View Full Version : ECW Results - 13th Mar 2007

03-14-2007, 01:31 PM
ECW Results - 13th Mar 2007

ECW opened with an angry Randy Orton confronting Edge backstage about stabbing him in the back by putting him in a match with Bobby Lashley just because they will both be in the Money In The Bank match at Wrestlemania. Edge said it was good for them to do a favor for Mr. McMahon, and Orton accused Edge of kissing Vince's ass. Edge insisted they were still a team, and Orton asked if he would have his back tonight. Edge insisted that he would.

Battle Royale
Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von, Kevin Thorn, Matt Striker, Sabu, Rob Van Dam, Sandman, Tommy Dreamer.

The New Breed entered as a group, as did the ECW Originals. Everyone brawled at the start. Sandman stood on the second rope to punch Matt Striker, and Striker shoved him over the top rope, into the security wall and to the floor.

Sandman is eliminated.

Rob Van Dam kicked Kevin Thorn in the head. Striker and Burke double teamed Dreamer. Cor Von and Sabu tried to suplex each other. Cor Von lifted Saby, but RVD pulled Sabu down. RVD lifted Sabu and he double kicked Cor Von who went over the top rope and to the floor (after not going over at first, Cor Von basically jumped over).

Cor Von is eliminated.

Dreamer tossed Burke over the top rope, but he landed on the apron. Sabu tried a rana on Thorn, but he didn't go over, and hoisted Sabu up and sat him on the top rope. Thorn then shoved him to the floor.

Sabu is eliminated.

RVD was sent to the apron by Burke, but fought back in. Thorn had Dreamer almost over at one point. Striker crotched RVD on the top rope and tried to push him over while standing on the bottom rope. Burke and Thorn double teamed Dreamer. Van Dam and Striker fought on the ropes, and Van Dam gave Striker a sunset flip powerbomb into the ring. Van Dam gave Thorn a spinkick. Burke choked Dreamer in a corner. Striker lifted Van Dam in a fireman's carry, but Van Dam turned it into a sunset flip to escape. Dreamer was trying to get Burke over, but Striker stopped him. Thron went for a powerbomb on Thorn, but RVD flipped over it. RVD hit a spinkick, and clothesline and finally used a bodypress to knock Thorn over the top rope and to the floor. RVD got his hand caught in the ropes, and looked to be holding on, but Striker knocked his hand free and RVD hit the floor as well.

Kevin Thorn and Rob Van Dam is eliminated.

There was a chant for Dreamer. Striker and Burke attacked him, but Dreamer out punched them. Dreamer backdropped Striker over the top rope and to the floor.

Matt Striker is eliminated.

Burke charged and hit Dreamer with a double jumping knee to the back. Burke sat Dreamer on the top rope, stood on the top rope and dropkicked Dreamer. Dreamer fell, but landed on the apron. Burke was celebrating, then saw that Dreamer was still on the apron. Burke hit some punches, but Dreamer held on, landed a right hand and got back into the ring. Burke went to kick Dreamer with his back to the ropes, but Dreamer caught it, kicked Burke in the nads, then flipped Burke over the top rope and to the floor ending the match at the eight minute mark.

Elijah Burke is eliminated.

Winner: Tommy Dreamer.

The ECW Originals were posing in the ring when Mick Foley's music hit. Foley was coming to the ring as they went to break.

In the ring
the ECW Originals seemed less than thrilled that Foley was there. Foley admitted he was there to get a cheap pop and a cheap plug for his book. Foley referenced his One Night Stand match with Edge against Dreamer & Terry Funk, noting that he "sold out" and that the ECW Originals had every reason not to trust him. Foley talked about how honest he is about things in his book, and said he wanted Dreamer to read it. Dreamer dropped the book on the ground, and Sandman stepped on it. Foley basically said that he did what he did (turned heel) and lessened how loud his "cheap pop" is because he wanted to sacrifice the goodwill he had with the fans to shine a spotlight on the ECW Originals at One Night Stand. He noted that Sabu never got the credit he deserved. Foley then said it isn't about One Night Stand, it is about Wrestlemania now. Foley said that the ECW Originals would get to wrestler in front of 70,000 fans, something he never got to do. Foley said he would not be on the show, but he would fit his "fat ass" into a seat and would be chanting "ECW, ECW". The fans sort of picked up on the chant. Foley left, and Joey Styles said Foley was "embracing" his ECW past. In the ring, Dreamer picked up the book, while Sandman still seemed very agitated, and Dreamer calmed him.

