View Full Version : ECW Results-6th March 2007

03-07-2007, 09:36 AM
ECW starts with Mr. McMahon strutting down to the ring. McMahon talks about Stone Cold being named the special referee and the contract signing with Donald Trump next Monday. McMahon talks about giving Trump a billionaire bitch slap, similar to the one he gave Bobby Lashley on Smackdown last week. McMahon shows the clip 16 times before moving on. McMahon claims that Lashley was waiting for him outside of his office. McMahon says Lashley had tears in his eyes and wanted to apologize. McMahon told him that he would not accept his apology unless he made it in front of the public. Lashley comes down to the ring. Lashley says that he wants to apologize to the fans in attendance, the fans world wide, and especially to McMahon. McMahon and Lashley shake hands, but Lashley does not let go. Lashley says that he wants to apologize for last week when McMahon slapped him and not beating the hell out of him. He is squeezing McMahon’s hand tighter and McMahon is selling it. Lashley tells him that if he ever lays a hand on him again, he will break McMahon in half.

Balls Mahoney vs Hardcore Holly

Holly takes an early advantage on Mahoney. Holly beats on Mahoney for awhile before a clothesline takedown for 2. Holly works of Mahoney in the corner. Mahoney hits his punching combination. Mahoney goes to the top and misses a leg drop. Holly hits the Alabama slam to pick up the quick victory. Snitsky comes out of nowhere and hits Holly with the big boot.

Winner: Hardcore Holly

Rebecca is backstage with CM Punk. Punk talks about the money in the bank ladder match at Wrestlemania. Punk tells her that he is going to Smackdown to take on Mr. Kennedy. Elijah Burke interrupts Punk. Burke extends an offer to Punk to join the New Breed. Rob Van Dam walks in. RVD claims the Burke can’t spell ECW, but will learn all about Extreme Championship Wrestling next. Burke tells Punk to think over the offer.

Rob Van Dam vs Elijah Burke

Rob Van Dam is accompanied by Sabu, Sandman, and Tommy Dreamer. Burke is followed by Matt Striker, Marcus Cor Von, Kevin Thorn, and Ariel. The two men exchange arm drags before a typical Rob Van Dam chain of back and forth maneuvers. Burke dodges a spinning heel kick, but RVD connects a cross body attempt that takes both men to the outside. Back from commercials, Burke has Van Dam in a headlock. Burke hits a suplex followed by a belly to back suplex for 2. Burke locks in a submission, but Van Dam fights out of it. Burke hits a dropkick to Van Dam’s face for 2. Burke hits a double running knee strike on RVD in the corner. RVD comes back with a series of take downs followed by a monkey flip. RVD hits the split legged moonsault for 2. RVD hits the frog splash for the win. After the match, Dreamer gets on the mic. Dreamer challenges the New Breed to face the Originals at Wrestlemania.

Winner: Rob Van Dam

A Nick Bockwinkle Hall of Fame video is shown before Extreme Expose does their thing. Mick Foley will be live next week.

Stone Cold hits the ring. Austin talks about the dry heat of Tucson Arizona making him thirsty. He chugs a beer. Austin talks about the hair versus hair match, saying he is an expert at that since he has no hair. Austin commits to calling the match right down the middle. Austin talks about people asking him who he likes in the match up. He says he is more concerned about what the people think. Austin walks around the ringside area and asks 7 different people about the match. Austin says that he doesn’t give a rat’s ass who gets their head shaved. Austin promises that if anybody gets in his face, Wham, Stone Cold stunner. Austin then tells everyone that he will be at the contract signing next Monday. He says that when McMahon and Trump gets in the ring, there is about 2 billion dollars worth of assholes. Austin promises that at Wrestlemania there will be a bald headed billionaire. Stone Cold spills beer on himself in the corners as ECW fades to black.


glad that RVD won and Austin's promo sounds ok,all over doesn't sound like a real good ECW,i probably just watch it for Austin imo

03-07-2007, 09:59 AM
Sounds like an OK show actually.

Hardcore Holly is such a dead issue these days that it isn't even funny. As a heel he's worthless, the only productive way to use him is as a midcard face.

The New Breed vs. Originals feud is the only worthwhile one that ECW have going, but it's a very good one, easy to build on, and interesting.

The Austin segment sounds more like a hopuse show kinda thing, but hey, Austin still equals ratings.

The McMahon-Lashley segment sounds excellent too, and the Battle of the Billionaires program continues to be the most interesting feud leading into WrestleMania.

03-08-2007, 03:00 PM
This was more like a PPV preview than a wrestling show.

03-10-2007, 01:55 AM
It wasn't to bad of a show thou but yes it was PPV preview.

03-10-2007, 02:01 AM
i always seem to be looking away when rob van dam wins a match in ecw