View Full Version : J.R talks about Terry Funk, Steve Austin and alot more.

03-08-2007, 01:30 PM
Jim Ross has posted his latest blog entry, talking about how he ran into Terry Funk and Johnny Fairplay at the Phoenix Airport as he was heading home from Raw this week. Ross notes how "I conversed with two extremely diverse and strong personalities within a matter of minutes, while waiting for my flight home. If any internet crazies were within an eye shot of these chance encounters, they would have been most likely wet themselves."

Ross then tells a story of a match he refereed involving the Funker in the Mid South territory. Concerning Fairplay, Ross writes that he "might be a prime candidate to be a great wrestling manager if properly utilized, which he has not been to date from what I can tell." Ross also talks about a conversation he had with Steve Austin, and that Austin was "jakked" after the ovation he got on Raw.

JR closes the entry by writing about Nick Bockwinkel and congratulating him on being chosen for induction into the WWE Hall Of Fame.

You can check out the complete blog entry by clicking here (http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog/2007/03/07/bumping-into-terry-funk-and-johnny-fairplay-at-the-phoenix-airport/).

03-08-2007, 11:27 PM
hah jakked gotta love JR trying to be cool