View Full Version : ECW Results - 27th March

03-28-2007, 06:43 AM
ECW Results - 27th March
Location - Grand Rapids, MI
Commentators - Tazz and Joey Styles

ECW opened with them plugging that we would be hearing Bobby Lashley and Vince McMahon's "final statements" before the Battle of the Billionaires at Wrestlemania on Sunday.

Rob Van Dam vs. Elijah Burke

The fans were chanting for RVD before the first lock up. Van Dam swept out Burke's leg on the initial lockup. Burke grabbed a side headlock, but RVD turned it into a headscissors. They went into a bridge, but Burke used his weight to drive RVD into the canvas. Burke rammed RVD into a turnbuckle, but Van Dam fought back with punches. Burke slammed RVD and hit an elbowdrop for a two count. Burke ran into an elbow and Van Dam rammed him into a corner. Burke kicked RVD in the gut, but Van Dam flipped over a backdrop attempt and hit a side kick. Van Dam backdropped Burke, then crotched him on the top rope. Van Dam hit a top rope kick on Burke, knocking him off the rope and to the floor. There was a slight "ECW" chant. Van Dam hit a somersault over the top rope and to the floor, nailing Burke as they went to commercial.

Back from break, Burke had RVD in a chinlock. Van Dam elbowed out and swept Burke's leg. Van Dam went for Rolling Thunder, but Burke got his knees up. Burke hit a series of punches to the back and rubbed Van Dam's face into the mat. Burke hit a vertical suplex, then went right into a back suplex. Burke applied a surfboard, and there was an "ECW" chant. Van Dam stood up and back kicked to escape it, but Burke dropped Van Dam and applied a Texas Cloverleaf. Burke went down to one knee with the hold, but Van Dam broke out of it and grabbed the ropes. Burke stayed on Van Dam's back, and whipped him hard in the corner. Burke hit an elbowdrop in the corner, then mocked Van Dam's pose. Burke scored a pair of two counts, then drove some forearms into Van Dam's back before applying a chinlock. Van Dam broke out, but ran into a boot by Burke. Burke went to the top rope, but jumped off into a spinkick by Van Dam.

RVD hit a pair of clotheslines. Burke went for a kick, but RVD caught it and kicked Burke in the head. Van Dam hit a spinkick for a two count. Burke reversed a whip into the corner, but missed the double jumping knee in the corner (The Elijah Express) and crashed into the turnbuckles. Van Dam hit the five star frog splash for the clean win.

Winner: Rob Van Dam.

Marcus Cor Von, Matt Striker and Kevin Thorn ran in and attacked Van Dam, but Sabu, Sandman and Tommy Dreamer ran out and the New Breed bailed out of the ring. The did a staredown New Breed on the floor, Originals in the ring, and yelled at each other.

Extreme Expose danced, if you call it that, to a song by the Ying Yang Twins. At least they didn't befoul a Def Leppard classic this week. They did a bit where they wore hats. Guess who lost her hat and did the rest of the dance number with an "imaginary hat"? Yep, Kelly Kelly.

They went backstage, where Edge was with his partners for the night, CM Punk and the Hardys. Edge said that they don't like each other, but he was the first Money In The Bank winner, and they should listen to him. He said there were too many egos on the other team, and they could take out some of the opposition for Wrestlemania tonight if they work together. Edge walked off, and it didn't look like Punk and the Hardys were buying it.

Balls Mahoney vs. Snitsky.

Snitsky shoulderblocked Balls to the floor at the start, rammed him into the post, and put him back in the ring and kicked him in the chest. Snistky catapulted Balls throat-first into the bottom rope. Snitsky hit the big boot to the face and got the pin.

Winner: Snitsky.

They reviewed Vince McMahon's "win" over Bobby Lashley last night on Raw.

Kennedy and Orton were whispering to each other. Fit Finlay and Booker entered, and Orton & Kennedy said they would see them later and left. Booker wondered what they were talking about, and Finlay said they were talking bad about Booker. Booker said he never trusted them, and that he and Finlay should watch each other's back tonight. Finlay agreed, then laughed and said that Booker could never trust him either before walking off.

They did the Vince McMahon-Bobby Lashley faceoff, which was done with both men joining us "via satellite". Vince immediately talked about how great it was to be in the WWE Studios in Connecticut, not Michigan. Lashley was backstage in Grand Rapids. Vince talked about partying after his win last night, and how Vince was looking forward to watching Lashley "let everyone down" at Wrestlemania. Vince said that Lashley's future in WWE is "bleak" and if he was in Grand Rapids tonight, he would walk up the Lashley and beat him up. Lashley simply said "Listen you old bastard, at Wrestlemania you are leaving as one bald son of a bitch".

Edge, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy & CM Punk vs. Randy Orton, Ken Kennedy, King Booker & Fit Finlay.

There was a ladder at ringside and the Money In The Bank briefcase was hanging above the ring. Everyone had their own entrance except the Hardys, who came out together. Edge came out last, then they went to commercial before the match began.

Back from break, Matt Hardy kicked Kennedy and hit the Side Effect, but Booker broke up the cover. Matt rammed Kennedy in a corner and tagged in Jeff. The Hardys hit a double back elbow and a elbowdrop/fistdrop combo for a two count. Jeff missed a splash in the corner and Kennedy tagged in Orton, who stomped Jeff down. Orton hit an uppercut and worked over Jeff with punches in a corner. Orton and Edge argued. Jeff leapfrogged Orton and hit the Whisper In The Wind but Booker broke up the cover. Matt tagged in and he and Jeff hit a legdrop combo on Randy for a two count. Matt tagged in CM Punk, who hit a double axhandle to the back of Orton, the followed with a vertical suplex. Kennedy broke up his cover.

Orton tagged in Finlay, who kicked Punk in the gut as Orton held him. Finlay hit some short arm clotheslines, then a sit down splash for a two count. Finlay slammed Punk, then dropped an elbow and tagged in King Booker. Booker kicked Punk on the mat and hit a series of right hands. Booker traded punches with Punk, then tagged in Finlay, who took Punk down with a chinlock. Punk fought up and elbowed out of it, then Finlay hit a clothesline to stop his momentum and reapplied the hold. Orton tagged in, and Punk rallied with kicks and punches, but Orton took him down with a clothesline and hit a kneedrop for two. King Booker tagged in and continued the beat down of Punk, until Punk reversed a whip and hit a jumping knee in the corner, followed by a bulldog. Punk then tagged Edge, who seemed annoyed at first, then got in the ring and acted like he was going to spear Booker. Edge then turned around and tagged Punk back, then dropped to the floor.

Punk and the Hardys argued with Edge, and this allowed Booker to knee Punk, but Punk came back with an enzugiri. The match broke down, with everyone running in, except Edge on the floor and Finlay, who stayed on the apron. Jeff tossed Orton to the floor and dove out on him. Matt fought with Kennedy, eventually ending up on the floor. In the ring, Punk was battling Booker, but Finlay hit him from the apron with the shillelagh, and Booker hit the ax kick for the win.

Winners: Randy Orton, Ken Kennedy, King Booker & Fit Finlay.

The winners started to argue amongst each other, and it broke out in a brawl. The Hardys came back in with a ladder and cleaned house on everyone, blasting them all with the ladder. Finlay suffered a nasty gash near his eye. The Hardys cleared the ring, then set up an extra-large ladder. They climbed up opposite sides and both grabbed the briefcase. They were talking to each other atop the ladder, and the announcers speculated what would happen at Wrestlemania if both of them were going for the briefcase in the Money In The Bank ladder match to end the show.

04-03-2007, 03:13 PM
Seems like the New Breed are always losing.