View Full Version : Notes From The Ultimate Warrior's Lecture At DePaul

04-05-2006, 11:13 PM
Hey Dan,

I got back the Warrior speech earlier today. As you reported, the Warrior was asked to give a speech in Chicago on his anti-diversity position to DePaul (which is one of the more liberal colleges in the midwest feautring a Top-20 ranking in diverse student body and higher gay population than most other colleges in the midwest). Needless to say, you can expect the student body reception he received... since essentially it was the same speech he gave at UConn (which can be seen on YouTube.com), I'll just give some random bits

-The Warrior stated he had no idea WrestleMania was taking place in Chicago until just recently, but also stated "all of the rumor places" were predicting him to make appearances

-Warrior also stated he would not be able to morally work in the WWE today due to the high sexual content

-At one point an elderly man stood up and and started frantically screaming at him to to stop using the "bigot word" of "queer" and was escorted out. Warrior screamed back in defense of his use of the word.

-After a student made a sarcastic remark on a video clip featuring Warrior bodyslam Andre, Warrior replied "Go masturbate to it on your own time". The Vice President of the University stepped in to sternly demand he be respectful. Although Warrior initially defended that he wasn't saying anything that wasn't already on TV, he quickly backtracked after realizing the seriousness.

Overall it was a terrible speech. He read off of his podium only to occasionally look up, avoided most questions with tangents, answered questions WITH questions when stumped by students, and quickly became dark red in the face from bursting with anger (which ironically, came after his statement "queers can't keep their emotions under control"). Due to his perceived complete lack of respect for the DePaul student body, staff, and values, there is high chatter on campus with petitions against the Warrior and to have the organization that brought him disbanded (Conservative Alliance group).