View Full Version : Batista Being Compared To The Ultimate Warrior Internally

03-16-2007, 11:45 PM
Internally, Batista is being compared to Jim "Warrior" Hellwig a lot now. People inside of WWE say that he doesn't really love wrestling and simply got in because he had a great a body and was always protected & pushed. Also, he didn't have to sacrifice to get where he is compared to others.

On the other hand, Triple H is a big supporter of Batista because he saw him as his personal protege who he took from nothing and groomed him into be a major drawing card. Triple H wanted Randy Orton and Batista as the next two big stars of wrestling since he and Ric Flair could legitimately say they developed them, which was the final goal of the Evolution faction. When Batista started getting over in 2005, Triple H was obsessed with him becoming a big star because he felt creating Batista would be a major part of his final legacy in wrestling. He's very much into his legacy, particularly because he realizes from the outside, there is some question as to how he will exactly be remembered.

Batista has developed a star attitude and the feeling is he felt because he was handpicked by Triple H to be the next big star, and because he has a unique look, people feel as though that he comes off with a sense of entitlement. Things he's said in the SmackDown locker room at times plus percieved arrogance and aloofness hurt his reputation backstage.

His fight with Booker T last May hurt him badly with Vince McMahon. Several SmackDown wrestlers lost a bit of respect for him with his behavior that day, as much as for him actually losing the fight. Vince McMahon copped a major "Bill Watts attitude" about Booker beating him up in the fight. Batista was scheduled to win the World Title at SummerSlam at the time the fight took place. After the fight, Vince pulled the scheduled title change and told people that Batista wouldn't get the belt back at all. However, during the fall, Michael Hayes and Dusty Rhodes talked Vince into giving Batista a long run as the top guy on SmackDown, including winning the title, because he had drawn before. SmackDown business at the time was way down. Hayes & Rhodes saw Booker T as a comedy heel and his run wasn't working as the top star of the brand. Vince didn't completely agree with them, but he went with it and Batista would go on to win the title at the Survivor Series.

Even though from a business standpoint, Hayes & Rhodes were vindicated (ratings and attendance have since gone up), there is still trepidation with Batista. At one point after SmackDown business had turned around, the plan was for him to beat Undertaker at WrestleMania because they believed it would take him to next level of stardom. However, as of late, WWE isn't too sure about letting Batista end the Undertaker's storied WrestleMania win streak. The feeling is that if he beats him, people are going to see him as a major heel because the audience sees Taker's win streak as just about the only real thing left in professional wrestling. At the moment, the more likely scenario is Taker beating Batista, thus keeping his win streak intact, not to mention winning the title, but we won't know for sure until WrestleMania.

source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Im not surprised Batista is being compared to Ultimate Warrior,he has just lost his flare for the company,and i hope he does not beat Taker at WM

03-16-2007, 11:51 PM
The feeling is that if he beats him, people are going to see him as a major heel because the audience sees Taker's win streak as just about the only real thing left in professional wrestling. This is quite pathetic, the only real thing left in professional wrestling? How pathetic is this... WWE can't make up new things or build better storylines than some undefeated streak? Maybe Batista should beat Undertaker and then turn heel.

03-17-2007, 01:43 AM
I don't think most people would turn on Batista just because he ended the streak. Listen to the pops he continues to get when he is on TV. Of all the people to end the streak of Taker, Batista is the best because of his size and connection with the audience. And if the match turns out to be a classic, it really wouldn't matter who won.

03-17-2007, 02:12 AM
I don't think most people would turn on Batista just because he ended the streak. Listen to the pops he continues to get when he is on TV. Of all the people to end the streak of Taker, Batista is the best because of his size and connection with the audience. And if the match turns out to be a classic, it really wouldn't matter who won.

You didnt just say that. Tell me you didn't just say that! Batista the perfect guy to beat Undertaker's streak at Wrestlemania! Are you insane. Batista! It is just another juiced up guy with more muscle then brains. He does not deserve something as special as being known as the guy to break his streak. No one ever should. It doesnt sound right, doing 14-1. If he lost, it would be a real slap in the face to Taker.

03-17-2007, 02:26 AM
You didnt just say that. Tell me you didn't just say that! Batista the perfect guy to beat Undertaker's streak at Wrestlemania! Are you insane. Batista! It is just another juiced up guy with more muscle then brains. He does not deserve something as special as being known as the guy to break his streak. No one ever should. It doesnt sound right, doing 14-1. If he lost, it would be a real slap in the face to Taker.

