View Full Version : Woman tricks herself out of reward

04-10-2006, 06:01 PM
Woman tricks herself out of reward

Mon Apr 10, 7:46 AM ET

BERLIN (Reuters) - When a German woman found a wallet containing 1,000 euros ($1,220) she decided it was better to get a reward from the owner than to keep the money -- even if that meant resorting to extortion, police said Friday.

"It was a bit stupid. She could just have kept the wallet," said a spokeswoman for police in the southwestern city of Darmstadt. "But she wanted the finder's reward -- and might have got one anyway. But she opted to extort it instead."

Police said the 47-year-old found the owner's phone number in the wallet and told the pensioner she could only have it back for 100 euros "plus 20 euros travel costs."

The owner agreed to the terms, and tipped off police, who arrested the woman with the wallet at the handover point.
credit Yahoo

There everywhere lol . Was she blonde? I keed.

04-10-2006, 06:06 PM
Finders keepers holmes.If I found a wad of cash with no indication of who owns it,I'ma keep that sumbitch.

04-11-2006, 12:08 PM
The level of stupidity that people sink to never surprises me :(

A. She could have kept the money
B. Returned it (most likely with a reward for actually doing so)

Personally, I would have walked that wallet to the nearest police station and let them deal with it.