View Full Version : ECW Results - 20th Feb 2007

02-24-2007, 02:42 PM
ECW Results - 20th Feb 2007

We start off tonight’s show with a graphic for Mike Awesome that reads ‘In Memory of Mike Alfonso “Mike Awesome” 1965-2007’.

We see footage from the ECW Title match at No Way Out when Bobby Lashley used the chair that Ken Kennedy brought into the ring to get disqualified. We then see Lashley hit Kennedy numerous times after the match with the chair.

We are live from San Diego, California and your announcers are Tazz and Joey ‘Are the Chargers being run by WWE creative’ Styles.

The ‘New Breed’ of ECW (Elijah Burke, Matt Striker, Marcus Cor Von, and Kevin Thorn [with Ariel]) comes to the ring. Elijah gets on the mic and he says that last week was not an act of divine intervention that defeated the ECW ‘originals’. It was pure brutality, pure skills, and pure brilliance. Burke says that the ECW ‘originals’ were beaten by the ‘New Breed’. Striker gets on the mic and he says that tonight they will teach the ‘originals’ a lesson. Any one of them can defeat any one of the ‘originals’. Striker says that they choose Kevin Thorn tonight to face the ‘originals’.

The ECW ‘originals’ (Sabu, Rob Van Dam, Tommy Dreamer, and Sandman) come to the ring. Sandman says that he wants Thorn, but they agree that it will be Rob Van Dam to face Thorn.

Match Number One: Kevin Thorn (with Ariel) versus Rob Van Dam
Thorn with a knee to Van Dam when Van Dam tries to get the crowd to chant ‘with the thumbs’ and then Thorn connects with a series of forearms. Thorn with an Irish whip but Thorn charges into an elbow. Van Dam with a body scissors rollup for a two count. Van Dam tries for a spin kick, but Thorn gets out of the way. Van Dam tries to get the fans to ‘chant with the thumbs’ again and Rob is interrupted by a boot from Thorn and forearms. Thorn with a back elbow and we see the ‘New Breed’ celebrating. Thorn with punches in the corner and Van Dam tries to fight back. Van Dam flips out of a back body drop attempt and then he hits a kick to Thorn’s head and then he clotheslines Thorn over the top rope to the floor. Van Dam finally gets the crowd to ‘chant with the thumbs’ before he hits a plancha onto Thorn. Van Dam rolls Thorn back into the ring and he surveys the immediate area around him since he is standing in front of the ‘New Breed’. While the referee is checking on Thorn, the ‘New Breed’ attacks Van Dam. The ‘originals’ come over and it is pandemonium at ringside as all eight men battle with Ariel watching from the announce table. The referees come out to try to restore order and we go to commercial.

We are back and the match has resumed with Thorn rolling Van Dam back into the ring for a two count. We are informed that everyone not involved in the match who was at ringside has been sent to the back, except for Ariel. We see footage of Ariel crotching Van Dam on the top turnbuckle during the commercial break when the referee was not looking and then we see Thorn hit the Dark Kiss (hangman’s stunner) with Van Dam rolling to the floor. We return to live action and Van Dam hits a spinning leg lariat. Thorn punches Van Dam, but Van Dam punches back and knocks Thorn down. Van Dam with a couple of lariats followed by a super kick. Thorn holds on to the ropes, but when he charges at Van Dam, Van Dam hits a spin kick. Van Dam hits Rolling Thunder for a two count. Van Dam with another kick to Thorn’s head and then Van Dam goes up top for a side kick. Van Dam goes up top for a cross body and gets a two count. Thorn hits a Samoan drop but he can only get a two count. Thorn gets Van Dam up for an Outsider’s Edge, but Van Dam counters with a sunset flip for a two count. Van Dam with the step over heel kick and then Van Dam goes up top and he hits the five star frog splash for the three count.
Winner: Rob Van Dam

We see a video package for Gene Snitsky as we go to commercial.

We are back and Tazz and Styles talk about the countdown to Wrestlemania. They also talk about the Money in the Bank match. Tazz says that it allows someone to choose their chance to wrestle for the title. Styles mentions how both men to win the Money in the Bank match have capitalized on their opportunity and won the title. He also mentions that Edge has already qualified, with some help from Randy Orton.

Match Number Two: CM Punk versus Johnny Nitro (with Melina) in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match
Punk with a rollup for a two count on the initial collar and elbow tie up. Punk with a side head lock take down but Nitro reverses into a front face lock. Punk reverses with a hammer lock. Nitro with an elbow to get out of the hold and he puts Punk in a side head lock. Punk hits a jumping leg lariat for a near fall. Punk with a series of kicks to Nitro but Nitro with an Irish whip and a springboard roundhouse kick and Melina shrieks her approval while Nitro gets a two count. Nitro with a crossface to Punk for a near fall. Punk counters a hip toss with a rollup for a two count. Nitro with a neck breaker followed by a side Russian leg sweep followed by a leg drop for a two count. Nitro punches Punk and gets a two count. Nitro with a neck vice into a near fall. Punk punches out of the hold and then he hits a series of slaps, but Nitro moves to avoid a kick, allowing Nitro to punch and Irish whip Punk. Punk with a forearm and clothesline followed by a back elbow and kick to the side of the head. Punk with an Irish whip and running knee into the corner followed by a bulldog. Punk with a back kick into a butterfly back breaker for a two count. Punk goes to the apron and Melina hits Punk in the leg to distract him. Nitro tries to punch Punk, but Punk blocks it. Nitro with a knee to Punk and then he gets Punk in the ropes with a European uppercut to the back of Punk’s neck followed by a spinning kick for a two count. Nitro stomps on Punk and then Nitro goes up top for a corkscrew splash, but Punk moves out of the way. Punk gets Nitro on his shoulders in a fireman’s carry and then he hits a knee to Nitro’s head from a standing position for the three count.
Winner: CM Punk

