View Full Version : WWE Hall of Fame - FUll Report

04-01-2007, 03:33 AM
WWE Hall of Fame 2007

The WWE.com webcast of the Hall Of Fame opened with a wide shot of the stage, and you could hear an "HBK" chant before the lights dimmed.

After the usual WWE opening, a video package highlighting past Hall Of Fame inductees was shown. As usual, the WWE stars are seated in the front rows of the auditorium, with the fans behind them. The McMahon Family (sans Vince) is front and center. The curtains opened and Hall Of Famer Mean Gene Okerlund welcomed us to the show. Gene then introduced us to tonight's host, Todd Grisham, who was booed. Todd asked the WWE superstars to stand up and be recognized, and most of them didn't. Finally, John Cena, Batista, the Hardys and King Booker stood up, but most of them still didn't get up.

They showed a video package on Nick Bockwinkel, which included comments from Jerry Lawler, Ricky Steamboat, Greg Gagne, Jim Brunzell, Gene Okerlund, and Baron Von Raschke.

Grisham then introduced Hall Of Famer Bobby Heenan. There was a huge "Bobby" chant, which Heenan acknowledged. Heenan said "Thank you, drive safe" and walked off. Heenan then realized he had more to do.

Heenan talked about Nick Bockwinkel, and handled the occasional catcalls from fans in his usual way. Heenan talked about Bockwinkel's class and dignity. Heenan said the only problem with Bockwinkel is he hasn't "done anything". Heenan said he hasn't been divorced eight times, isn't a deadbeat dad, doesn't get drunk and doesn't carry a gun. Heenan said that means he can't work for the NBA or NFL. Heenan then joked about how Bockwinkel knighted him "Sir Robert" and has been calling him that for 30 years now.

Heenan said Bockwinkel would be out to talk in a moment, and should be done by four in the morning. However, Heenan said he wanted to talk about Detroit first, mentioning his work with The Sheik and how he wrestled in every building in town, including accompanying Andre The Giant in the Pontiac Silverdome. Heenan then introduced Nick Bockwinkel.

Bockwinkel started to use big words, and Heenan said "This isn't a promo, speak English". Bockwinkel talked about how honored he was to be there. Bockwinkel thanked his wife for hanging with him for 35 years, and his two daughters, who now live in Hawaii. He then thanked his father, Warren Bockwinkel, who was also a professional wrestler. Bockwinkel thanked his father for making him into the wrestler he became, then said "Now I'm going to go sit next to Bobby Heenan, thank you".

They showed a Wrestlemania commercial, and there was an "HBK" chant again. Cena was shown, and he jokingly acted embarrassed by it.

A video package on the Wild Samoans was shown, featuring comments from Vince McMahon, Samu, Tommy Dreamer, Jim Ross, Triple H, Rikishi. Joey Styles, John Cena and The Rock.

Sam Anoai and Matt Anoai were introduced to induct Afa & Sika. They talked about how proud they were on behalf of their family to be here to induct their fathers, the Wild Samoans. They talked about how active Samoans are in sports today, and how many people give thanks to Peter Maivia and Afa & Sika for paving the way for them. They introduced Afa and Sika, who came out to their old WWF theme music.

Sika talked in his native tongue, and I don't speak Samoan, so I can't translate this one, folks. Sika thanked his family and his kids, in English. Afa then said he would tell us what Sika said in Samoan. Afa said he was thanking God, because if it wasn't for him, they wouldn't be standing here today. Afa said they have worked hard, and have never forgotten where they came from. He thanked Peter Maivia and Rocky Johnson, saying they were the ones that trained them.

Afa told the story of why they became wrestlers, mentioning a show at the Cow Palace in San Francisco where Peter Maivia wrestled Pat Patterson. Afa said ten minutes into the match, Sika threw a chair in the ring, and started a riot. Afa said they had to stop the match and speak to the crowd in Samoan, because even the security, who was Samoan, were taking off their uniforms and getting involved in the fight. Afa said that Sika ended up in jail. Afa said his uncle took him aside after the match and said "We need to get you two in the ring".

