View Full Version : ECW On Sci-Fi Results - February 13, 2007

02-14-2007, 12:24 PM
Credit: PWInsider.com

Show opens with a recap of last week's Hardcore Holly-Bobby Lashley title match, ending with Snitsky's run in.

- ECW's opening video - "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor!"

- Out comes, Bobby Lashley with the ECW title belt around his waist.

(1) Extreme rules match: Bobby Lashley vs. Hardcore Holly. Joey Styles points out that this is Lashley's first extreme rules match. The two get into a jaw-ing match before the match started. The action goes outside, and sees the champion belly to belly suplex on the arena floor. Lashley grabs a table from under the ring. Lashley slams Holly on the mat. Holly clotheslines the champion, and takes down the table and slides it under the ring. Fans chant "you suck" at the challenger. Fans then chant "we want tables." The two fight and land over the fan guard rail. [commercial break] During the break, Holly dropped Lashley across a chair in the ring. He follows it with the same move as we return to live action. Holly kicks a chair into Lashley's face. Holly sets up a chair between the second and top ropes, but Lashley recoves and slams the challenger into the chair. Delayed vertical suplex by the champion, as the fans cheered for him. Lashley goes back to the same table from under the ring that Holly didn't want any part of, and sets it up again. Holly baseball slides into the champion. Lashley countered the Alabama Slam and hits his powerbomb to win the match at 13:09.

Tonight: Sabu and RVD vs. Elijah Burke and Matt Striker
Next: Dreamer and Sandman vs. Cor Von and Thorn

* Snitsky vignette
* Time filler, er, Extreme Expose time with Kelly Kelly, Brooke and Layla. Thorn's music interrupts the dancing, if you want to call it that.

(2) Kevin Thorn (with Ariel) and Marcus Cor Von vs. Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman. Sandman and Dreamer came through the crowd together, both drinking beer. Thorn pinned Sandman at 3:13 when Thorn used his walking stick on Sandman as the referee was distracted.

* CM Punk vignette

* Backstage, Teddy Long praises Bobby Lashley. Long invites Lashley to Friday Night Smackdown since he is guest on ECW tonight. Lashley agrees.

(3) CM Punk vs. Mike Knox. Darn, Knox is still around. Dratz. Fans chanted "CM Punk" when the match started. Punk bulldogs Knox. Punk wins a three minute match via the Anaconda Vice submission. After the match, Snitsky attacks Punk, leaving him laying in the ring. He simply looks too much like Kane.

* The Seattle Sonics are spotted in the audience
* Part II of the Bobby Lashley history segment

(4) Rob Vam Dam and Sabu vs. Elijah Burke and Matt Striker. As you would expect, fans cheer "RVD." During the contest, Sabu starting to bleed from his mouth. Rolling thunder on Burke. RVD sailed over the top rope onto Striker. Sabu appeared to losing footing on the ropes, allowing Burke to pin him at 6:59. After the match, the new breed of Cor Von, Thorn and Ariel came out to join the successful Striker and Burke.