A video package on Snitsky was shown.

In the ring
Extreme Expose danced. No handguns this week, instead they had canes. Snitsky's music interrupted them and he hit the ring. The girls ran off. Two wrestlers were suddenly in the ring, and Snitsky has a handicap match tonight.

Snistky vs. Michael Deke & Danny Jackson.

Snitsky tossed one of them out of the ring, gave a big boot to the other and pinned him.

Winner: Snitsky.

As Snitsky left, he kicked the other guy in the head.

Elijah Burke approached CM Punk. Burke said that Punk had a "bad night" on Smackdown last week (where he lost to Kennedy). Punk got mad, and Burke said everyone has bad nights, noting that the New Breed had one tonight. Burke told Punk that in the Money In The Bank match at Wrestlemania, his chances will be better if the New Breed is in his corner. Burke gave Punk a New Breed shirt, and told him to think about it, then walked off.

Time to hype the Battle Of The Billionaires, with the celebrity predictions from Raw last night, followed by highlights of the angle that closed Raw last night.

ECW Champion Bobby Lashley vs. Randy Orton

After both men had made their entrances, Edge's music hit and he came to ringside in street clothes. Orton and Lashley locked up, and Lashley broke clean on the ropes. Orton kicked Lashley, but Lashley responded with punches. Orton clipped Lashley's leg, elbowed it a few times, then hit a kneedrop to the chest. Orton choked Lashley against the middle rope. He backed off, and distracted the referee. Edge teased that he was going to hit Lashley, but the referee turned around. Lashley sprung up and clotheslined Orton. Orton rolled under the ring and confronted Edge about not hitting Lashley. Edge was trying to explain that the referee could see him as they went to break.

Back from commercial, Randy Orton had Bobby Lashley in an elevated Boston Crab. Lashley made it to the ropes to break the hold. Orton did the Garvin Stomp to Lashley and scored a one count. Orton let Lashley get up and trash talked him. Lashley punched Orton, backdropped him and hit an elbowdrop. Orton raked Lashley's eyes, then hit a series of forearms to Lashley's back. Orton hit a side backbreaker, then set up for the RKO, but Lashley pushed it off. Edge grabbed the title belt and got into the ring, but the referee stopped him and Edge returned to the floor. Orton rolled out of the ring on the other side. The referee ordered Edge to leave ringside. Orton complained to Edge for not helping him, but Edge said he had to leave. As Edge turned away from Orton, he smirked. Lashley hit Orton from behind on the floor as they went to break.

Back from commercial, Orton was down in the ring and Lashley was getting up on the floor. We saw that during the break, Orton had dropkicked Lashley off the apron to the floor. Back live, Orton rammed Lashley into the ring steps twice, and then stomped Lashley's head and back as he was bent over the steps. Orton suplexed Lashley on the floor. Orton got Lashley in the ring for a two count. Orton stomped Lashley, then hit a kneedrop to the chest for a two count. Orton dropkicked Lashley in a corner, then kicked at him. Orton dragged Lashley into the ring and went for the Boston Crab again, but Lashley made the ropes. Orton let Lashley get up, then decked him with a right hand. Lashley got up, and Orton decked him again. There was a "Boring" chant and Orton told the crowd to shut up. Orton whipped Lashley across the ring, then charged. Lashley moved, and Orton went shoulder first into the ringpost.

Lashley whipped Orton across the ring and hit a clothesline. Lashley hit a pair of shoulderblocks, then lifted Orton and backdropped him. Lashley dropped an elbow for a two count. Lashley put Orton in the Torture Rack, then dropped to his knees. Lashley got a two count on Orton. Lashley hit a series of right hands on Orton in a corner. Lashley then stomped Orton in the corner. Lashley lifted Orton and hit a running powerslam for the clean pin at the 19 minute mark.

Winner: Bobby Lashley.

Vince McMahon's music hit, and McMahon came out wearing all black. McMahon stood in the aisle and just stared at Lashley, who dared McMahon to come into the ring, as the show ended.

03-14-2007, 04:00 PM
As the Orton Lashley match any good

03-16-2007, 06:26 AM
ECW Results - 13th Mar 2007

As Snitsky left, he kicked the other guy in the head.

haha, that made me laugh

sounds like ECW is starting to pick it up a bit