View Full Version : Smackdown Results - 30th Mar 2007

03-31-2007, 05:13 PM
Smackdown Results - 30th Mar 2007
Location - Grand Rapids, MI
Commentators - JBL and Michael Cole

It is time for the final television show before Wrestlemania 23 and the final chance for the pieces to be put together for the biggest wrestling pay per view of the year. What will Vince McMahon do on tonight’s show? What will happen when Bradshaw interviews the two men who are in the World Title match? Will we see anything new from the eight men in the Money in the Bank match? Will we see any of the Smackdown superstars who are not in an announced match for Wrestlemania? What is next for Playboy cover girl Ashley Massaro as she prepares for her title match against Melina?

We are live on tape from Grand Rapids, Michigan and your announcers are Michael ‘Spartan’ Cole and John ‘Wolverine’ Layfield.

The ladder for the Money in the Bank match and briefcase are at ringside before our first match begins.

Edge comes to the ring and he gets on the mic. He reminds everyone that he won the first Money in the Bank ladder match. He reminds everyone that you can cash it in against any champion you want in any venue you want. He says that he shocked the world when he cashed it in against John Cena to win the WWE Championship. He says that he has won more ladder matches than his seven opponents combined and the same thing will happen on Sunday whether the fans like it or not. His opponent, Matt Hardy comes to the ring and Edge says that they are supposed to face off against each other tonight and the fans want to see them go at it in the ring. However, he is not going to risk injury against a lowlife like Matt. He found an opponent who Matt’s brother knows well, and this man wants to meet Matt. The Great Khali comes to the ring.

Great Khali (with Edge) vs Matt Hardy

Hardy punches Khali as Khali comes into the ring, but the punches have no effect. Hardy goes for the leg and it has the same effect. Khali with a forearm and clothesline and Hardy rolls to the apron. Khali with a hip toss that brings Hardy back into the ring. Khali punches Hardy in the head and then he kicks Hardy. Khali chokes Hardy in the corner followed by another forearm to the back. Khali sets up for the vertical choke slam but Kane’s pyro goes off and the lights go red. Khali leaves the ring to search for his Wrestlemania opponent.

Kane appears on the Fist-o-Tron screen and he tells Khali ‘two more days’ while swinging the hook in front of him and he laughs maniacally. We go to commercial.

We are back and Teddy Long is on the phone in the HollaOffice. He says that he needs a table for two with champagne ready. Kristal enters the office and he says that he was making reservations. He says that he knows how hard she has been competing in the ring and doing interviews so he wants to take her out. Kristal asks Teddy how she looks for her match and Teddy approves. Teddy says that he might be a little late because he needs to stick around for the big interview and he wishes her luck in her match. Kristal kisses Teddy and Teddy appears to be in a good mood.

Ken Kennedy gets on the mic before his match and he points out that it is his briefcase above the ring. He says that on Sunday, in front of 75,000 people at Ford Field and millions at home, he will become Mister . . . Money in the Bank.

Ken Kennedy vs Fit Finlay

Finlay and Kennedy with a collar and elbow tie up as both men move around the ring and roll outside to the floor while still locked up. They move over to the announce table before the release the hold to a stalemate. They return to the ring and lock up again and Kennedy with a side head lock. Finlay with a forearm but Kennedy holds on to the side head lock. Kennedy turns it into a front face lock, but Finlay escapes into a hammer lock and gets a cover for a near fall. Kennedy slams Finlay’s head into the turnbuckle followed by kicks and a running boot to the head for a two count. Kennedy tells the referee to check on Finlay and that gives Kennedy time to try to remove the turnbuckle pad, but Finlay recovers and sends Kennedy into the turnbuckle. Finlay takes the turnbuckle pad off the turnbuckle as the referee comes over to check on what he is doing. Kennedy with an inside cradle but he only gets a two when the referee is not in position. Finlay gets out of a fireman’s carry position and he gets Kennedy up. Kennedy gets out of the hold and he sends Finlay into the exposed turnbuckle. Kennedy with the rolling fireman’s carry slam for a two count. Kennedy goes under the ring and he grabs a ladder, but Finlay with a baseball slide that sends Kennedy into the announce table. Finlay rolls Kennedy back into the ring and then he connects with a forearm across the apron. Finlay with an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner and Finlay’s shoulder hits the ring post. Kennedy gets a two count. Kennedy goes after the ladder set up at ringside and he brings it into the ring. Kennedy tries to throw the ladder at Finlay but Finlay moves out of the way. Finlay responds by sending Kennedy into the turnbuckles and hits a short arm clothesline. Hornswoggle comes out from under the ring and he brings in a stepladder. While the referee deals with Finlay, Hornswoggle hits a Swanton from the top of the stepladder. Finlay with the Celtic Cross for the three count.

Winner: Fit Finlay

We see a video package of Vince McMahon and Bobby Lashley’s match from this week’s Raw. We go to commercial.

We are back and Maryse welcomes us back from her bedroom.

