View Full Version : Hogan NOT @ WM23 and on Anna Nicole Smith's Death

Dangerous Incorporated
02-09-2007, 12:56 AM
Hogan NOT @WM 23 and on Anna Nicole Smith's Death

Hulk Hogan was on Bubba the Love Sponge this afternoon discussing the death of Anna Nicole Smith. He noted that he hung out with her at the last UFC in Florida, that she was "wobbling" all over and the hotel said she was "incoherent" checking in. Hogan claimed the press was trying to reach him since he and Smith recently posed for pictures together, but he instead called Bubba.

Bubba then said plenty of wrestling sites listen to his show and report on what they say. Bubba noted "the wrestling community is in an uproar:" over Hogan possibly going to TNA. Hulk said he never spoke with Dixie directly but his lawyer might have.

Hogan noted that Bubba gets him into trouble on the air and he received heat regarding the WWE Hall of Fame phone call from Vince McMahon's secretary that went out over the air. Bubba mentioned that was more Hogan's fault.

The subject changed to TNA possibly making a play for Big Show Paul Wight. Hogan said he received heat over the fact that when he was at UFC the crowd constantly chanted "Hogan, Hogan" during the matches.

Hogan also mentioned VH-1 made him an offer to start a promotion. He claimed VH-1 asked for "Hogan Knows Best" to film 20 episodes but he agreed to only 12. VH-1 pitched ideas for three different pilots including a Hogan-run wrestling company. Bubba brought up the fact that if VH-1 would get with both Hogan and TNA, "it would be unstoppable."

Hogan brought up that he felt the biggest angle in wrestling could be Hogan vs. Vince Russo. Hogan said he is not involved in Wrestlemania 23 and began goofing on the fact Bubba hates WWE and Vince would not give him wrestlers as guest. Hulk said "I apparently do not work there anymore".

Note from Mike: Interesting to note that today, WWE's merchandise website put all of their Hulk Hogan merchandise on clearance today.

Source: PWInsider

Well that stright from Hogans mouth but who knows for sure.

02-09-2007, 01:17 AM
wow is all i can say. Hogan would be good for TNA I must admit and that angle with Russo would not hurt but it sounds like a kind of WCW deal repeat.

lol at Bubba saying it was Hogans fault.

02-09-2007, 03:28 AM
i am pretty disappointed in fact that hogan will not be at wrestlemania,i am going to wm 23 in detroit ,i am from the area and have been waiting to have wrestlemania back in my state the last 20 yrs. ,i just figured he would make an appearance

02-09-2007, 05:46 AM
Damn this sucks!

Dangerous Incorporated
02-09-2007, 07:05 AM
20 yrs since the Hogan/Andre match and nothing. I reckon Hogan is probably just stubborn becuase Austin doesnt want to vs Hogan knowing that Hogan wouldnt job to Austin. Anyway without Hogan there just leaves space for someone else to shine that night.

02-09-2007, 08:00 AM
blame hogan i know i do lmao

the madscotsman
02-09-2007, 01:39 PM
Yes,yes,yes. No More Hogan, No More Hogan.

02-09-2007, 02:01 PM
it might be a set up he still will prb.do it but i know if wwe doent have him under contract hell show up in tna

02-09-2007, 02:15 PM
Although it could be that Vince and Hogan have not come to an agreement yet. Vince is notorious for making deals for Wrestlemanias up to the last minute, so I would not be surprised if Hogan got his million dollars to show up in the end.

02-09-2007, 03:29 PM
man i want to be a pro wrestler the big names get like 2,000,000 a yea(triple h does)(taker does to i think)

02-09-2007, 04:27 PM
i think this is an angle. hogan will be at wrestlemania. vince won't let him get away to tna, even if he's useless.

Luthos the dragon
02-09-2007, 05:42 PM
I don't care if Hogan isn't at Wrestlemania 23. He is just another guy who used to be great but isn't anymore. He gets over well with the fans but his matches are boring and predictable. Sorry if people get offended, but I have watched the same matches with Hogan for the last five to ten years. Hence the reason that Shawn Michaels refused to have another match with him. The first and last match was crap. And Hogan had it written in his contract that he got to choose how the match was set up, how it went and whether he won. His hulk up and then leg drop is boring. I would prefer to see Austin or The Rock anyday over Hogan.

02-09-2007, 07:17 PM
^i agree but if u look at a lot of guys from his time he looks better than all of them in other words hes in better shape

Dangerous Incorporated
02-09-2007, 11:19 PM
It was reported yesterday that Hulk Hogan claimed that he supposedly no longer worked for the WWE. To follow-up on that note, Mike Johnson from PWInsider.com reports that Hogan's statement is indeed true. Sources within the company maintain that Hogan is gone, and is not scheduled to work at WrestleMania. This leaves the Great Khali in a hole now as he was expected to work against Hogan at WrestleMania.

Nobody wanted to see Khali @ WM anyway!

02-09-2007, 11:24 PM
I would like to know what happened, something must have happened between Vince and hogan and thanx for the update Dangerous.

Dangerous Incorporated
02-09-2007, 11:33 PM
I would like to know what happened, something must have happened between Vince and hogan and thanx for the update Dangerous.

It would have been Hogan being drunk on that radio show giving away the HOF List. Vince was real pissed at that.

02-10-2007, 12:06 AM
True, Hogan did mention Vince does not like his starts going on these shows.

02-11-2007, 10:28 PM
hogan is still the man