View Full Version : Fan at Stone Cold movie premiere and notes from it.

03-31-2007, 10:58 PM
Nick here with a live report of The Condemned World Premiere at Fox Theatre.

Every WWE superstar was there including Stephanie, Shane, Linda, and Triple H, who seemed to be walking just fine by the way. Mark Henry was there, he looked good as well.

There were about 5,000 people there to completely fill the place up. It was a great experience live.

The movie itself was great in my opinion. It had action, violence, sex and, of course, ass-whoopings.

Stone Cold does a great job of transitioning himself from a wrestler to a actor. I thought he was great in this movie.

Some didn't think so though because the people sitting next to me left half way though due to how graphic the movie is in certain scenes. It is R rated.

Overall, I thought it was a great movie, and it was capped off with Stone Cold coming out to say a few words, to a great pop.

The premiere was great and so was the Fan Axxess. Overall, it was a great way to lead up to Sunday's WM 23.


03-31-2007, 11:50 PM
sounds good i might go see it