Montel Vontavious Porter gets on the mic before his match and he says that each week he has taken on world champions and has beaten them. He faces a man tonight who has won countless marathons. He has the speed and stamina of a gazelle and the ferocity of a lion. This is a man who is hungry for victory. He is a man who could potentially give him a run for his money. This week he will face the Ethiopian champion, Viko Batomango

Montel Vontavious Porter vs Viko Batomango

Porter attacks Batomango from behind while the referee takes his spear. Porter slams his head into the turnbuckles and punches him in the corner. Porter with an Irish whip and running boot into the corner. Porter with a series of knees and then he hits the Hat Trick German suplex combination and then he does the throat slash to continue to mock Benoit. Porter with the Playmaker for the three count.

Winner: Montel Vontavious Porter

Porter gets on the mic and he says that the countdown to Wrestlemania is officially on. Porter says that the clock is ticking for Benoit. Porter says that he has made five pay per view appearances and at Wrestlemania, he will beat the man who claims to be ‘for real’ when the referee slaps the mat three times. In just two days, there will be one new United States Champion.

We go to footage of the issues between Batista and Undertaker over the last few weeks to set up this week’s interview. We go to commercial.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: Edge getting Randy Orton disqualified two weeks ago on Raw in a match against Jeff Hardy and Jeff Hardy’s leg drop from the top of the ladder.

Randy Orton vs Jeff Hardy

Hardy with a clean break despite teasing a punch on the break. Orton with an arm bar into a hammer lock and Hardy reverses it. Orton backs Hardy into the corner and he punches Hardy on the break. Orton with an Irish whip but Hardy moves when Orton charges. Hardy with an arm drag into an arm bar. Hardy works on the arm with a knee to the arm after an arm bar take down. Orton sends Hardy into the corner and he punches Hardy on the break one more time. Orton tries for a knee, but Hardy with a rollup for a two count. Hardy with a brainbuster Falcon Arrow for a two count. Hardy with Orton in the corner and he hits the punches of ten. Hardy with a back elbow for a two count. Orton chokes Hardy in the ropes. Orton with an Irish whip, but Hardy floats over. Orton hits a clothesline and Hardy goes to the apron. Orton hits a shoulder tackle that knocks Hardy off the apron and into the ringside barrier. We go to commercial.

We are back and Orton has Hardy in a reverse chin lock. Hardy punches Orton, but Orton with a neck breaker for a two count. Orton does the Garvin Stomp on Hardy and then he stomps on Hardy’s abdomen. Orton with a standing drop kick for a two count. Orton chokes Hardy in the ropes and then he stomps on Hardy’s back. Orton goes outside and hits a European uppercut from the floor and Orton gets a two count. Orton returns to the reverse chin lock and Hardy tries to fight out of it, but Orton pulls Hardy down by the hair. Orton tries for a knee drop but Hardy moves out of the way. Hardy with a flying short arm clothesline and both men are down. Hardy with clotheslines to Orton followed by a running forearm and mule kick. Hardy with the delay baseball slide in the corner for a two count. Hardy punches Orton and then Orton with an Irish whip, but Hardy with Whisper in the Wind for a two count. Hardy goes up top but Orton rolls out of the way. Orton throws Hardy out of the ring and from out of nowhere; Edge kicks Hardy in the ribs. Orton yells at Edge and tells him to leave. Orton rolls Hardy back into the ring and then he sets for the RKO. Orton tells Edge to go to the back, but Hardy is able to hit a sunset flip for the three count.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

We see footage of last week’s tag team match with Batista and Taker and what happened at the end of the match. We go to commercial.

We are back and we take a look at last Monday’s main event when Shawn Michaels hit Sweet Chin Music on John Cena after a stereo five knuckle shuffle.

Cole and Bradshaw run through the card for Wrestlemania:

John Cena vs Shawn Michaels for the WWE Title

Donald Trump (with Bobby Lashley) vs Vince McMahon (with Umaga) in the Battle of Billionaires

ECW Originals (Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, and Sandman) vs ECW New Breed (Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von, Kevin Thorn [with Ariel], and Matt Striker)

Ashley Massaro vs Melina in a Lumberjill match for the Women’s Title

Chris Benoit vs Montel Vontavious Porter for the United States Title

Kane vs Great Khali

CM Punk vs Edge vs Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy vs Ken Kennedy vs Fit Finlay vs Booker T vs Randy Orton in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Batista vs Undertaker for the World Title

Melina, Jillian Hall, Victoria, Kristal Hall, and Michelle McCool vs Ashley Massaro, Torrie Wilson, Mickie James, Maria, and Candice Michelle