Afa thanked the fans, noting they were the reason they go to where they are today. Afa joked that they aren't the best looking men in the world, but because they were wrestlers, people looked up to them. Afa then spoke to the wrestlers, saying that they paved the road for them, including working many towns without getting paid, just to make it there, and they couldn't have done it without the fans, the promoters and the boys. Afa thanked his family, and his sister from traveling in from Nevada. Afa pointed out that it was Umaga's mother, and that got a reaction from the crowd. Afa closed with another Samoan saying, which translated to "Take care of each other and trust in God". Afa and Sika then embraced to an ovation.

Todd Grisham then introduced a Condemned trailer.

Todd Grisham then introduced Sabu and Rob Van Dam, who got a big reaction. Both men pointed up as they approached the podium. There was a big Sabu chant. RVD jokingly asked Sabu if he had his script.

RVD said he grew up a few hours away in Battle Creek, Michigan. He said he wanted to become a wrestler, and since he wasn't second or third generation, he needed to find a wrestling school. RVD said the most important thing he was looking for in a school was credibility. RVD said he was ready to travel anywhere, but was lucky enough to find a wrestling school 45 minutes from his parent's home, run by the Original Sheik. RVD said the Sheik was "hardcore" before anyone heard of the word. RVD said the Sheik threw him in a pit with his nephew, Sabu, and he was on his way to becoming a wrestler. RVD said they would wrestle in a ring in his backyard, swim in his pool, then the Sheik's wife Joyce would cook them dinner and the Sheik would tell them stories. RVD said he would share some of those stories, but Sheik would bite his nose off if he told them.

RVD did tell one story, saying that fans always ask how Van Dam developed a high flying style when he was trained by The Sheik. RVD talked about Sheik teaching RVD and Sabu how to do a headlock. RVD said how the last thing he wanted was for the Sheik to come in the ring and show him how to do it, but he would come in and rip their heads off. Then the phone would ring, Sheik would go answer it, and while he wasn't looking, they would do top rope moves. Then when Sheik came back, he would put the headlock back on.

RVD said people looked at them with respect, honor and fear because they were "Sheik's boys" on the indy scene. RVD said the values Sheik instilled in him remain with him, and how Sheik taught him the most important thing was taking care of your family. RVD said Sheik taught him about deserving respect, and being original, noting "it is overlooked by most, and appreciated by few". RVD said he hopes the Sheik is proud of how RVD and Sabu are carrying on his principles. RVD asked the fans to join them in celebrating the original Sheik.

A video package on the Sheik was then shown.

Sabu said that this brings great honor to his family, and introduced Joyce Farhat, the wife of The Sheik.

Joyce said it was a great honor to be there. She seemed very choked up, and said she was going to try hard to get through it without crying. She talked about working with Sheik as his valet for six years in the early 60's. She talked about being brought to New York by Vince McMahon Sr. because Sheik "needed a princess".

Joyce said she lost him four years ago and she thought she was done with this "crying thing" as she got choked up again. She talked about Sheik being cursed at and yelled at by people, and how it never bothered him, because he loved what he was doing. Joyce said he cared about the fans, even though he would never let you know it. Joyce said Sheik was a good friend to those who really knew him. She said that he never dished out what he didn't take himself in the ring, and noted "if you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen". She talked about how Sheik was cathartic for the fans, because they took all their aggravations out on him. She thanked WWE and the Hall of Fame, and said that when you think about the Sheik, be kinder to each other.

A Wrestlemania commercial aired. They went back and forth showing Shawn Michaels and John Cena on the screen, and the fans would boo Cena and cheer HBK. You could tell the director was doing it on purpose to mess with the crowd, as he would cut back and forth faster and faster each time.

Todd Grisham then introduced a video package on Mr. Fuji that included comments from Mean Gene Okerlund, Bobby Heenan, Ted DiBiase, Triple H, Matt Striker and Ricky Steamboat. They included a nice portion of the famous Fuji Vice bit from the 80's.

Todd Grisham introduced Hall Of Famer Don Muraco to induct Mr. Fuji. Muraco started to read a prepared speech, but then bunched it up. Muraco said he was there to tell us about the real Mr. Fuji. Muraco said Fuji didn't invent the rib, but he perfected it. Muraco told stories about Fuji putting fireworks under the hood of Rocky Johnson's car, and getting Outback Jack drunk to the point that he ended up stumbling around a hotel lobby naked. Fuji said there were wrestlers that went to bed with two eyebrows and woke up with one, and went to sleep with a moustache and woke up with half. Muraco said his barber skills weren't limited to facial hair either. Muraco ended each rib story by noting that Fuji, when confronted over who played the rib, would always say "Mr. Fuji will investigate".

