View Full Version : Joey Mercury released from WWE (Reason inside)

03-26-2007, 10:49 PM
Joey mercury, a popular part of the Tag team MNM was released today by WWE. No word yet on the story behind this but WWE's official statement is:

WWE.com has learned that today in Chicago, WWE officials have agreed on the immediate release of Joey Mercury.


Update: 26th Mar 2007

There was an incident backstage at Raw this afternoon, which resulted in Joey Mercury being fired and Stephanie McMahon being taken to a local hospital. Details are still coming in, but the early word is that Mercury snapped when the creative team told him that he and his partner Johnny Nitro would not be appearing at Wrestlemania 23. Not much is known, but word is that Mercury charged at Stephanie McMahon, knocking her into the side of a desk. He was immediately restrained by the rest of the creative team, and fired on the spot. Vince McMahon is said to be furious at the harm caused at his daughter, who had to be taken to a Chicago hospital for evaluation. Mercury may face criminal charges and possible jail time if WWE decides to follow through. Dave Meltzer will have much more on this situation as he gets it

Source: WrestlingObserver.com
Thanx to CM Punk for posting the news on UOW and can be found below.


Update: 27th Mar 2007

Although details are very scarce at the moment, details have surfaced stating Mercury’s release is related to the WWE Wellness policy. We’ll have more details on this story as they become available.

In related news, Mercury failed a drug test last May and was suspended for 30 days.

There have been several reports circulating around the internet saying Mercury assaulted Stephanie McMahon, those rumors are false.

source: ewrestlingnews.com
Posted by AFC1984 aand can be found in this thread.


Update: 28th Mar 2007

Sports Radio 1130 WDFN in Detroit interviewed Johnny Nitro today. Joey Mercury's release was discussed with Nitro, although Nitro simply noted he was released and they parted ways. Nitro said that since he wasn't advertised for Wrestlemania 23, the release didn't affect his PPV plans and that in the future, he'd be back to pursuing the Intercontinental title.


03-26-2007, 10:55 PM
Is he the one that broke his face basickly

03-26-2007, 11:19 PM
hah what a comeback getting cracked in the face then leaving

Flair Country
03-27-2007, 12:57 AM
I'm really suprised that WWE did this. I guess they thought he couldn't compete like he used to before the broken nose??

03-27-2007, 01:01 AM
FINALLY MNM is broken up for good!

P.S. It was probably because of drug use

03-27-2007, 01:19 AM
Is he the one that broke his face basickly

Yes it was

This is kinda of sudden, but it's probably drug related as he has been suspended before. I just bet TNA signs him.

Flair Country
03-27-2007, 02:24 AM
I'm sure they will, then he'll go back to his old name Joey Mathews when he used to wrestle in TNA.

03-27-2007, 03:26 AM
Source: WrestlingObserver.com

There was an incident backstage at Raw this afternoon, which resulted in Joey Mercury being fired and Stephanie McMahon being taken to a local hospital. Details are still coming in, but the early word is that Mercury snapped when the creative team told him that he and his partner Johnny Nitro would not be appearing at Wrestlemania 23. Not much is known, but word is that Mercury charged at Stephanie McMahon, knocking her into the side of a desk. He was immediately restrained by the rest of the creative team, and fired on the spot. Vince McMahon is said to be furious at the harm caused at his daughter, who had to be taken to a Chicago hospital for evaluation. Mercury may face criminal charges and possible jail time if WWE decides to follow through. Dave Meltzer will have much more on this situation as he gets it.

03-27-2007, 03:28 AM
oh damn. lol that's good. I didn't like him anyways

03-27-2007, 03:55 AM
Holy crap! That's kind of funny... :lmao:

03-27-2007, 03:57 AM
If that story is true, They did deserve to be on WrestleMania 23 but still no excuss to charge at your own boss and knock her down sending her to the Hospital. Bad Break for Mercury I just hope that these issues could be resolved and maybe work his way back up.But still no excuse for hitting a woman. Nitro and Mercury should have been involved at WM 23 possibly for that Tag Team Battle Royal just a bad break and a bad incident if this is indeed true.

03-27-2007, 04:10 AM
Wow...I smell a lawsuit coming up

Darth Fozzy
03-27-2007, 04:13 AM
I think it's BS, MNM have been winning on Smackdown against Londrick for the past few weeks why would they not be apart of Wrestlemania? They have been built up over the past few weeks for something plus, I don't think Mercury is THAT stupid.