Mickie and Victoria start things off and Mickie with a snap mare and drop kick for a two count. Mickie with a forearm and then Michelle holds on to Victoria when Mickie tries for a drop kick. Victoria with an elbow. Michelle tags in and they hit a double suplex on Mickie. Michelle sends Mickie into the turnbuckles and chokes Mickie. Melina is tagged in and he chokes Mickie in the ropes with a body scissors. Victoria kicks Mickie while the referee was distracted and Melina gets a two count. Jillian tags in and she connects with a forearm and then she tosses Mickie by the hair. Jillian tags in Victoria and Jillian with a slam to Mickie followed by a moonsault attempt, but Mickie moves out of the way. Candice tags in and she hits a spinning heel kick and it is time for Candice to hit a Go Daddy elbow drop for a two count. Candice with an Irish whip and she tags in Maria who hits the Bronco Buster. Torrie is tagged in and she does the stinkface to Victoria. Jillian and Ashley tag in. Ashley with a kick to Jillian followed by a clothesline to Michelle and Kristal. Jillian with a kick to Ashley and she gets Ashley up for a powerbomb, but Ashley counters and hits a rana for the three count.

Winners: Ashley Massaro, Torrie Wilson, Mickie James, Maria, and Candice Michelle

We go to a preview for The Condemned.

King Booker and Queen Sharmell are walking in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back with the Smack of the Night: The eight man match from ECW involving the Money in the Bank participants with Matt and Jeff Hardy standing atop the ladder after the match.

King Booker (with Queen Sharmell) vs CM Punk

Both men look at the briefcase as the match begins. Booker with a clean break on a collar and elbow tie up. Booker with forearms to the back followed by chops and punches. Booker slams Punk’s head into the turnbuckle. Punk blocks a punch and he connects with a series of kicks. Punk with a snap mare and standing drop kick to the back of the head for a near fall. Punk with kicks to the shoulder. Booker with a hot shot to Punk and Booker with a super kick for a two count. Booker with a series of knees to the head and chops. Booker continues the attack with a forearm, but Punk responds with forearms of his own. Booker with a spinebuster when Punk comes off the ropes. Booker with a side head lock and Punk tries to get out of the hold with elbows, but Booker pulls Punk down to the mat with a pull of the hair. Booker and Punk exchange chops and punches. Booker with a back elbow for a two count. Booker with a key lock on Punk and then he slams Punk. Punk with a kick to Booker followed by a swinging neck breaker and both men are down. Punk with a series of kicks and forearms and a jumping leg lariat and drop kick for a two count. Punk with knees to Booker and an enzuigiri for a two count. Booker with a knee but Punk with an Irish whip and running knee. Punk tries for the bulldog, but Booker gets out of the hold and he kicks Punk. Booker sets for the scissors kick, but Punk moves out of the way. Punk with a rollup and bridge for the three count.

Winner: CM Punk

We see highlights from the main event of Raw as we go to commercial.

We are back with highlights of the Wrestlemania Press Conference.

Bradshaw enters the ring to interview the two participants in the World Title match. Bradshaw says that he cannot wait to see Donald Trump get his head shaved by Vince McMahon. Bradshaw says that nobody could do what he is about to do. He says that he is willing to spread the spotlight around to the Undertaker and Batista. He talks about how he held the spotlight for eighteen months and was the longest running champion in Smackdown history. Bradshaw hypes the greatest interview in Sports Entertainment history. Before the interviewees come to the ring, glass breaks and Steve Austin comes to the ring.

Steve Austin gives Bradshaw a Stone Cold Stunner and then it is time to drink beer for Austin. Austin pours some beer on Bradshaw to get him up after the stunner. Austin gives Bradshaw a second stunner and then he leaves the ring with beer in hand. We go to commercial.

We are back and security splits the ring as Teddy Long brings out the men who are in the Smackdown Brand main event at Wrestlemania. Batista comes out first followed by the Undertaker. Teddy reminds both men that Wrestlemania is not tonight so they better control their tempers and let cooler heads prevail. Teddy asks Batista if he still has the same level of respect for the Undertaker. Batista answers and says no. Teddy asks Taker about Batista’s lack of respect and Taker does not answer. Teddy asks Batista what it will take to beat the Undertaker. Batista says that it will take forty-eight hours and then he will whip Taker’s ass. Taker removes his jacket and hat. Batista crosses the Maginot Line of security and Taker and Batista battle in the ring. They are separated only to see Taker break free and Batista does the same. The battle moves out of the ring and to the floor. Batista returns to the ring and he wants Taker in there. Taker and Batista exchange punches before security separates them one more time. Taker punches the security and officials holding him back. Batista with a spinebuster to Taker and Batista leaves the ring. Taker sits up and looks at Batista. We go to credits.

03-31-2007, 08:10 PM
aww man i missed the first too matches when i tuned it i saw mvp fight the guy with a spear

04-03-2007, 03:25 PM
Khali on 2 shows man one is enough time taken up. Kennedy vs Finlay was probably my fav. match of the show. MVP rules he's got some of the best champions coming from all around the world how can u beat that. lol The Orton Hardy match I also liked a lot and had some good high points. What can say about the Divas well there Divas :) Also good seeing Punk beating Booker I like when people get wins over Booker. Last but not least always a good thing when Stone Cold is around. Just ask JBL.