View Full Version : Smackdown Results - 2nd February

02-03-2007, 01:17 PM
*A video package featuring a Royal Rumble recap and the closing of Monday's Raw thie Taker, Michaels and Cena and the closing of Tuesday's
ECW is played*

Chris Benoit vs. Fit Finlay (US title match)

Benoit had the advantage early on in the match, only to have Finlay take over by going after Benoit's knee. The Rabid Wolverine, after a failed attempt, capped off three back suplexes in row. His knee looked to be bothering him. He missed a flying headbutt, which Finlay used to his advantage by taking the top tunrbuckle padding off. With the ref's back turned, Finlay went under the ring, looking for the Little Bastard/ The little guy, for some reason, wasn't coming out. This almost caused Finlay to get counted out. Out of nowhere, The Boogeyman's music is played, and the worm-eater emerges from under the ring with the Little Bastard and begin to carry him off to the back. With Finlay distracted, Benoit rolled him up for the victory.

Winner: Chris Benoit.

After the match, Finlay chases the Little Bastard. They get into an arguement and the LB tries to run away. The Boogeyman, however, was standing at the entrance, is LB is caught between the two men.

[.Commercial Break.]

Billy GIbbons from ZZ Top is shown in the crowd.

Backstage, Kristal interviews Vickie Guerrero, who states she is returning to Smackdown despite the unsafe working conditions that GM Teddy Long allows. She says that there is an oppourtunity that has caought her eye and that would lead to much success. She wished Kristal luck for later tonight.

[Commercial Break]

Deuce N Domino w/ Cherry vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick w/ Ashley (non title match)

Both of these teams are loved by the crowd. Their styles, however, clashed tonight as Duece and Domino seemd at bit out of place with the aerial offense. London was hip-tossed off of the top rope. Duece and Domino double team Kendrick with the shining wizard for the win.

Winners : Duece and Domino

Teddy Long and Batista were back stage. Batista demanded an answer fromt he Undertaker stating who he is challenging at WrestleMania 23.

[Commercial Break]

King Booker's "Key to the City" ceremony

After recieveing the Key, the King reads from what looks like a prepared speech. He references famous Houstonians and says their accomplishment didn't touch him. He then tells the diginitaries to bow down and kiss the ring. Some of them do it, but Booker then turns his attention to ZZ Top's Billy Gibbons. He out to him and tells him to kiss King Booker's ring. Gibbons relpies with a non-verbal "no". Booker then tells Gibbons to kiss his royal foot, again met with a non-verbal "no". At this point Kane comes out and chokeslams one dignitary and pushes aside the other two, and begins to punch Booker. After a big boot knocks Booker over the top rope. The King and Queen escape through the crowd.

[Commercial Break]

Mr. Kennedy vs. Vito

No pre-match mic for Kennedy. He pulls Vito's dress off and finishes him with a fireman's carry type somersault move standing on the second rope.

Winner: Mr. Kennedy

After the bout, Kennedy precedes to choke Vito with his own dress. He then calls for the microphone, which slips out of his hands at first. Kennedy states his name once, with more seriousness than usual.

[Commercial Break]

JBL Judges the Diva Bikini Contest with Kristal, Jillian and Ashley. Kristal went first, followed by Ashley. Jillian then revealed a t-shirt and shorts, and insists on singing instead. JBL agrees and Jillian begins to sing "Hit Me Baby One More time" to a chorus of boos. Ashley then strips Jillian down to her bra and panties.

[Commercial Break]

*The same video package from the start of Smackdown is played again *

Teddy Long is shown backstage with Mr. Kennedy, who demands a rematch against Batista. Long grants the rematch for next week on Smackdown.

[Commercial Break]

The Miz vs. Matt Hardy

I missed most of this match, but I saw both mne fight hard. Hardy hit the leg drop. Then, Joey Mercury emerges out of the crowd to hit Hardy with his face guard, giving Miz the opportunity for the pin and the victory.

Winner: The Miz

Batista is shown backstage making his way out to the ring.

[Commercial Break]

Batista comes down to the ring in a suit. He states how all week, people have been asking him "Can you beat the Uhdertaker?" He welcomes the challenge and wants to know, man to man, what the Deadman's decision is/ At this point, John Cena makes his was to the ring, saying he's here for the same reason as Batista. Cena recalls his past week, from his match with Umaga, to winning the tag belts with Shawn Michaels, to nearly getting superkicked after his match by his partner, to Undertaker amking a surpirse appearance on Raw seemingly wanting Cena's belt.

Undertaker then makes his way out and startes down the champs. Then, the DX theme song is played as Shawn Michaels emerges. He states that Cena and Batista aren't the only ones that want an answer from the Undertaker. He proceeds to challenge the Phenom to a match with the Title shot on the line and "give the people what they want to see."

*No chance.......*

Vince McMahon very angrily makes his way to the ring. Vince says that Undertaker does need to make a decision to make, and that he doesn't really care what HBK or the people wants. He tells the people what they want. He does make a match : John Cena & Shawn Michaels vs. Batista
and the Undertaker at No Way Out.

and that's game, folks

credit: gerweck.net