Muraco introduced Mr. Fuji. Fuji was walking with a cane, and when he held it up, it got a big ovation. Fuji said he was proud from the bottom of his heart to be there. He said "I've done it all, I had a lot of fun, and I've held the title as the biggest ribber in the company". Fuji said he upset a lot of the boys, but he entertained them. He told a story about wrestling with Toru Tanaka in Brooklyn in a blizzard and not only messing with Tanaka's car so it wouldn't start, but piling snow around a nearby tow truck as well. Fuji said he did a lot of things like that, but it was always in fun. He then thanked the fans for coming out for the event. As he finished his speech, Muraco told Fuji to give the fans a "Bonzai" and he did.

Some Wrestlemania commercials aired, and that ended the webcast.

Second half:

The next inductee to the WWE Hall of Fame was Jim Ross with Steve Austin introduced to induct Ross. Huge pop for Austin as the crowd chanted his name.

Austin said the Hall of Fame was one of his favorite nights of the year and he was proud to be here. He said he was proud to induct someone who has helped him out so many times in his career. He said Ross was one of the greatest announcers of all time, saying he was including all major professional sports announcers on the list. Austin said that Ross was the "best of the best" and the best ever.

Austin said he owed a big piece of his life and career to Austin and was introduced to him while watching him on Mid-South Wrestling as he was captivated by the way Ross explained what was going on in the ring. Austin said that Ross has a God given talent to add another dimension to wrestling. Austin told a story about Missy Hyatt using a loaded Gucci Bag while managing and Ross made it out to be worse then any natural disaster ever.

He said eventually he met Ross in WCW and they formed a friendship. He said Ross eventually moved to the WWF and later on Austin joined the company as a "mechanic", simply to have some good undercard matches. He said when he created the Stone Cold character, Ross was able to get it over in a way that no one else else ever could.

He praised Ross' talents and talked about his success despite Bell's Palsy bouts and a tumor being found in Ross' colon. He said he called Ross before the surgery on his colon to tell him all the things he felt about Ross and how important he was.

Austin talked about when he left the company for a year while being upset about the booking. Ross was the first person to contact him and sent him a card reminding Austin he was there for him. They started talking again and that led to Austin's reconciliation with Vince McMahon. He said that without Ross, Austin wouldn't be standing here and he wouldn't have a movie. He said he owed it all to Ross and loves him.

He pitched it to a Ross video package.

Jim Ross was introduced and got a big ovation. He said that he loved the fans and has a passion and love for the business. The fans chanted "Thank you JR" and gave him a standing ovation.

He said he was raised in Oklahoma and talked about his love and fandom of John Wayne. He thanked his father for instilling character in him. He said the business has been a wonderful adventure for him. He got into the business at the age of 22 yeas old in 1979 under promoter Leroy McGirk. He said Leroy was one of his first major influences in the business, saying he drove McGirk around and brought him cigars and whiskey.

He talked about working for Bill Watts, saying he was an interesting man with a great knack for talent. He noted Watts' had the first black booker in Ernie Ladd and he sat under Ladd's learning tree while trying to find his niche. He talked of JYD and the joy of seeing him become a top star of the territory as a black man. He joked about how lucky his liver is to have survived knowing Ric Flair for so long.

Ross told the now famous story of driving a blind Leroy McGirk to shoot Ted DiBiase, who was dating McGirk's daughter, and how he stayed financially able to stay in the business by charging wrestlers for driving them while sleeping on hotel floors for free.

He said his goal was to work for WWE. He talked about how WCW management didn't know what they were doing. Ross said he got two big breaks in 1993, meeting his wife Jan and joining WWE.

He talked about his first bout with Bells Palsy and said his departures from the company were his fault. He said attitude means a lot and sometimes passion is directed wrong. He said that the company is about opportunity and anyone who ever complained about not getting one needs to create them. He said "My daddy always said no one ever drowned in their own sweat."

Ross talked about the passion Mick Foley and Shawn Michaels have for the business. He said that when you recruit a talent, you recruit them for life and he intends to have relationships with everyone he's worked with. He praised Pat Patterson for his patience and help even when he didn't deserve it.

Ross said that no matter what happens, he is a wrestling fan. He talked about his different illnesses and his return at Wrestlemania 15. He said John Wayne had a saying that courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway. He said he was scared to go out before the fans and he called the match holding his face up.

