View Full Version : Top WWE Star Maybe Taking Time Off, J.R.'s Inductor, Bikini Model

03-27-2007, 11:23 PM
source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Kane is talking about taking some time off after WrestleMania for a few months due to recurring knee problems. While he contemplates his decision, he is scheduled to work with the returning Mark Henry.

It has been confirmed that Stone Cold Steve Austin will be inducting Jim Ross into the WWE Hall of Fame this Saturday.

Christine LeMaster, the swimsuit model contacted through WWE's attempt at a talent exchange deal with Hawaiian Tropics, was training at the Deep South Wrestling facilities two weeks ago. They offered her a contract and the company was under the impression that she was going to sign the deal. But as she said on her MySpace page, she turned them down. She still hopes to work with them in the future, just not at this time.

03-27-2007, 11:54 PM
is mark henry gonna replace kane like the great khali supposedly replaced triple H

03-28-2007, 02:10 AM
As long as Kane has been in WWE, with the notable exception of his Issac Yankem persona, has been my favorite wrestler to watch. He's just so sinister and seems to genuinely enjoy using his superior power to destroy everyone that dares to face him, he's just a blast to watch. However, I digress. I know every wrestler needs to take time off, but I seriously hope he comes back. If Khali has truly replaced HHH, which I hope is not true, that would mean no more DX. DX is just too entertaining to not have around any more. As for Mark Henry, the only thing he's good for is too challenge Khali, and I'm not even sure he can beat Khali. Who in the WWE can beat the "world's strongest man" and Khali. There was only one person, the "big show", and he no longer is wrestling. His contract expired and is not returning to the ring so he can pursue other things. What good does it do to have Khali and Henry in the ring when nobody can beat either one of them. And yes, that goes for 'Taker too. Sorry to go off on a major tangent there. Once I get going I'm like a freight train; I'm hard too stop. Thanks for listening to my rantings.

03-28-2007, 02:45 AM
If kane works with henry he will need time off i'm sure henry will injure him like everyone else. That is if he don't hurt himself first

03-28-2007, 02:47 PM

Well kinda of seen this coming can tell Kane's a bit slower in the ring right now. I wouldn't mind seeing Kane and Henry feud I like Henry he just gets injured very easy.