View Full Version : Vince Comments on Steroid Story in Florida....More

03-22-2007, 12:44 AM
Paul Zimmerman sent the following....I was watching the local Orlando, Florida CBS affiliate "Local 6" 5:30 newscast, and they talked about Mania coming to Orlando . They then segued into the steroid scandal since it involved a local pharmacy. Vince McMahon commented on it in the story, saying it was a select few individuals and you will find that in any sport. On the 6 o’clock newscast, they pretty much ran the same news story during the sports segment that they ran at 5:30 including the steroid portion and the McMahon comments.

At the end, however there was one extra portion to the story that I will now recite verbatim from the broadcast, Sportscaster Todd Lewis commented, “Now off-camera after the interview, McMahon said bringing up this topical segment of performance enhancing drugs today was in poor taste. Vince, you have your employees dieing prematurely due to health problems from steroid abuse, you send women out to wrestle in dental floss with more silicon in their body than a Tupperware convention, and you are going to lecture folks about poor taste? Make sure you Windex that glass house you live in before throwing those stones, my friend.”

I felt the reports by Todd Lewis I saw tonight were fair. He spoke about the economic impact of Wrestlemania 24 on the community, and he seems to actually understand the business. His final retort sounded as if he grasped what is going on, not coming off like a media elitist who dismisses everything about it and tries to paint wrestlers and their fans as nothing but total losers.