View Full Version : Bret Hart's Mania Weekend, Vince McMahon, Wrestlers Attend ROH Show

04-10-2006, 05:34 AM
04/09/2006 -
During Wrestlemania weekend, Bret Hart was the only major player to not stay at the Westin Hotel, the hotel where all WWE talent and employees were staying in. He came into town a few days early, however, he stayed secluded for the most part from everyone until he was picked up to go to the Hall of Fame ceremony. After the ceremony, Hart hung out at the bar at the Westin hotel to talk with people he's known from the past. Some people were trying to persuade him to attend Wrestlemania, however, he was not interested. He hung out at the bar for about half an hour, and then he left.

Vince McMahon was in a great mood at the annual after-show Wrestlemania party. He was proud of his match with Shawn Michaels. Also, he thinks the show went very well.

Paul London, Jamie Noble and Rene Dupree attended the 3/30 ROH show in Chicago.