Ross said he thanked the fans, his wife, and his friends because no one loves sitting ringside more than him. He said this has been an amazing career from this time last year, coming back, and he thanked the fans for all their passion.

He said going into the Hall tonight, he is the first kid who was a fan from day one and being a non-wrestler going into the Hall. He said it was a dream come true.

They introduced William Shatner. He said it was a pleasure to be around so many people he's watched for so many years. He told the story of the night he appeared on Jerry Lawler's King's Court segment. He joked that time heals all wounds. The crowd wasn't into Shatner at all.

Lawler came out to accept. Lawler thanked Shatner and said a lot of people don't realize what they have in common. He joked they both travel thru priceline.com, had strange sidekicks from other worlds....a Vulcan and an Oklahoman. He said it means a lot to be among so many veterans but joked the top topic of conversation today wasn't old matches but Viagra.

He said he didn't prepare a speech since he wanted to talk from the heart. He was told to tell some funny stories. He told a story about Harvey Whippleman living in his backyard. He said it was suggested he tell stories about all the talents he beat and all the divorces he had, poking fun at himself.

He said he was blessed to come into the ring and still be in it today. He talked about many of the names that he worked with over the years. He talked about some of the talents in Memphis like the Fabulous Ones and the Rock N' Roll Express and Kamala.

He said he was fortunate Jerry Jarrett saw something in him and eventually made him a partner. He thanked Bret Hart for helping him find center stage in WWE. He noted in WWE he's best known for being behind the table with Jim Ross and thanked him.

Lawler thanked his girlfriend and the crowd popped when she was shown. Lawler joked he has to have a young girlfriend to show him how to use an ipod. He said Lance Russell was instrumental to his career, noting Russell showed artwork that Lawler did as a fan on TV. He thanked Jackie Fargo for helping him get in the door of the business.

He said it was a special weekend and when he thinks about one of the billionaires being bald ... "one of them will have to cut holes in his pants
pocket in order to run his fingers through his hair".

Curt Hennig's induction was next. Wade Boggs inducted him, and the entire Hennig family accepted the honor, with Curt's wife speaking.

Dusty Rhodes was inducted by his sons Dustin and Cody Runnells. They aired a video feature on him. The Runnells hugged each other as it ended. Dusty danced with Kristal Marshall as he came out. The family all hugged. The crowd gave Dusty a standing ovation.

Rhodes said it was an honor to be inducted and he was humbled by everyone. He said it was an honor to have all his siblings in attendance. He named all his children and grandchildren who were there and thanked his wife Michelle.

Dusty said the business was all about the passion. He said there are hard times in everyone's life and its a wrestler's duty to give them a good time to help them forget. He said every car and home he owned was paid for by wrestling fans.

He said he made great friends and named members of the creative team. He said Eddie Graham told him he needed a partner to run a company and his first partner was Gerald Brisco.

He noted we were going to miss HHH this year and he has the passion for the business. The crowd gave HHH a standing ovation. He talked about the passion of Undertaker, Steve Austin, Batista, and John Cena. Fans booed Batista and Cena. Dusty joked how about how God had an entrance on PPV and "that's entertainment".

Dusty talked about feuding with Superstar Graham and said he didn't want the night to end. He talked about wrestling Sheik, Harley Race, and Kevin Sullivan. He talked about wrestling Ric Flair seven days in a row.

Rhodes said he thought he was going to cry and pulled out a polka dot handkerchief. He praised Arn Anderson for going 45 minutes in Wargames. He said anyone who wanted to be in the business should watch tapes of Ricky Steamboat.

Rhodes joked about having to catch up with technology. He praised JBL, saying he was the reincarnation of Dick Murdoch. Dusty praised the Divas for working so hard and then said he loved the industry and loves everyone who helped him achieve what he accomplished.

Dusty asked Flair, Harley Race and Arn to stand up and jokingly asked for them to induct he and Harley into the Horsemen.

Dusty closed with his "I have dined with kings" line and thanked everyone.

Todd Grisham thanked everyone for coming and ended the ceremony.


04-01-2007, 03:57 AM
why couldnt they have shown it then instead of at midnight tonight they should have got a better tv deal

04-01-2007, 02:07 PM
I thought it was an awesome show. Especially finally seeing Goldust without the face paint.