View Full Version : What Happened After RAW Went Off The Air, Live Notes, More

04-11-2006, 09:50 AM
Big Bad Mike sent in the following report:

Notes from Raw taping in Milwaukee 04/10/06

Heat Tapings:

Hacksaw Jim Duggan Beat Rene Dupree

Eugene beat Matt Longtime

Viscera beat Adrean Lynch

Trevor Murdoch beat Gene Snitsky

WWE 24/7 promo to the tune of "Right Now" by Van Halen

Shirt Cannon

Lance Cade beat Goldudst with interference from Trever Murdoch

Directly after the segment with Carlito and Masters, the props for Matt Striker's classroom were set out, then removed shortly thereafter. No sight of Matt Striker.

After RAW:

John Cena beat HHH in a street fight match for the WWE title. The ending was a finisher-fest between Cena, HHH, and Edge. The last finisher was HHH tapping to the STFU.

Personal note: If your lower level seats allow you a view of the backstage area, cover your ears when the crew does. There is a contraption back there that is synchronized to the pyro to make it loud. It is like dynamite in a dumpster. My ears are still ringing as I type this.