the match. Lots of USA Chants. Other than that it was the typical star vs local match. Foxx did have a good showing though, IMO. Kozlov won via Shock Treatment Backbreaker.

Winner: Vladimir Kozlov

Dark Match: Scotty 2 Hotty -vs- Jared Steele
Steele did not receive an entrance like Foxx did. Scotty showing up on RAW was surprising to a lot of fans. Pretty big reaction for Scotty who won with the Worm.

Winner: Scotty 2 Hotty

HEAT Tapings:

Eugene -vs- Dan Rodimer
-Seemed like many people didn't know who Rodimer was. He does look similar to a mix of Orton and Dykstra. Also apparently Eugene is a face again. I definitely thought Rodimer was going to get the victory but Eugene was able to pull of the win with a sloppy looking backslide.

Winner: Eugene

6 Man Tag Team Match: Jim Duggan & The Highlanders -vs- Viscera, Lance Cade, & Trevor Murdoch
Decent six man tag match. Crowd was strongly behind Duggan with USA chants the whole way. Duggan nailed the three point stance on Murdoch knocking him out of the ring. Viscera stopped The Highlanders from connecting their finish on Cade and Murdoch returned for the Sweet 'n' Sour victory

Winners: Viscera, Lance Cade, & Trevor Murdoch

During RAW Notes:

-Lillian sang the national anthem as usual followed by the entrances of JR and Lawler.

-Todd Grisham came out for the Sign of the Night cam. One sign was shown that read "Todd likes "caulk" " with Todd's face on it. Todd called for security and I believe the sign was confiscated.

Speaking of taking away signs. Signs that read "HBK = Douche" and "Khali Sucks" were removed.

The money fall was a huge hit with the fans. Fans were still searching for money as they left the arena.

Maria hosted the Kiss Cam during commercial.

There was no after show dark match. Previous commercials had hyped Cena/Umaga but Cena celebrated some more before leaving.

01-30-2007, 09:01 PM
IF you are from Australia man, how do you get all of this info so quickly???

01-30-2007, 09:51 PM
^Lion is....GOD!

01-30-2007, 10:05 PM
In the next month, keep an eye out for www.universeofwrestling.com for all the latest wrestling news. Brand new opening :)