View Full Version : RAW House Results - 2nd Feb 2007 (Madison, Wisconsin)

02-06-2007, 09:37 PM
RAW House Results - 2nd Feb 2007
Location: Madison, Wisconsin

I just got back from the house show at the Alliant Energy Center at Madison, Wisconsin. I got free tickets for it from the CW Network. The place looked a little less than 2/3rds full, with the very top not really being filled much at all. I would guess about 3,000-4,000 people were in attendance. Instead of Lilian Garcia, we had Justin Roberts as our ring announcer.

Super Crazy vs. Chris Masters
Masters received a lot of boos during his entrance and many times when he did any pose. Super Crazy was pretty over as well. Super Crazy won via a victory roll after countering the Masterlock.

Vladimir Kozlov vs. Scotty 2 Hotty
Vladimir cut a promo after his entrance with a bunch of English-Russian gibberish. I didn't understand much of it, so the audience's "What?" chants were very justified. There were also a lot of "USA" chants. Kozlov won after performing an argentine backbreaker (similar to Abyss's Shock Treatment).

WWE Women's Championship - Mickie James (c) vs. Victoria
I wasn't around for a good amount of the match, because I was at the slow ass merchandise stand. From what I heard, Mickie was getting a good amount of cheers, and Victoria was getting some mixed reactions. Mickie retained her title after the Mickie DDT.

The Great Khali vs. Eugene
Eugene is a face again apparently. Khali was probably one of the most hated of the entire night. He won after a 2-handed chokeslam in a squash match. Afterwards, it appeared that he pointed at a random fan and said "f*ck you" if my lip reading is good.

Kenny Dykstra vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan
Dykstra had a good amount of heat, and Duggan was as over as he normally is. He started way too many USA chants in this match. Kenny won via pinfall after hitting the Guilotine Leg Drop.

Cryme Tyme vs. WGTT
Cryme Tyme was very over and nice to all the fans. Before the match, JTG playerd Rock Paper Scissors against Justin Roberts while Shad stole his wallet. WGTT was getting more cheers than boos, but still wasn't getting a great reaction compared to others. Cryme Tyme won after Shad gave Benjamin a big boot to the face. A weak finish, but the match had some good spots.

After that, there was a 10 minute intermission. After the intermission, Torrie Wilson came out and had a kiss cam esque thing. The last couple that kissed got to announce the next match.

Randy Orton vs. Carlito
The couple actually only announced the "This match is scheduled for one fall" and nothing else really. They did a pretty poor job with that as well. Anyways, Randy Orton received a lot of boos with some cheers mixed into it. Carlito was quite over, and also interacted with the fans well. Torrie Wilson didn't stay with Carlito for the match. Orton won a good and hard-fought match after hitting the RKO.

MNM vs. The Hardys
MNM got a good mixed reaction from the crowd. The Hardys were very over though. This match also had some great spots. The Hardys won after Mercury took off his facemask and accidently hit Melina with it, which got Matt to hit the twist of fate, tag in Jeff, hit the Swanton to gain the pinfall. A lot of interference from Melina in this match.

WWE Championship match: John Cena vs. Umaga
After Umaga came out, Armando Estrada cut a promo about how Cena screwed Umaga. Cena's pop was so loud that Roberts couldn't even introduce him over the fans. This match was mostly a lot of offense from Umaga, with Cena making many false comebacks. Cena retained via DQ after Armando attacked Cena while he had the STF-U applied. After the match, Umaga tried to splash Cena, but hit Armando. Cena then F-U'd Armando. When Umaga and Armando left, Cena interacted with the fans around the ring.