View Full Version : Junkyard Dog and WWE mentioned on various TV programs.

03-04-2007, 03:41 AM
On the Big South NCAA Finals on ESPN today the broadcasters started talking about one of the players being the JYD (Junk Yard Dog), then he went on to say he got the name from the wrestler who beat the Macho Man at Wrestling Challenge, Then he showed a WWE Legends figure of JYD setting over the players locker. They went on talking about the JYD's real name and what his first intro music was "another one bites the dust."

WWE was also mentioned on Mad Money on CNBC. A caller asked Jim Cramer what he thought about the WWE stock and this is what he said. "I've liked it. The stock has done absolutely nothing, but you do get that 6% yield while you wait for something to happen, particularly overseas." After what the stock markets taking a dive like they did yesterday, this might not be a bad stock to have. The stock was down $0.12 and finished at $15.90.

03-05-2007, 03:50 AM
wrestling is getting more famous every week