View Full Version : Dallas' Movie To Be Made in Florida

04-15-2006, 07:18 PM
Dallas' Movie To Be Made in Florida
Film executives in Dallas, Texas are furious the big screen remake of the popular television show Dallas is going to be shot in Florida. The new Dallas movie, which reportedly will star John Travolta, Jennifer Lopez and Shirley MacLaine, is scheduled to begin shooting later this year. The film will be shot in Jacksonville, Florida because city officials offered filmmakers a refund of 15 per cent of all money spent on production up to $2 million. The Dallas Film Commission is calling the decision "a horrible black eye to the state of Texas" and are still trying to convince the film studio to change its mind.
credit IMDB

04-16-2006, 01:02 PM
This will be interesting ..... I would rather have as many original stars as possible but I dont think that will happen

04-16-2006, 01:43 PM
They are filming it in Jacksonville?!?!

The show was named "Dallas" for a reason... It was not named "Jacksonville" :mad: