View Full Version : Foley As RAW GM, More

04-01-2007, 10:52 AM
- WWE’s original idea was to have Justin Timberlake induct Jerry Lawler into the WWE Hall of Fame. Timberlake turned them down. As did actor Jim Carrey. William Shatner's deal was finalized last week, although the company had been working on it for a few weeks.

- Mick Foley is pushing for a role as the General Manager of Raw. His book did him no favors as much of the writing team is negative towards him right now.

Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

i enjoyed watching foley as the commissioner a few years ago and i would love to see foley as raw gm

04-01-2007, 02:06 PM
It would be great to finally have a real GM.

04-01-2007, 02:51 PM
id love to see foley as gm y is the staff po at him

04-01-2007, 08:05 PM
Foley as GM hmmm....

I don't think it would be to bad to have him as GM for awhile.

King Sir Greatness
04-01-2007, 08:18 PM
Well, I don't know. I'm a Foley fan and supporter, but he received flak from creative already and in his last two WWE appearances, he received a lot more boos than I expected to hear him get. Not only that, but he also received less of a reaction than usual.

I don't know if that's because he was last seen on WWE TV before the last two appearaces as a heel (teaming with Edge), or if people just feel like booing him.

Foley is a great talker and a very charismatic individual. I'm sure he could get over, but, I don't know. A part of me wants to say, "Yeah, Foley as GM would be cool," whereas the other part of me wants to say, "I'd prefer someone else. Maybe even Dusty Rhodes."

Actually, think about that for a second. From a complete storyline perspective, Dusty gets on as GM. As one of his first acts, he hires Cody Rhodes (his son). Maybe he shows a bit of parental preference. Maybe he books his son as the "chosen one." Maybe he books his son too protectively and tries to shield him from things, which gets Cody pissed and he turns heel.

I doubt any of it would happen, but aye, Dusty as GM could work. He already is labeled, "The Common Man," and he would definitely have an instant connection with the fans.

04-02-2007, 11:49 PM
Foley Foley Foley Foley!