Yes I just did say that. Name one guy outside of a muscle bound wrestler that people would believe could end Taker's streak and that is not already a legend himself (HHH, HBK, or former WWE wrestlers Jericho and Angle).

The streak means absolutely nothing. HBK has lost more than he has won at WM, but he is still the greatest wrestler of all time. But he had great matches even in most of his losses (Ladder match at WM X and his loss at WM XIV). Most of Taker's wins at WM are worthless: Big Boss Man, Giant Gonzalez, King Kong Bundy, Superfly, and that ridiculous handicap match a few years ago. Not very impressive names to be in an undefeated streak (if the superfly win had only come a few years earlier).

King Sir Greatness
03-17-2007, 03:32 AM
Yes I just did say that. Name one guy outside of a muscle bound wrestler that people would believe could end Taker's streak and that is not already a legend himself (HHH, HBK, or former WWE wrestlers Jericho and Angle).

Well, if you're talking about in wrestling in general, if the WWE could get Abyss (not saying they will or should) he'd be a good person to take down 'Taker's win streak. Samoa Joe. Hell, if the WWE is serious about (the lackluster) Bobby Lashley and/or Umaga, they too would be capable men to take out 'Taker.

I'm sure I could think of more, but I won't at the moment.

And I don't want this to be seemed as if I'm pushing for 'Taker to ever lose his streak. He definitely deserves it, and I'd hate to see him lose.

As for Batista, the fans would turn on Batista if he beat 'Taker (he's already getting booed in this angle as it is), and he is a guy who definitely got over because of his look and his affiliation with Triple H. That's not saying I don't like 'em (he's a horrible wrestler, but not a bad character due to his "star power").

03-17-2007, 03:49 AM
So is Hogan and when he turned heel nobody liked it, people said he can't be heel but it worked and they started the biggest revolution in WCW and that is NWO, not even LAX in TNA these days have some kind of influence like that yet although they've destroyed 2 other tag teams and basically busy with their third(Dudleyz). This is what shud happen, Batista destroys Taker, HHH comes back and joins Batista. HBK joins Batista and Taker, they start a fued with Cena and maybe a pushed Bob Lashley (should work) and Taker can join in and Kane and they all start a big war but I don't think WWE is that creative.

End of the road = Taker goes whining Batista can't end his winning streak to Vince and other important figures backstage and the whole future storyline gets edited to make sure Undertaker's ego doesn't get hurt. After that...we'll see... Kind of like the way cena and hbk have been walking around with the tag belts (which were obviously meant for DX). Okay enough already...

03-17-2007, 03:56 AM
There are few boos that I have heard directed at Batista. Both he and Taker are getting good reactions. Both guys are loved by the fans. If a majority of the fans turned on Batista only because he beat Taker at WM instead of him winning at say a Royal Rumble, then the fans are clueless. Taker is a legend, but not because of this streak but because of the character. If streaks truly meant anything, then why the hell is Edge still the top heel on RAW? 5-0 at WM in the TLC match, the MITB Ladder Match, and the Hardcore classic last year. That is much more impressive than Taker's 14 match run that consists of only a few good matches (v HHH, v Kane, and v Diesel).

Darth Fozzy
03-17-2007, 04:48 AM
The fact that Taker is who he is should solidify him as the only person to remain undefeated at Wrestlemania. He is the leader of the lockeroom, the person that everybody looks to for help, that in itself should allow him to remain undefeated. People think about Hogan but he is an egotistical maniac that only ever thinks about himself (Assclown!!!) But the Undertaker always thinks about the fans and the lockeroom at heart, so I believe that The Undertaker should forever be undefeated at Wrestlemania and be the WWE's greatest. (Compared to John Cena that is, if John Cena is seen as the WWE's greatest then I WILL kill myself))

03-17-2007, 05:43 AM
Simply enough...

If Batista wins...WE RIOT!!!

03-17-2007, 11:52 PM
why waste a good thing in wrestling on a no talent no heart bodybuilder id even prefer warrior to break the streak than batista

03-17-2007, 11:56 PM
nah...batista is more like diesel to me...

03-18-2007, 11:30 PM
I really don't think that anyone, let alone Batista, deserves to end Undertaker's WM streak...

03-19-2007, 01:54 AM
If batista wins i think it will be like summerslam 97 people will be throwing all kinds of shit into the ring

03-19-2007, 02:40 AM
This thread makes me laugh. I doubt Batista is like Warrior Warrior. lol I don't think Taker will be losing at WM anyway so it really doesn't matter. Also I think Batista will turn heel witch I think he would be better as.