View Full Version : What You Didn’t See On RAW Last Night

02-28-2007, 06:17 AM
02/27/2007 by Ryan Gray

Alex Robles sent the following off air report to PWInsider from last nights RAW in Fresno, CA:

Dark Match/Sunday Night Heat:

Hacksaw Jim Dugan vs. Bradley

Everyone was cheering for Hacksaw and booing when Bradley got any offense in. It was a good match. Hacksaw got the win by a roll up.

Eugene vs. Tim Jones

Eugene got a big pop when he came out and during the match as well. Eugene hit the big boot and was about hit the leg drop when Tim Jones got up. Eugene instead won via a Stone Cold Stunner.

The Highlander vs. ???

I didn’t catch the names of the tag team. Highlanders won. That’s all I remember from the match.

Val Venis vs. Charley Haas

Val received a nice pop when he came out. The match started slow, with Haas working over Val’s leg/knee, which received frequent "Boring" chants. Val won with a Money Shot yet no one seem to care.

Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch vs. Cryme Tyme

I was surprised that everyone was really into Cryme Tyme. Cade and Murdoch got in the early offense before Crime Time made their comeback and won the match.

Notes from Raw:

John Cena and HBK got the biggest reaction from the fans, by far. Edge and Orton got the biggest heel reaction.

During the Money in the Bank match, when Benjamin slipped from the ropes, the referee turned to the time keeper location yelled out something. Moments later the match was over. Benjamin stayed in the ring throughout the Vince McMahon segment, holding his head/neck while the referee was checking on him. Benjamin walked to the back with the help of the referee.

During the Carlito vs. Kenny Dykstra match, I didn’t see anyone cheering or clapping and throughout the match my friend and I were talking about how the cheering on this match sounded as if it was piped in. There were a handful of people cheering for Carlito but not many.

During the Bobby Lashley/Umaga segment, the crowd didn’t really get into it until Umaga was knocked out of the ring. That’s when everyone got behind Lashley. The segment seemed to have lasted a long time yet was very entertaining

The Masterlock Challenge wasn’t introduced, Masters just came out and set the chair in the ring. Later, Khali came out. Khali actually got a babyface pop when he came out and when Masters was unable to apply the Masterlock.

After the tag team match, Cena and HBK posed for the audience holding up their title belts and that was it. There were no more matches after Raw went off the air.