View Full Version : Former WWE wrestler Rosey talks about life after WWE

03-03-2007, 12:58 AM
n February 27th, Wrestling Weekly hosts Doc Young and guest co-host Bryan Alvarez were joined by former WWE Superstar and World Tag Team Champion, Rosey. Wrestling Weekly airs every Tuesday at 8pm Eastern

Doc begins the inetrview by discussing the show which he booked and which Ro'Z appeared on. Doc and Ro'Z then go onto to talk about promoting shows. Guest co-host Bryan Alvarez asks if Ro'Z was a big fan of All Japan growing up and Ro'Z responds by saying he was and had family members who wrestled for them like his cousin-in-law Gary Albright. Ro'Z points out that he has family all over the world and says they are possibly the biggest active family in the wrestling business today. Doc asks about the Mack Daddy Kane gimmick in ECW and the origin of the name.

Ro'Z says that he didn't really have a name back then, he was using Matty Smalls, which came about through meeting rapper Biggie Smalls and mentions that Biggie was a cool cat and gives big up's to the late Christopher Wallace (Notorious BIG/Biggie Smalls), mentioning he was down-to-earth. He goes on to state that his cousin added the Kane part to his name, which was from the rapper Big Daddy Kane and the variations of the name he used. Ro'Z highlights if he heard Kane, Matty or Smalls, he knew they were talking to him. Doc asks Ro'Z if he likes rap music and Ro'Z points out he likes all kinds of music. Ro'Z says he has lived all over as his Dad was a pro-wrestler. Doc asks what was his favorite area to live in is, Ro'Z states it was Pensacola, Florida.

Bryan Alvarez asks Ro'Z if knew from day one that he knew that was going to be a wrestler, since his father and family were in the wrestling business. Ro'Z states that he didn't and his goal was to be an NFL player. Ro'Z goes onto to talk about Yokozuna, Samu, Rikishi and their training. He tells a story about him and Randy Orton, who is also from a wrestling background, whether or not other wrestlers looked down on them due to not knowing as much history, as what he was concerned with was his families careers. Ro'Z highlights that he loves wrestling but when you grow up in the business you don't pay much attention like the fans do.

He points out wrestlers who did grow up fans and states that Bubba (Brother Ray in TNA) knows the dates and Tommy Dreamer is in his words, 'a wrestling historian'. Bryan asks if there was anything which sidetracked him from football and want to get into the business. Ro'Z points out that this was when he didn't make the NFL. When he got home from the University of Hawaii he began working but wanted to stay athletic, so decided to get into wrestling.

Ro'Z states he then got into the ring with his Dad who trained him. Doc asks if his father would have preferred if he were in the NFL or Pro-Wrestling. Ro'Z notes that his Dad wanted him to do what he would love and be happy doing. RoZ tells a story about that once his father knew he was serious about wrestling he wanted to get him in the business.

Bryan asks if that he would have a similar outlook to his Dad about the wrestling business regarding his family. Ro'Z says he wants his children to get an education first as wrestlers can have a short shelf life. He talks about getting questions on his Myspace asking about getting into wrestling and Ro'Z highlights to have something to fall back on. Doc highlights that success in wrestling is often to do with luck and being in the right place at the right time.

Ro'Z states he has seen a lot of talented wrestlers whilst working the independents and the business has changed since he grew up when there was territories. Bryan says that Ro'Z has the Champion Carnival tournament coming up and who he'd like to face. Ro'Z says that he worked with all the talent in All Japan so far and would like to wrestle Kawada and Kojima. He says wrestling Kawada was good and the match was alright. His partner got knocked out by one of Kawada's kicks. Bryan says that New Japan has a dojo, and if there's a similar dojo for All Japan Pro-Wrestling. Ro'Z points out that AJPW has and that there will be a batch of good young wrestlers coming up from All Japan. A question from the chat room asks if Ro'Z still keeps in contact with Jamal, who now wrestles as Umaga. Ro'Z says that he keeps in contact with his cousin weekly, doesn't cringe where he hears 3 Minute Warning and is ecstatic for Umaga's success.

Listener RhodeIslandRed asks what he and Gregory Helms thought about splitting up the Superheroes tag team. Ro'Z replies that it happens, it's the entertainment business and him and Helms made a good tag team. He would have liked to have seen the team more darker and up-to-date as it seemed like it was more suited to the 1980's. Ro'Z states that he hasn't got much chance to watch Gregory Helms matches, but has seen a few and highlights that Helm's has done a pretty good job.

Listener Professor VNS says would Ro'Z consider transforming himself to have a gimmick like his cousin Umaga. Ro'Z said he's spent half of his career working as a 'wild savage' in Puerto Rico and around the country before. Another question is what is Ro'Zs favorite 3 Minute Run-in was and he notes it was when they kicked the HLA girls butts. He goes onto say that his favorite was the midget Goldust which he states was pretty fun too. Ro'Z is then asked if he would consider a return to WWE. He notes he would consider it as he loves WWE and it's a great company to work for. He then reveals the truth behind the rumors that he's being courted by WWE again.

The chat room asks if he would take on Bryan Alvarez and Ro'Z says sure. Bryan says he will be Indiana on the 17th of March, but Ro'Z highlights he'll be in Oregon. Bryan asks where Ro'Z will be working and he states he will be working for BAW Championship Wrestling over two nights then. Ro'Z says who is at the show, and the names include his cousin Rikishi, D'lo Brown and Grandmaster Sexay. For more, Ro'Z states go to www.bawchampionshipwrestling.com Bryan Alvarez asks how WWE came up with the Rosey name. Ro'Z says he doesn't know and that it was based on Rosey Greer, the football player. Ro'Z highlights he didn't know what he'd be called until the second time they were in the ring with Eric Bischoff. He says that Jamal took his name first and therefore he was Rosey. But he mentions the Rosey (Ro'Z) name has now stuck and he likes it. He points out again that WWE was the best company in the world to work for.

Ro'Z is asked if he's bothered about the stereotyped Samoan gimmicks from WWE. He states that it doesn't bother him because his Dad and Uncle are legends in the business and the gimmick seems to fit. He was a little hesitant and worried at first about the Umaga gimmick but says his cousin is doing a great job with it.

Listener DiCapo asks Ro'Z to tell a funny story about Les Thatcher. He tells a funny story about himself, his cousin (Umaga) and Les training at HWA. Doc thanks Ro'Z for being a guest and wishes him luck and continued success.


03-03-2007, 01:12 AM
3 minute warning should return