View Full Version : DDP to discuss WWE, steroids, SI.com story with ESPN radio

03-21-2007, 11:57 PM
Former WCW World champion Diamond Dallas Page will be a guest on ESPN Radio's Dan Patrick Show today between 1:40 PM EDT - 3:50 PM EDT. Patrick and Keith Olbermann will also discuss the steroid story between 2-3 pm.

03-22-2007, 12:03 AM
i bet he'll open with "yo its me, its me, its DDP"

03-22-2007, 12:26 AM
Former WCW World champion Diamond Dallas Page appeared on ESPN Radio this afternoon discussing the implication of several World Wrestling Entertainment stars in the ongoing steroid investigation in Florida by SI.com several days ago with host Dan Patrick.

Highlights of the interview:

- They noted that Vince McMahon and the 11 WWE wrestlers (it was 11 wrestlers but SI.com noted that not all of them were WWE performers) implicated were not talking (that's news to Edge, who already admitted to usage publicly ).

- Page said that steroids have become a prevalent part of society, noting the movie "300" and that he first learned of them in the Florida bar scene before he got involved in wrestling. He said that at least the wrestlers went to doctors, not from a back alley.

-When the deaths of wrestlers dying in their 40s are brought up, Page noted how many bumps wrestlers take a night and being on the road 250 days a year, vs. a football player who has time to recover after a big game. He said that wrestlers take chances every day with their lives and if you are a main eventer, you do what you need to do to get through it because you don't want to let the fans down.

-Page said he's done steroids but doesn't do them currently and plugged his yoga book and website.

-Page said steroids isn't encouraged by promoters but the fans put pressure on performers in all sports to improve and do better, using baseball analogies

-Page said he was never told to take steroids by WCW or WWE. He said he was tested sporadically for steroids when "he was there" but didn't specify where "there" was.

- Page said that he knows Vince McMahon tests his talent. He said he was on and of steroids and was lucky not to be caught. He said he was never a big guy like some guys need to be for their gimmick.

-When asked if he would have achieved the same success without steroids, he noted that the lighter he got and was closer to the real person he was, his career took off. He said some guys get pushed because they are freaks, and he blames the fans for that because they always want to see "a faster fastball."

- Page then contradicted himself by saying fans want characters they care about but bigger doesn't always mean better, pointing out Rey Mysterio. Mysterio's name being mentioned in the SI.com article was never touched upon.

-When asked about the differences between WCW and WWE, he said WWE wants characters.

-When asked if Vince McMahon did steroids, Page laughed and said, "I'm not going there." He said it's not his place to judge anyone else but only to discuss his own experiences.

-He said he was not much different as a person on steroids then he is off of them.


After Page left the interview, Dan Patrick asked, "When was the last time you heard of anyone failing a drug test within WWE?" He then said he couldn't imagine Vince McMahon walking around asking performers for urine samples.

03-22-2007, 01:12 AM
Chris Masters and Test have both been hammered on the Wellness program. The WWE seems to take what has happened to wrestlers such as Eddie Guerrero seriously.

Dan Patrick needs to look into it before making smart ass comments, but then that woud be an intelligent move. Much like admitting that steroids is a much bigger problem in the "real" sports world than sports entertainment. But again this is " 'rastling"... but what would you expect from such arrogant pricks.