View Full Version : NWA Anarchy TV Results - 17th Mar 2007 (Cornella, Georgia)

03-19-2007, 12:46 PM
Last night’s NWA Anarchy television taping was the final go home show for Hardcore Hell ’07 two weeks hence on March 31. The company appears to be heading into the big show with major momentum.

The booking put the finishing touches on the main event matches and set up a few more. The theme for the evening was the babyfaces being distracted and outnumbered at every turn. Rejects and NWA Elite were also outnumbered in their matches, not that it made one shred of difference.

A highly enthusiastic crowd of 150 was on hand at the NWA Arena in Cornelia. There are at least a couple of folks with leather lungs among that group.

(1) Kyle Matthews (with Andrew Alexander) beat Austin Creed (with Hayden Young) in 9:41. Monster pop for Creed and Young. This was scheduled as a tag, but Young confined to ringside with his arm in a sling courtesy of the number Brunettes did on him at the last show. When Creed nailed Matthews with a dropkick, Brunettes took a TO and got some Ann Coulter type heat. Alexander did a double take, like “who me?” Young protested the outside interference by Alexander. Matthews kept cutting off the comebacks, until Creed reversed a huracanrana with a powerbomb. Young popped Alexander in an attempt to cut off further interference. Creed did the Montefisto and applied a submission. It’s a leglace while also trying to pull the victim’s arm out of its socket. But Alexander distracted Creed and Matthews rolled him up. Good opener.

(2) Devil’s Reject (Shaun Tempers & Azrael & Iceberg with “The Rev” Dan Wilson) killed Caezar Chavez & Billy Buck & Jeff Jameson & J. L. Talent. The most violent squash I’ve seen in many moons. If you’re in an ugly, pissed off mood, watch this match. It will probably do you a world of good. Azrael brought out his stiffest chops for the occasion. Rejects would beat the crap out of one guy and toss him into the corner so he could tag in the next piece of meat. Talent and Jameson took the worst of it. Two guys tried to suplex Iceberg, He reversed it into a double suplex. Iceberg gave the little guy, Jameson, a cannonball splash in the corner. Then, a twenty count stalling Jackhammer. Wilson got into the act. Azrael and Tempers gave Talent a sick double team head drop. For the finish, Iceberg gave Jameson a Ground Zero splash. But Wilson said that wasn’t enough, so Berg made the little dude disappear under a 400 pound senton backsplash. It took three ref and three security guys to remove the physical wreckage from the ring.

(3) Adam Roberts (with Don Matthews) beat Patrick Bentley after outside interference by Adrian Hawkins and Seth Delay (6:02). Bentley was owning Roberts’ ass until Matthews distracted him. Bentley tried to rally with a sunset flip, but Roberts pulled him by the neck and gave him an Alabama slam into the turnbuckles for a near fall. Roberts worked over Bentley’s back bigtime. Matthews distracted again, and Roberts sent Bentley flying off the apron with a well-placed spear to the back. Ouch. Bentley sparked a comeback with a german suplex. It built to a top rope cannonball senton. More chicanery from Matthews. This time, distracting the ref. Bentley fought off interference by Hawkins, but Delay brained him with a chairshot. Roberts covered and that was that.

(4) NWA Elite (Jeff Lewis & Abomination & Kory Chavis) annihilated Chris King & Sly Storm & Chrisjen Hayme & Andrew Pendleton in 6:22. The surprise appearance of Chavis got a big pop. Apparently, Lewis decided that blondes have more fun. The highlights included a double flapjack on King, a classic Chavis Spinesplitta on Hayme and two stiff kicks to the face of Pendleton by Chavis. Bailey got his licks in as well. Lewis destroyed King with the Final Curtain and tagged in Abomination. Abomination hit his hanging tree slam on King with the little gnat Storm clinging to his back. Then he gave Strom a tree slam onto King and pinned both of them. Overall, this wasn’t as brutal as the Rejects match, but the finish was pure carnage.

(5) Justice Served (Jason Justice & Mikki Free with Al Getz) beat Phil Shatter & Truitt Fields to retain the NWA Anarchy Tag Team Titles in 10:54. Shatter and Fields got a lot of offense against the champs in the early going. Fields and Shatter were showing more babyface fire. Fields hit a flip dive. Shatter gave Wrenn a spinebuster and that’s a load and a half. Once JS got untracked, they destroyed Fields with double teams. They busted out a wicked sick double Alabama Slam variation. The fans got behind Fields. He hit a satellite Russian legsweep and made the tag, but Getz had Wiley distracted. JS blasted Fields out of his boots with a double shoulder tackle, and Free pinned him.

Postmatch, Justice Served manhandled the Anarchy Angel, Mary. Free called her a stupid broad. Mary slapped him. Anarchy owner Jerry Palmer hit the ring. JS slapped the gum out of Palmer’s mouth. Urban Assault Squad (Nemesis & Shadow Jackson) cleared the ring. Beaucoup trash talking and finger pointing ensued. Palmer was hot at JS for putting their hands on a woman, especially Mary. Palmer made JS vs. UAS for the tag titles at Hardcore Hell into a double hangman’s match. Palmer said he was going to be in their corner with a third noose. The crowd popped huge for the stips. A red hot segment.

The killer squash matches, the unadvertised appearance by Chavis and the set up for the hangman’s noose match should make for a fun-filled hour of television. With 40 minutes of wrestling, it’s going to require some editing for TV.