Rebecca DiPietro is in the interview area with Ken Kennedy. Ken asks if he is in Bizarro Land. He says that he is the man who beat Bobby Lashley at No Way Out and the man who has beaten seven world champions, but tonight he is in a match with Bobby Lashley AND Bob Holly. Kennedy says that he wants to know how that is fair to him. Bob Holly enters the interview area and he gets in Kennedy’s face. Holly says that life is not fair. He also says that this is ECW and ECW is Hardcore Holly’s world. He says that he will be damned if Ken Kennedy is going to walk out of here as the ECW champion. We go to commercial.

We are back with a look back at No Way Out.

We hear comments from La Résistance that were pre-recorded. Sylvan Grenier points out that La Résistance has come to ECW and they are the best tag team and the most decorated tag team of the new millennium. Rene Dupree says that starting tonight; they are going to prove to the world that no one can defeat La Résistance.

Match Number Three: La Résistance versus Los Luchas (Victor Kabil and Will Flores)
Grenier and Dupree work over Los Luchas and Grenier with a spinebuster on Flores while Dupree throws Victor over the top rope to the floor. Grenier gets Flores up for a belly-to-back suplex and Dupree adds a neck breaker to the mix for the three count.
Winners: La Résistance

After the match, Gene Snitsky runs to the ring and he attacks Los Luchas after running past Grenier and Dupree. Styles questions Snitsky’s mental state after the attack.

We go to the latest video package on Bobby Lashley and we go to commercial.

We are back with Extreme Expose.

Joey Styles talks about the Hall of Fame induction ceremony and how Dusty Rhodes was the first inductee for this year. We see that Curt Hennig is the next inductee.

We see footage from Sunday’s match between Ken Kennedy and Bobby Lashley at No Way Out.

Match Number Four: Bob Holly versus Ken Kennedy versus Bobby Lashley for the ECW Title in a Triple Threat Match
Before Bobby Lashley comes to the ring, Ken Kennedy and Bob Holly get face to face and have some words. Kennedy wants a piece of Lashley before he gets in the ring. Kennedy goes after Lashley, but Lashley side steps him and Lashley with a spear to Holly. Lashley punches Holly but Kennedy punches and kicks Lashley. Kennedy with forearms as they back into the corner. Kennedy with knees to Lashley and Holly joins in the action. Kennedy pushes Holly out of the way and hits a running clothesline into the corner. Holly pulls Kennedy out of the way and he hits a clothesline of his own in the corner. Kennedy charges at Lashley, but Lashley hits a clothesline on Kennedy followed by one on Holly. Lashley with a double thrust to Kennedy followed by a back elbow to Holly. Lashley puts Kennedy in the corner and hits shoulders on Kennedy. Kennedy with a rake of the eyes and then Holly sends Lashley shoulder first into the ring post. Kennedy with a belly-to-back suplex on Holly for a two count. Kennedy punches Lashley and rakes the eyes and then he chokes Lashley in the corner. Kennedy with a running boot to the face, but Holly with a full nelson into a uranage for a two count. Lashley with a kick to Holly followed by punches in the corner. Lashley with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex followed by a clothesline. Lashley lifts Holly up and throws him to the ground. Kennedy pulls Lashley out of the ring and he punches the champion. Kennedy with a rake of the eyes. Kennedy tries to Irish whip Lashley into the ring steps, but Lashley reverses it and Kennedy goes shoulder first into the steps. Holly with a baseball slide that sends Lashley to the ground. Holly brings Lashley back into the ring and he stomps on Lashley and then puts him in a reverse chin lock. Lashley gets Holly on his back and Kennedy charges at both men, but Lashley punches Kennedy and then backs Holly into the corner. Lashley with running clotheslines in the corner to Holly and Lashley followed by a back body drop to Kennedy and then he presses Holly over his head and throws him onto Kennedy. Lashley gets Holly up for a suplex and then he punches Kennedy and hits another suplex on Kennedy. Lashley clotheslines Kennedy over the top rope to the floor. Holly with a hot shot to Lashley and Holly goes out to get a steel chair but Lashley grabs it. Holly kicks the chair into Lashley’s head and then he sets for the Alabama Slam and hits it but he can only get a two count after Kennedy pulls the referee out of the ring. Holly brings Kennedy back into the ring with a hip toss. Kennedy with a low blow to Holly and then Kennedy grabs the chair. Kennedy hits Holly with the chair when Lashley moves out of the way. Lashley with a running power slam for the three count on Kennedy.
Winner: Bobby Lashley

After the match, Lashley celebrates in the ring and we go to credits.