View Full Version : Former WWE diva strikes back

02-07-2007, 11:36 PM
Former Smackdown diva Amy Zidian, who appeared briefly on Smackdown as Jimmy Wang Yang's valet, left a nasty message on Kristal's web page accusing the diva of getting her fired. She also posted a picture of Kristal and her dog Ginger, and used Matt Striker's face on the dog. (Striker and Kristal have been dating). Zidian wrote, "maybe you should let him off his leash from time to time." She also wrote, "Thanks for running to Stephanie and trying to get me fired. You got the job done you bald skank." On December 13, 2006, Zidian was released by WWE.

source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

02-07-2007, 11:55 PM
Well sounds like some diva's don't get along what a surprise. Half of them don't even belong in wrestling anyway.

Super Klawz
02-07-2007, 11:59 PM
I just still don't believe that Kristal out of all superstars chose Matt Striker :sad:

As for the blonde girl she should just shut up and next time try to know a little bit about the wrestling business, and especially the bosses daughter