View Full Version : Paul Bearer Interview: Talks about managing Undertaker and alot more

02-24-2007, 03:00 PM
On February 20th, Wrestling Weekly hosts Doc Young and Les Thatcher were joined by Percy Pringle III, better known as Paul Bearer.

Doc and Les were joined by this week’s featured guest, Percy Pringle III. Les jokes that Percy fathered two of WWE’s biggest stars, The Undertaker and Kane. Pringle responds by saying he only fathered Kane. Percy Pringle talks about meeting up with his former co-workers down south, who he refers to as ’his family’, at a recent WWE taping. Pringle mentions he first signed his WWE deal in December 1990. He goes onto discuss how WWE were looking for a manager for The Undertaker and Percy points out he was a real mortician. Pringle talks about he was asked to come out as Paul Bearer for Undertaker and Kane for the main event. Percy goes onto explain that once he got out there it was fun. Percy says that even though you might not have regular contact when wrestlers meet up again it ‘feels like yesterday’. Pringle highlights he doesn’t watch WWE much today, but tries to keep up and has a lot of good friends in the company. Les asks about Taker’s undefeated streak at ‘WrestleMania’. Percy mentions his and The Undertaker’s first ‘WrestleMania’ was VII in Los Angeles. Business wise, Pringle expects Taker’s streak to continue. Les mentions about a seminar and a reunion show. Percy Pringle states that he’s been taking popular country songs, changing the words to relate them to pro-wrestling. Percy goes onto highlight his song was about new school wrestling killing old school wrestling, the original song related to newer country music replacing the old and is titled ‘Murder on Music Row‘.

Percy mentioned that Vince McMahon told Pringle he sang a song about him, which was titled ’Murder on McMahon Row’ and asked him to sing it too him. Percy Pringle did and Vince ’loved it’. Percy then talks about the reunion and highlights he doesn’t know if he’ll sing this year. Pringle points out that The Undertaker likes Country Music and was a big Motley Crew fan. First question from the chat room asks about World Class Championship Wrestling (WCCW). Percy Pringle thinks that the passing of the Von Erich’s is the main reason why WCCW ended. He highlights when him and Eric Embry took the World Class banner from the wall of the Sportatorium he had tears in his eyes. Les points out that WCCW had a great run and Pringle highlights that it was fabulous and was a great territory to work in. Percy goes onto state that when himself and the late Rick Rude first worked there, where they came in from Florida in 1985, the place was hot with big crowds. Pringle points out that the Von Erich’s were Texas. Professor VNS asks who came up with Percy’s catchphrase. Percy Pringle mentions it just happened. Another question from chat room is how long will it be until Taker is in the Hall of Fame. Percy doesn’t know, but expects Undertaker to be inducted when he retires. He would love to be inducted into the Hall of Fame with Taker at the same time. RhodeIslandRed asks Percy what he misses most and least from when he was in the WWE. Pringle replies saying he misses the overseas travel most as he really enjoyed it and misses the schedule the least.

Professor VNS asks Percy about working with Bo Bradley (Balls Mahoney) in Smoky Mountain Wrestling. Pringle remembers him and states that Mahoney was a really nice guy and is unique. Percy Pringle is asked his opinion on Taker’s gimmick change to the ‘American Bad Ass’ in 2000. Pringle mentioned he hated it but states in hindsight it did add to the longevity of The Undertaker’s career. Doc asks Percy if he’s seen his action figure. Pringle has seen it and tells a story that he was in Toys R Us with his grand daughter and she said ‘Grandpa’ when she saw the action figure. Doc asks about the WWE videogames and Percy responds he didn’t really play those. Pringle is then asked about Kane’s change of character, when he unmasked. Percy replies he didn’t like that at all but was ‘glad he was so wrong‘ about it. Percy Pringle highlights that Glen Jacobs is one of the nicest guys in the business and is a tremendous athlete. Pringle notes that him and The Undertaker talked about the brothers gimmick before they found Kane to play Taker’s brother. Les talks about Kane’s selling and expressions whilst wearing a mask, which he states Kane did brilliantly. Percy then discusses the Kane character and that as long as Taker & Kane want to be a part of WWE, they have a place in the company as they both have a great business relationship with Vince McMahon.

Les highlights that The Undertaker evolved and continually improved throughout his career. Percy notes that he managed Taker in his first professional match in the Dallas Sportatorium against the late Bruiser Brody. Doc asks Pringle his thoughts on the Undertaker vs. Undertaker angle. Percy responds it ‘was there and were glad when it was over‘. Pringle then tells a story about having to carry around a 60lb Urn to house shows. Percy states it was fun working with Ted Dibiase and Brian Lee was Mark’s best friend. Percy Pringle is asked by the chat room what it was like managing Lex Luger and the Dingo Warrior (Warrior) in the Florida territory. Pringle responds saying ‘oh my god’ and doesn’t have any contact with them now, but states there isn‘t any heat between them. Percy states he was Luger’s manager in his first match in Daytona Beach, Florida which was against Coco Samoa. Pringle goes onto talk about Lex and Warrior, who Taker worked with in the WWE. He highlights that Mark (Taker) had a hard time working with the Ultimate Warrior. DeCapo asks if the Percy Pringle gimmick was borrowed from Bobby Heenan. Pringle highlights it wasn’t just borrowed, it was outright stolen. He talks about seeing Bobby in his wrestling magazines and copying his look. He first met Bobby Heenan when he managed Nick Bockwinkel. Percy states that Bobby is a dear friend of his and notes he told Bobby Heenan how important he was to his career. Last question is from 'Wildcat Woman' who asks about for Pringle to tell a road story. Percy Pringle then tells the story about travelling with Michael Hayes. Les talks about the reunion show and the seminar, which is next Thursday, with Pringle. Percy says he couldn’t get Les Thatcher out of the ring last time as the younger wrestlers were asking him questions. Percy Pringle says he has never had a conversation with Les were he hasn’t learned something and highlights he will most likely learn something when he see’s Les next Thursday night for the seminar.

For more on Percy Pringle III, visit his official website at www.percypringle.com (http://www.percypringle.com/).

The Major
02-24-2007, 08:10 PM
awesome read, thanks

02-24-2007, 10:49 PM
paul bearer owns