The second hour opened with the latest chapter in the Bentley-Delay-Hawkins saga. Angel Mary was backstage interviewing Hawkins and Delay. Hawkins bragged about being the rookie of the year. Delay crowed about a ladies’ man and the chairman of the board. Bentley attacked the both of them. Bentley pummeled Delay down the ramp and into the ring. Hawkins went after Bentley with a chair. Bentley blocked it and smoked Hawkins with the Full Articulation. Bentley was ready to use the chair on Hawkins, but Delay pulled him to safety. Bentley said he could take them on now or later. Delay opted for later. Bentley’s rage continued to seethe.

(6) Team Macktion (Kirby & T. J. Mack) beat Brodie Chase & Brandon Phoenix via DQ in 9:46. Kirby totally befuddled Phoenix in the early going. Macktion got a pop with a double around-the-world baseball slide on the heels. But Chase speared the hell out of Kirby, and the heat was on. Chase and Phoenix did their signature suplex spots on Kirby. Chase used a Texas Cloverleaf. They kept ref Wesley Grissom from seeing Kirby’s tags and switched without tagging. That almost never fails to get heat in Cornelia. Kirby did a nip up into an enzuigiri and hot-tagged his brother. The heels collided. Roberts and Matthews showed up. Macktion gave them a double dropkick. Macktion was in motion for their double 619, but Chase cut them off with a double lariat. It was 4 on 2 so Grissom called for the bell. Fields and Shatter made the ring clearing rescue. Ring announcer Eddie Rich said they would go at it in an 8 man at Hardcore Hell.

The next segment was a debate between Wilson and Bailey. Moderator, Bill Behrens laid down the law: if there was any physical contact, there would be no match at Hardcore Hell and both would be gone from Anarchy. Behrens first questions got at how this situation came to be. Wilson said Bailey had broken their pact by helping Palmer bring in Abyss and A. J. Styles. Bailey ridiculed Wilson for failing against Palmer. “You can’t beat a fireman, and you wanna take on me? You must have a death wish.” Wilson said Bailey treated the Elite like pieces of meat, while the Rejects were a family. Bailey said Charles Manson and Jim Jones had families. BB asked Bailey about the status of Onyx for Hardcore Hell. Bailey said Onyx was a casualty of war, and the Elite didn’t expect him to hold their hands or salve their burns. Bailey said Onyx would be there. He promised to hurt all of the Rejects including Wilson. In turn, BB asked Wilson about Tank and Dominous. Wilson said they were hiding in the shadows and his team would be at full strength. Wilson said it was time to put old man Bailey to rest in the retirement home. BB asked Bailey about the Elite being outnumbered. Bailey said he was bringing in someone that had beaten all of the Rejects. Time stood still while everyone waited for a video to play, presumably to introduce the mystery member of the Elite. Nothing happened, so Bailey said it was David Young. The crowd popped. Wilson upended the debate table and security had to hit the ring to separate Bailey and Wilson. Awesome stuff. This is turning into a legendary feud.

Greg Hunter was backstage with Ace Rockwell, Slim J and Todd Sexton. J had heat with Rockwell about getting hit with the Aces High at the last TV. Rockwell said it was an accident. Sexton played peacemaker. Rockwell and J agreed to set aside their difference for tonight. The babyface trio departed for the ring. A disturbing sound could be heard off camera. Hunter entered the next room to find Sexton face down on the floor with Rinauro standing over him with a barbell.

(7) Ace Rockwell & Slim J beat Salvatore Rinauro & Jeremy Vain & Chad Parham in 19:20 when Rockwell pinned Rinauro with the Aces High. Parham’s tights read “Numero Uno.” Rinauro said he was going to give Rockwell a wrestling lesson, but it was the other way around, as Rockwell used dropkicks and headlocks to stifle Sal. J took Vain down with a double leg and pounded on him. But Vain distracted ref Brent Wiley, allowing Rinauro to clock J. Vain hit a facebuster to soften J up. Parham tagged in and whipped up on Slimmy. J countered Parham’s hanging neckbreaker with a shoulder mounted rolling reverse cradle. Nice hope spot. J got a tag the ref didn’t see, but that spot was played out from the previous matches. Parham used La Tapatia. J made the comeback and hot-tagged Rockwell, who was all over Parham. Parham saw the Aces High coming and scooted away for a tag to Rinauro. Rockwell picked up right where he left off on Parham. Meanwhile, Parham walked out on his partners. Rockwell hit Ray Gordy’s spinning fisherman suplex on Rinauro and Vain saved. J’s roundhouse kick followed by a Rockwell spinebuster was good for another near fall. But V crotched Rockwell on the top and nailed him with the VKO. Rinauro followed with the bicycle kick and J made the save. J hit a double flying slop drop on Rinauro and V. J put Rockwell on top of Rinauro, but Sal kicked out. Vain hit a wheelbarrow suplex on Rockwell. Rinauro covered and Rockwell kicked out. Rinauro blocked the Aces High but Rockwell got it on the second try for the 1-2-3.

The postmatch celebration came to an abrupt halt when J laid out Rockwell. J was backing his way up the ramp when he got hammered from behind by Parham. Parham put one foot on Rockwell’s limp body and raised both title belts raised over his head to close the show.