View Full Version : Major backstage heat on Batista from the Smackdown locker room

03-03-2007, 08:02 AM
There is a lot of negativity towards Batista right now from the Smackdown crew. There is tremendous resentment of him from many in the locker room, some of which he had from day one due to negative things he said about Smackdown while he was on the Raw roster.

Some feel that Batista was a guy hand-picked for stardom by Jim Cornette and Vince McMahon based off his physique alone, who doesn’t have passion for wrestling that the Benoit and Mysterio types have. Most within the company attribute his popularity with fans to the rub he got from HHH and Ric Flair. The feeling backstage is that they are lucky crowds haven’t completely turned on him already.

Kurt Angle made himself the first to publicly bash Batista when in a recent interview with Live Audio Wrestling he said that Batista is simply “horrible.”

Credit - Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Well who couldn't see this coming,Batista is horrible atm and no where near as good as when he first started he was good then IMO

03-03-2007, 12:00 PM
basistia needs to be a heel and i think he has passion imo

03-03-2007, 12:08 PM
I would like to see him as a heel again, he is over with the crowd for what ever reason and that is all thats important. The backstage crowd are very fickle and seem to go through moods.

03-03-2007, 12:21 PM
lol i wold to if i was wrestling 335 days a year and only 30 u ither arent wrestling or u had a minor injury

03-03-2007, 12:42 PM
I would have to say that Batista would be good as heel and I would like to see the change. I also see a hint of jealousy from some of the people in the back. Maybe if they stopped complaining and did something about it maybe they would be champ. I got nothing wrong with Batista being champ. I like him and have ever since he joined Evolution.

03-03-2007, 12:59 PM
i hope taker beats him tho b4 he retires so he can hold another title

Big Evil
03-03-2007, 04:58 PM
Batista was very good working as a heel in OVW. Granted his appearance was a bit startling at first, but the important thing is that he pulled it off very well and I would like to see the change anyways.

03-03-2007, 05:32 PM
This isn't unbeliveable really, lets think about this logically shall we
First off there have already been reports that Batista is a prick, and he even got into a fight with a veteran backstage.. in which he apperently got his ass kicked.

Honestly he isn't that bad in the ring normally, but I will admit ever since he came back from injury, he's been slower and more sluggish. But if anyone can pull a good match out of him in the (should be) last match at wrestlemania, it's the Undertaker. I just have a feeling they can work really well togeather.

The only thing I personally disagree with is the hand picked for stardom thing. He wrestled with a back injury I belive it was for months upon months..this passion. Also, Orton was the one hand picked for stardom, but he was being a prick and was used very wrongly, so they gave Batista the push, wich he pulled off very well.

03-04-2007, 02:06 AM
i say send him back to raw so he will actually have passion for waht he does and being turned heel would help too

03-04-2007, 07:59 AM
He does seem rather bored on Smackdown!, but until recently there was nothing to Smackdown!. Now while the wrestling has gotten better, most of the talent is mid level (United States Champ). RAW has a much bigger main event roster and Batista has already shown that he can work well with most of those superstars. If Taker is to beat him at Mania, then he needs to go to RAW. I don't think it matters if he is heel or face. He seems to have the IT factor and can pull off any persona in the ring.

The Lost Soul 13
03-04-2007, 11:31 PM
I agree and disagree platinum. I think he really does have a lot of charisma down deep which is really helpful. I just think he takes a step back because guys like The Undertaker and Chris Jericho can take bad situations and work them with their charisma, Batista seems unable under adverse situation.

Grimsbys most hated
03-05-2007, 10:42 AM
make all the championship matches- loser-leaves-the-brand. Have Taker and HBK Switch Brands. Perfict.
as For Batista still on Smackdown. Well, maybe once he becomes heel after feuding with HBK, Then Maybe move him across.

03-05-2007, 12:31 PM
I would like to see Batista as a heel

03-05-2007, 11:37 PM
make all the championship matches- loser-leaves-the-brand. Have Taker and HBK Switch Brands. Perfict.
as For Batista still on Smackdown. Well, maybe once he becomes heel after feuding with HBK, Then Maybe move him across.

I don't think that would work to well. IMO I don't think HBK will be working on SmackDown any time soon.

03-07-2007, 05:35 AM
WWE will probably make Batista the heel going into 'Mania, kind of like what they're doing with HBK on RAW. I like Batista, but I have a lot of doubts about him, and he's not doing himself many favors by not showing enough passion, and being criticized by these same, stupid things over and over again.