View Full Version : WWE SmackDown! Results - February 9, 2007

02-10-2007, 11:32 AM
*video package feat. Undertaker's path from Rumble*

Undertaker vs. The Miz

The Miz is treated to a beating; old-school from the Deadman. After snake eyes, last ride, tombstone, Taker got the win.

Winner: The Undertaker

After the match, the Phenom chokeslammed the Miz through the announce table.

[Commercial Break]

*Rey Mysterio promo. He returns in two weeks time*

*promo for Kennedy v. Batista*

Duece & Domino w/Cherry v. London & Kendrick w/ Ashley - non title

Kendrick recieves a beating from Domino, followed by Duece. London breaks up a pin, and finally gets tagged in and cleans up with great kicks. Going for the finisher on the top rope, Kendrick goes over the top to block interference and crashes hard. London comes down hard before getting pinned.

Winner: Duece & Domino

[Commercial Break]

Maryse welcomes everyone back to Friday night Smackdown.

In Long's office, King Booker wants Teddy to suspend Kane for what he did last week, but Teddy turns it around and makes the Kane v. Booker match for No Way Out.

Matt Hardy v. Joey Mercury

Hardy was dominant early on in the match with a splash to Mercury on the outside. Mercury fires back mid-match, working on Matt's leg. Hardy attempts a comeback, leading to a series of near falls. He nails the leg drop, but Mercury blocked the Twist of Fate, and rolled Matt up for the pin.

Winner: Mercury.

[Commercial Break]

*Wrestlemania Promo --> 51 days =]*

Kennedy comes out to the ring to say he vows to take Batista's title and WrestleMania spot. He said he pinned Dave at the Rumble but got robbed and it makes him sick. Batista comes out and takes it to Kennedy. =].

[Commercial Break]

Boogeyman v. Finlay

Boogeyman holds back in this one and Finlay beats him up. The Boogey gets a big comeback, but an interference by the Little Bastard leads Finlay to use the shillelagh on his leg and a cover.

Winner: Finlay

*Taker vs. Miz recap*

Daivari v. Gregory Helms

Helms rolled up Daivari for the pin.

Winner: Helms

[Commercial Break]

WrestleMania recall - Pete Rose

Kristal strips for Teddy and Jillian sings badly. Long makes a Diva Talent Contest for all brands at No Way Out!

No Way Out Promo

Mr. Kennedy v. Batista for the title

Dave took a beating with several near falls at the beginning. Kennedy went for a fallaway slam with Batista still on top, but no count. Belt shot by Kennedy. Another near fall. Batista lands Spinebuster, long delay to pin, kick out. After 4 Batista bombs, Dave picks up the win.

Winner: Batista

Taker comes out to stare down Batista.

and that's game, folks!!

source: gerweck.net