View Full Version : TNA iMPACT Results - March 22, 2007

03-23-2007, 10:19 AM
Impact Report for March 22, 2007

When we last left Total Nonstop Action, they dropped the bombshell that Sting and Abyss would be tag team partners against Christian Cage and A.J. Styles. What will happen when the monster teams with the gullible one? Will there be harmony or will something happen to drive a chasm between this new team? What is next for the other team captain in the Lethal Lockdown match? Will we hear from the Macho Lethal? What is next in the battle between Team 3D and the Latin American Xchange? Will we hear from Chris Sabin? What is next for Christopher Daniels and will we get an explanation for his recent attacks? What new matches will be announced for Lockdown?

We start off with a look back at Jim Cornette’s announcement about the Lethal Lockdown match for the main event of Lockdown with Christian Cage and Kurt Angle the team captains for the five-on-five match. We then go to footage of A.J. Styles and Rhino battling in the cage with Christian helping out his teammate. We then go to the announcement that Abyss would join Team Christian only to be stopped by Sting. We then get the announcement of the tag match.

We are live from Universal Studios in Orlando , Florida and your announcers are Don ‘you have got to be kidding me’ West and Mike ‘TNA’ Tenay.

Jeremy Borash is in the back with Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, and Rhino. Jeremy mentions Kurt Angle’s request last week for a six man tag match and then says that the request was granted. Kurt says that what they see him front of him are three huge egos. They take pride in being the best and that is what they are in the game for. Angle says that everyone needs to imagine what it will be like when these three huge egos unify, unite, and become one. He tells Christian that he is looking at three parts of a machine. The machine that will run over him, A.J. Styles and anyone else he brings to Lockdown.

Match Number One: Serotonin versus Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, and Rhino

Rhino and Martyr start things off and Rhino with a kick and punch. Martyr avoids one shoulder block, but does not get out of the way of the second attempt. Martyr tries for a hip toss but Rhino blocks it and hits a short arm clothesline. Angle is tagged in and Martyr tags in Kaz. Angle with a German suplex followed by a European uppercut and punches and kicks. Joe is tagged in and Havoc is also tagged in. Havoc charges at Joe but Joe hits a scoop power slam. Joe with jabs to Havoc followed by a snap mare, chop, and kick. Joe gets ready for the knee drop, but Martyr with a knee to Joe’s back as he comes off the ropes. Joe punches Martyr and Havoc tags in Martyr. Joe with a kick to Martyr and Havoc followed by a reverse atomic drop to Kaz who comes off the top turnbuckle. Joe with a Yakuza kick to Kaz and then Rhino hits a Gore on Havoc. Angle hits the Angle slam on Kaz. Joe with the muscle buster to Martyr for the three count.

Winners: Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, and Rhino

Leticia is in the back with A.J. Styles and Christian Cage and Christian is watching television while A.J. is yelling at him. A.J. says that Christian told him that they were going to be a unit; but Joe, Rhino, and Angle look like a unit. A.J. is furious and he wants to know what Christian got him into. A.J. wants to know where Tomko and Abyss are. Not only is Abyss not on their team, but they have to wrestle Abyss and Sting tonight. A.J. says that the only reason he agreed to join Christian’s team was for the title shot. Christian gets up from the couch and he says that if A.J. brings up the title shot again, he will take it back. They argue over whether Christian can in fact ‘take it back’. Christian tells A.J. to look at the big picture because tonight the sides will get evened. Christian gets his title belt and then tells A.J. ‘he thinks’. A.J. gets flustered and wonders what Christian meant by ‘he thinks’. We go to commercial.

We are back and we go to the back where Raven is dealing with Serotonin’s loss. Raven holds a candle over Martyr. He says that there are two things you can count on in life . . . pain and your fellow members of Serotonin. If you want to remain the way you are and do not want to become something else, moan like Martyr. If you want to become transcendent like him, the way that he was strapped to the ground with stakes in his wrist, tied in the desert while scorpions crawled across him. That is how you let torture be your friend.

We return to the Impact Zone where Don and Mike talk about Lockdown, but then they turn their attention to the ‘Hell Froze Over’ match on tonight’s show. Don says that Abyss and Sting will be partners and he never expected them to be tag team partners.

We go to the back where Jeremy Borash is with Sting and Abyss. Jeremy says that he never expected to see this. Sting says that he never expected to see this either. He says that Hell has indeed frozen over. He has tried to steer Abyss this way for the last five months. Abyss no longer needs a cage. After tonight, there is only one obstacle that stands between Abyss and total freedom. Sting says that it will be a difficult obstacle to overcome, but Abyss will overcome it. Sting says that he has not steered Abyss wrong yet and will not do it. Everything that he has done for Abyss has been for his own good, even his own pain. Sting reminds Abyss that Abyss almost took his eye out, bro. Sting says that there is no turning back and the future is his. All Abyss needs to do is reach out and take it. Cage and A.J.’s futures are bleak because when they go into the ring, it is time for their last rites.