King Sir Greatness
03-27-2007, 04:14 AM
I wonder if he would have did it if HHH wasn't hobbling around somewhere.

03-27-2007, 07:11 AM
I wonder if he would have did it if HHH wasn't hobbling around somewhere.

No kidding. No HHH around so show Stephanie how tough you are Mercury. What a loser who will probably be on TNA in no time.

03-27-2007, 07:18 AM
Joined the threads together to keep em umm together lol. If anyone gets an update, please post it in here.

I can not believe he attacked Stephanie, the story may have got jumbled and it was an accident but if it isn't, WWE will try to screw him now, I should say Vince.

03-27-2007, 01:18 PM
It's a good job HHH wasn't there! I think Mercury may have been the one going to hospital if he was!

03-27-2007, 01:29 PM
I used to like watching MNM in tag team action. Ah well.


03-27-2007, 01:34 PM
Ok maybe it wasn't drugs but I could understand why he would be mad. But his temper got him cause now he's out of the WWE and probably is going to get a law suit slapped on him. He how ever will probably go work for TNA cause I'm sure they will sign him up as soon as possible.

Superkick Kid
03-27-2007, 03:20 PM
source: www.f4wonline.com

Details are scarce at the moment, but Joey Mercury's release is related to the WWE Wellness policy. More details on this story should be coming out in the next few days.

Last May, Mercury failed a drug test and was forced to serve a 30 day suspension.

Also note, the story circulating around the internet in regards to Mercury supposedly assaulting Stephanie McMahon is completely false.

There ya go.

03-27-2007, 03:25 PM
im guessing from the way it sounds.. .that he failed yet another drug test and that is why he was released... now it is possible bout the Stephanie thing as it being an accident... i know ive walked into things n ppl cos i wasnt paying attention.. and even worse when my emotions were high... i dont think he hurt her on purpose though.

03-27-2007, 03:30 PM
It's possible but why would they lie about him failing a drug test? Not only would this proof that WWE is checking their athletes and maybe even shut the press up with this drug hype...

03-27-2007, 04:11 PM
Johnny Nitro missed last years wrestlemania
now this years wrestlemania

this is BS >_>

03-27-2007, 05:38 PM
Johnny Nitro missed last years wrestlemania
now this years wrestlemania

this is BS >_>

Name one person that is on the Mania card that Johnny Nitro should replace.

Well not sure what to believe on this story about Joey but one thing that will happen that is for sure is that he will be working for TNA soon.

03-27-2007, 07:00 PM
Although details are very scarce at the moment, details have surfaced stating Mercury’s release is related to the WWE Wellness policy. We’ll have more details on this story as they become available.

In related news, Mercury failed a drug test last May and was suspended for 30 days.

There have been several reports circulating around the internet saying Mercury assaulted Stephanie McMahon, those rumors are false.

source: ewrestlingnews.com

if he did fail a drugs test, the wwe couldn't do anything else but fire him considering there is a lot of bad press about the steroid invesitgation

03-27-2007, 07:24 PM
Yea Mercury was very sad about getting released last night. Me and my buds saw him behind the Allstate arena hugging Orton, Nitro, and CM Punk almost in tears.

03-27-2007, 08:28 PM
Yeah, Dubbs and I saw Punk, Nitro, and Orton hugging Mercury and sitting in a car with him, talking for awhile, well before the show. We were confused at to what was happening at the time, but now it all makes sense.

Best of luck to Joey!

03-27-2007, 09:58 PM
I merged yours here FC 1986, I had a feeling the Steph one was false and I said all along it was due to the drugs. He was whisked away without fanfare or nothing, all very quiet.

03-28-2007, 01:10 AM
He had so much mid-card potential...
Mick Foley already hates McMahon and Nitro and Melina
Nitro and Melina could have turned on him again after losing countless times last week...
Mick Foley + Mercury + Candice vs. McMahon + Nitro + Melina
-Candice b/c she's destined to feud with Melina post-Wrestlemania
WWE Presents Summerslam:
Hardcore Hair Match:
Mick Foley + Joey Mercury + Candice vs. Mr. McMahon + Nitro + Melina
I could see it now-instead of shaving Melina's head after winning, Candice removes all of her (Melina's) clothes like a few weeks ago (I mean, that's the only way fans would concur over Melina's bald head, right? It would fit into the "party of the summer" theme too!)
Too bad, so sad...

03-28-2007, 01:50 AM
I agree with j-man. Joey Mercury was / is a j-ass. I, for 1. am glad he's gone. Good riddance to bad trash!

