View Full Version : ECW Star Pulled Off The Road Due To WWE Wellness Policy Violation

Dangerous Incorporated
02-12-2007, 02:09 AM
ECW Star Pulled Off The Road Due To WWE Wellness Policy Violation

source: f4wonline.com

Apparently, Andrew "Test" Martin has been suspended. Test has been pulled off the road due to the WWE Wellness policy. This is the first WWE Wellness policy violation since September, at least that we know of.

The policy calls for talent to be suspended for 30 days should they fail a drug test. Also, some of the talent have a way of getting around the program. If the person tests positive for steroids or some other substance in violation of the policy, the person can still get around the suspension if the individual's next test shows a decreased usage of whatever substance he or she is using because it shows that he or she is trying to improve him or herself. But if the test shows no marked improvement, the individual will get suspended.

Vince McMahon had recently given up on pushing Test as a top headliner in ECW. That's why he was decisively beaten in all of his encounters with Bobby Lashley.

I think we all knew Test was on roids. What took WWE so long to figure it out.

~Burning Hitman~
02-12-2007, 02:46 AM
^^^^^There intelegance. Now he have to stay with this pieace of garbage Lashely. i wanted Test as Champ for once :(

02-12-2007, 04:04 AM
Now that he's been caught he will go down same road as RVD? :\

02-12-2007, 04:53 AM
Like this is a surprise lol. Well he will probably be back in 30. I also would have to say it took the WWE long enough. DAMN

02-12-2007, 05:05 AM
Its just another case of the WWE looking the other way when its in their best interest, or at least think its in their best interest. It was the same way with RVD. It was a never a secret that he was a pothead, but the WWE looked the other way until the arrest forced them to do something.

King Sir Greatness
02-12-2007, 09:14 AM
Its just another case of the WWE looking the other way when its in their best interest, or at least think its in their best interest. It was the same way with RVD. It was a never a secret that he was a pothead, but the WWE looked the other way until the arrest forced them to do something.

:clap: :thankyou: My sentiments exactly.

02-12-2007, 08:32 PM
Well like RVD, Test should go to TNA he would be better off.

Dangerous Incorporated
02-12-2007, 11:29 PM
More On Test Suspended, Storm On Wellness Policy

source: Wrestling Observer

In an update to yesterday's report, Andrew "Test" Martin has in fact been suspended by World Wrestling Entertainment for violating the WWE Wellness Policy. His suspension will run for 30 days. He's eligible to be on television should WWE need him, but as a general rule, suspensions are really only for house shows. That explains why he hasn't appeared on the most recent weekend house show events. Also, Test won't be paid during his suspension.

Former WWE/ECW star Lance Storm has posted up his latest Q & A on his official website, StormWrestling.com. He addressed a person's question on the WWE Wellness Policy. Storm read it a while ago and he believes that it is actually quite lenient in regards to steroid use. Here is the question and Storm's response to it:

Q: With the current WWE wellness program in place I feel you can see a difference in size of some of the talent. Now there are some big guys still in the company ie Lashley & Batista, but the majority of the talent is not all bulked up. I have work out regulary for about 10 years now and know a bit about steroids and supplements, is it possible for some of these huge guys to maintain that size without help? You also see some talent still growing and you see signs of steroid use if the TV gets a close up you can notice pimples on there backs and some have Gyno. Not sure your take on how the policy is working.

A: I will likely get some heat for this but you need to actually look at the wellness policy. I’ve read the entire policy and its stance on Steroid use is EXTREMELY weak. I won't get into details, but with the levels set for positive tests steroid use will NOT be eliminated. You could fail Olympic level tests and still skate through on a WWE test without punishment.

No surprise WWE has a weak view on roids. But they shouldnt ave to cuz its not a legit sport so why does it matter. It elps some guys heal, but then again it can help guys tear too.

02-13-2007, 03:02 PM
No surprise WWE has a weak view on roids. But they shouldnt ave to cuz its not a legit sport so why does it matter. It elps some guys heal, but then again it can help guys tear too."]No surprise WWE has a weak view on roids. But they shouldnt ave to cuz its not a legit sport so why does it matter. It elps some guys heal, but then again it can help guys tear too.

I would like them do away with the roids cause there are young kids that watch and I know if I had a kid I wouldn't like him or her to find out there fav wrestler was suspended for doing roids cause in there minds they might think it's right to do. But hey who am I to say that a person can't do as they wish. I don't really care what kind of drugs these guys do it's there choice I'm not there mom or dad.

Triple X
02-13-2007, 10:12 PM
anyway test sucks

Rated R Phenom
02-13-2007, 11:57 PM
^^^^^There intelegance. Now he have to stay with this pieace of garbage Lashely. i wanted Test as Champ for once :(

Reading that post....you really should be the last person questioning anyone's intelligence levels. I'll bet there's not a spelling bee ribbon on your moms fridge with your name on it, is there?

Well like RVD, Test should go to TNA he would be better off.

Test will never be well off anywhere. He fucking sucks, no matter what promotion is signing his checks.

02-14-2007, 12:31 AM
Reading that post....you really should be the last person questioning anyone's intelligence levels. I'll bet there's not a spelling bee ribbon on your moms fridge with your name on it, is there?

How is this post in any way productive or related to the topic?

Impact Player
02-14-2007, 05:59 PM
We all know that Batista, Test, Cena (A little), Lahley, and Chris Masters (Was on roids) were on steroids and still are... Wwe just dosen't wanna lose their fan favorites or their business will go down in the dust.

Dangerous Incorporated
02-16-2007, 04:11 AM
So Test didnt past the test. :lmao:

02-19-2007, 08:52 AM
So Test didnt past the test. :lmao:


02-19-2007, 10:35 PM
cant pass the test test