We return to the Impact Zone and Team 3D is in the ring and they have metal cases with them. Brother Ray has a mic and he wants Homicide and Hernandez to come to the ring so they can have a word with them. Homicide and Hernandez come to the ring with the NWA Tag Title belts. Brother Ray says that it has been a long three months between Team 3D and LAX, and they have beaten the crap out of each other for a long time. He says that LAX have gotten the better of them most of the time. They were doing whatever it took to protect their tag team titles. They were doing whatever it took to stay the NWA World Tag Team champions; even if it meant pissing Team 3D off like no other team has pissed them off before. Brother Ray says that they understand LAX because they are just like them. He points out that they have broken women’s necks, put people through flaming tables, and threw an eighty year old woman off a balcony. They are just as bad as LAX.

Brother Ray says that Konnan tells them that LAX wants their legacy. You don’t just get a legacy in this business, you earn it. They open the case and they pull out the WWE World Tag Titles and say that this is their legacy before tossing them to the mat. Then they pull out the WCW Tag Title belts and say that is their legacy before tossing them to the mat. Then they pull out the ECW Tag Title belts and says that this is their legacy. He says that at Lockdown, they are all in. Their legacy versus the NWA World Tag Team Titles. Team 3D offer their hands to ‘seal the deal’, but they are interrupted by Konnan who is wheeled to the ring. Konnan enters the ring and he tells ‘Butterbean and Krispy Kreme’ that he wants to make one thing clear and that is that they do not shake the hands of any gringos. They don’t care about the belts that Team 3D brought into the ring. He wonders if they are supposed to put them on and pretend that they are tag team champions of another organization because they are already TNA tag team champions. They already beat Team 3D in a Little Italy Street Fight and Ghetto Brawl, so if they want another chance, Team 3D will have to do it in LAX’s match. Konnan talks about the fence at the border and how it is juiced up with electricity. He wants an electrified steel cage match. Until you beat LAX, you cannot claim a legacy.

We go to Jim Cornette’s office where Leticia is standing behind him and Jim is not happy as he watches the monitor. We go to commercial.

We are back and we are in Jim Cornette’s office where Bob Backlund says that he wants a match at Lockdown. Cornette reminds Backlund that he is retired, but Backlund has provided a urine sample. Backlund says that he has never eaten marijuana and does not know how to snort what they snort. Backlund says that he has worked out every day. Cornette says that Backlund cannot wrestle at Lockdown, but he can be the referee for Senshi’s match with Austin Starr. Cornette says that if Starr interferes in Starr’s match tonight, he cannot referee. Backlund leaves and Cornette comments on the contents of Backlund’s urine sample.

Before the next match, Eric Young tries to anticipate the pyro going off so it does not scare him, but Young is still startled by the pyro. Then we see Robert Roode talking to Austin Starr in the Chute of Heelish Impact.

Match Number Two: Eric Young versus Austin Starr

The match starts with Eric doing the ‘point to your opponent to get the crowd to boo and then point to yourself to get the crowd to cheer’ until Starr hits Young from behind. Starr with punches to Young in the corner and then he slams Young’s head into the turnbuckle until Young blocks it and he sends Starr into the turnbuckles. Starr with an Irish whip and running drop kick into the corner. Starr puts Young on the top turnbuckle and he connects with elbows and the back rake.

Robert Roode and Traci Brooks come out to the ring while Starr chokes Young with his wrist tape. Young punches Starr, but Starr with a single leg trip and then he misses the pendulum elbow. Young with a punch and double sledge and discus punch. Young with a back body drop. Starr with an Irish whip and Young does the Flair flip and he punches Starr. Young hits an elbow drop from the top turnbuckle. Traci Brooks distracts the referee, allowing Robert Roode to tell Eric to finish off Starr. It was only a trap since Roode hits Young from behind. Starr hits the brainbuster for the three count.

Winner: Austin Starr

After the match, Robert Roode and Traci Brooks get into the ring and Roode and Brooks yell at Young. Petey Williams comes to the ring and he gets in Roode’s face. Roode and Williams push each other and Williams punches Roode. Brooks gets on Williams’s back but Williams tosses Brooks to the mat. Williams with a spinning heel kick and Roode and Brooks leave the ring. Williams offers his hand to Young, but before Young can shake it he is pulled out of the ring by Roode and taken to the back.

Jeremy Borash is with Jerry Lynn and he asks Jerry for his thoughts on his first ever match against James Storm. Jerry says that he never had a beef with Storm, but he knows what Storm can do. He warns Storm about bringing the beer bottle into the match; he will take the beer and drink it before busting it on his head. Jerry talks about Christopher Daniels and what Daniels did at the pay per view and last week. He says that if Daniels has a problem with him to take it up face-to-face, not from behind. He doesn’t know about why he disappeared or his new purpose, but it has given Lynn a new purpose. The lights go out and it appears that Lynn is being hit by a chair. The lights come back on and Lynn is down and Daniels is standing over him getting ready to choke Lynn . Daniels leaves when security arrives. We go to commercial.