03-28-2007, 02:36 AM
To an earlier post: Nitro could easily replace Edge or King Booker in the MITB match. Neither of those superstars need this match. Nitro is much better than MVP, Khali, and I would much rather see him than this stupid hair vs hair match. And then of course, by wrestling ability alone he could replace everyone but HBK and Benoit.

I wonder if he is going to be hurt because of Mercury's actions though (drug or attack if it is true).

03-28-2007, 02:56 PM
^ ok u got me on the Khali one but thats it. The Lashley Umaga match should be ok but I don't really care about the Hair thing cause thats just something so Vince can be a part of WM it's just the way he is. Plus he owns the company. He can do what ever even if it does completely suck.

03-28-2007, 04:46 PM
i just went to wwe.com and checked his bio it's still thr and on the right side of the page thr is no word on mercury being released can someone tell me wuts going on?

03-28-2007, 08:15 PM
Just read the first post and you will know all.

More news:

Sports Radio 1130 WDFN in Detroit interviewed Johnny Nitro today. Joey Mercury's release was discussed with Nitro, although Nitro simply noted he was released and they parted ways. Nitro said that since he wasn't advertised for Wrestlemania 23, the release didn't affect his PPV plans and that in the future, he'd be back to pursuing the Intercontinental title.

03-28-2007, 08:55 PM
He better be glad that he got fired, for if he didnt when Triple H got better and such he would request a match with him, and Triple H would beat him into retirement.

03-29-2007, 09:49 PM
mercury was boring so i won't miss him. just wish they'd get rid of nitro as well...so boring. if it weren't for melina nitro would be jobbing along with eugene and scotty 2 hotty.

03-30-2007, 03:10 AM
I already posted a reply saying how sad it is...
I have to say I knew it was coming, or at least they were extremely mad at him (and Nitro by the way). A lost mixed tag team match lost. Mercury had his face busted open as a jobber in the gauntlet steel cage match a few weeks ago. Then that Friday MNM lost a tag team championship match on Smackdown! Poor guy-after the ladder match and steel cage he had no choice but to go back on painkillers...Then again, if you're a wrestler and can't take painkillers...

03-30-2007, 03:29 AM
mercury was boring so i won't miss him. just wish they'd get rid of nitro as well...so boring. if it weren't for melina nitro would be jobbing along with eugene and scotty 2 hotty.

Considering Nitro is one of the best athletes in the business (like Shelton Benjamin) and can wrestle his ass off, you must be pretty happy with the crap that is the WWE right now. Hair v Hair, oooo so interesting; Kane v Kali... I just can't wait to fall asle...I mean watch that one; another rousing Cena promo... not enough alcohol in the universe to make him look or sound like a champion; Lashley struggling in each match. more Triple Expose or whatever it is called, and more burying of the younger stars (Carlito, Benjamin, Nitro, the entire tag team division). These pathetic gimmicks and gimmick matches do not make a good WRESTLING show. Only more reality TV sh**.

It is almost impossible to believe that the WWE once was overrun by true talent. What happened to those days?

03-30-2007, 03:46 AM
Credit: F4wonline.com, PWInsider.com Audio

As it's been reported all week, WWE released Joey Mercury this past Monday. It was said that because of several personal issues that the idea for the release was the best option. It is a situation similar to Kurt Angle's in that WWE is giving him time to fix his issues and then he will be welcome back to the company when they think he is ready. The decision to release him was a spur of the moment made at the catering room at Monday's RAW taping. He was said to be in really bad shape on Monday, and as much as people like him and feel bad for him, they felt this had to be done for his own good.

Last year he had some serious issues with pain killers and was sent to rehab. After getting out, he got his face destroyed by the ladder and got hooked on them again in a major way.

Many felt that termination may have been the wrong solution because he often gave it his all in the ring. such as the brutal injury he suffered at Armageddon. However, in reality, WWE is doing what they feel they have to do to help him to help himself.

I really hope that Joey can beat the addiction as I fully support the WWE in this action to get a person's health checked before he comes to wrestle. Same thing happened to Kurt and Kurt didnt want to listen. Mercury is a good talent and when he kicks the Habbit, I'll be glad to see him back in a WWE Ring back with MNM as he had some nice single matches on SMackDown with Matt Hardy before his release and has been a great asset. One just has to deal with the struggles of addiction and its never easy to battle but I'm fully behind both Mercury to have a good recovery and for the WWE for doing what was right in this situation and not getting any wrose.