We are back and Chris Harris is in Jim Cornette’s office. He says that he is a grown man and he can make that decision on his own. Cornette points out that Harris is 60 percent blind in his right eye. Harris points out that he was almost blinded for life. Cornette says that TNA cannot take the liability if Harris is blinded for good. Cornette says that he knows how Harris feels and Harris wants to know how Cornette can know how he feels. Cornette says that they cannot take the liability and he is doing what is best for business. Cornette tells Harris that if he can come back with a doctor’s note, he will be allowed to wrestle. Cornette tells Harris to work with him because he is trying his best. Harris tells Cornette that his best isn’t good enough.

It is time for the next scheduled match between James Storm and Jerry Lynn. Due to the earlier attack, Jerry Lynn does not come out to the ring, but a referee does come out to inform Storm and the referee about what happened. It is announced that there will be no match.

James Storm gets on the mic and he says that he is sick and tired of this. He says that there are two things that he loves to do in life. One is drink beer, and the other is beating people up. He is all out of beer. He does not care who comes out and Chris Harris comes out and Storm is in shock. Gail Kim comes out and she tries to stop Harris. Storm says that Harris shouldn’t let a woman hold him back. Jackie says that this is none of Gail’s business and she calls Gail a slut. Gail and Jackie fight in the ring and Harris enters the ring and Storm leaves the ring. Harris chases after Storm and they go around the ring and to the back. Meanwhile, Gail and Jackie continue to fight in the ring and the referees separate the women. We go to commercial.

We are back with a brief clip of the new A.J. Styles DVD.

Gail Kim storms into Jim Cornette’s office and she demands a match against Jackie Moore at Lockdown. Jackie enters and she attacks Gail and throws her over Cornette’s desk. While Cornette and Leticia leave the office, Gail and Jackie continue their battle and Jackie uses Cornette’s tennis racket. They use different office supplies before security comes in to try to break things up.

We see the Sting/Abyss video package before our main event.

Match Number Three: Sting and Abyss versus Christian Cage and A.J. Styles

Christian and Styles attack Sting and Abyss before the bell rings, but Abyss and Sting are able to fight back and they take control of the match with a series of punches to Styles and Cage. Abyss slams Styles’s head into the turnbuckle and punches Styles. Sting with a Stinger splash to Christian while Abyss with a splash into the corner on Styles. Styles rolls out of the ring while Christian gets punched in the corner by Sting. Styles drops Sting’s throat across the top rope. Christian hits a drop kick from the second turnbuckle for a two count. Cage punches Sting and then he tags in Styles. Styles punches Sting, but Sting responds with a kick and punches. Styles hits a phenomenal drop kick and then he gets a two count as we go to commercial.

We are back and Sting holds on to the ropes when Christian tries for a drop kick. Sting tries for a splash, but Christian gets his knees up. Christian goes up top but he misses a diving head butt and both men are down. Styles and Abyss tag in and Abyss with clotheslines and then he sets for a double choke slam on Styles and Cage, but they connect with knees. Abyss with a back body drop to Cage and then he tosses Styles into the air before slamming him to the mat. Abyss signals for doomsday and he sends Styles into the ropes, but Christian holds on to Styles. Abyss charges into the ropes and Styles moves out of the way so he punches Christian and hits a big boot on Styles. Abyss pulls Christian into the ring and then he gets Styles up for Shock Treatment and when he swings around, Styles’s boots knock Cage down. Abyss hits Shock Treatment on Styles for a two count. Christian punches Abyss but Abyss is able to get Cage up for Shock Treatment. Styles is able to get Christian out of the hold. Sting makes the blind tag and after Abyss hits a double clothesline, Sting hits a double cross body block from the top turnbuckle. Abyss sends Christian over the top rope to the floor and he goes after Cage. Sting kicks Styles in the ring while Abyss and Cage fight outside the ring.

Jim Mitchell comes out of the Chute of Heelish Impact with a woman. Abyss has a shocked look on his face and the woman appears to be glad to see Abyss. Sting wants to know what is going on and Sting is attacked from behind by Styles and then Sting is kicked by Christian and A.J. Abyss leaves the Impact Zone with Mitchell and the mystery woman.

Back in the ring, Styles and Christian punch Sting, but eventually the punches have no effect on Sting. Sting punches Cage and Styles and hits a Stinger Splash on Christian against the ropes and one to Styles and Cage in the corner. Sting throws Christian out of the ring and then he focuses on Styles. Sting has Styles in the Scorpion Death Lock, but Christian distracts the referee while Styles taps to the hold. From out of nowhere, Scott Steiner comes out and he hits Sting with the steel pipe before rolling out of the ring to hide from the referee. Styles gets the three count.

Winners: Christian Cage and A.J. Styles

After the match, Steiner, Styles, and Cage celebrate in the ring. We go to credits and see Abyss, Mitchell, and the mystery woman in the back and Abyss hugs the woman.

Flair Country
03-23-2007, 02:21 PM
Another pretty solid iMPACT show this week. The only part of the show that I really didn't enjoy was the whole Abyss's mom bit. But I'd have to say overall that the past month's worth of shows has been very promising. I think TNA has finally realized their mistakes and shortcomings, but I still say they need a 2nd hour to get a full show in.