View Full Version : HBK Upset With John Cena Over WrestleMania Match?! Details

04-03-2007, 10:35 PM
The Wrestling Observer's Dave Meltzer appeared on the Live Audio Wrestling radio show on Sunday night after WrestleMania and he said that Shawn Michaels was extremely upset and unhappy with his match against John Cena. When he got backstage, he was screaming about how terrible he thought it was.

After the match had concluded, there was a spot where HBK abruptly walked away from a Cena handshake attempt which was not scripted, as they were supposed to shake hands. Michaels was red hot at Cena for not selling his leg that he spent the first few minutes of the match working on. Also, several of the agents were unhappy with Cena for that as well. In fact, you could see during the match that HBK got in Cena's face and started cutting a shoot promo on him, which is why the audio went out for a few seconds and was replaced with crowd noise.

source: ewrestlingnews.com

i was a bit annoyed about cena for this as well althought cena did sell a lot michaels working on his left leg for about 5 minutes non-stop but then he starting clotheslining hbk at when he did that he was running at full speed

04-03-2007, 10:43 PM
Yep I noticed it too and I didn't like that either. HBK is right. If the two of them would shake hands, the whole RAW Episode the next day would make no sense, right?

04-03-2007, 11:09 PM
^^ True but they are throwing twists at us.

Luthos the dragon
04-04-2007, 01:04 AM
Yeah, but then again, Shawn was probably angry he lost anyway. I agree that Cena should have sold it a bit more...

04-04-2007, 01:19 AM
why should he shake his hand

04-04-2007, 01:20 AM
Yeah, I heard about this Sunday night after the PPV was over.

Half the things that come ou of Meltzer's mouth are pure bullshit. Take this with a grain of salt, although it could very well be true. WWE likes to book around spontaneous things, ala Cold War with Hogan/Slaughter, and some La Resistance stuff with the French. Sure these are both war related, but you catch my drift. Things that tend to pop up, WWE likes to jump on to be on top of it.

Once again, I repeat, don't believe this 100%, Meltzer tends to lie, and be false on alot of his accusations and news. HBK is a true professional, so that makes it more non-believable, although everyone does get angry at points.

04-04-2007, 07:08 PM
Yeah, I heard about this Sunday night after the PPV was over.

Half the things that come ou of Meltzer's mouth are pure bullshit. Take this with a grain of salt, although it could very well be true. WWE likes to book around spontaneous things, ala Cold War with Hogan/Slaughter, and some La Resistance stuff with the French. Sure these are both war related, but you catch my drift. Things that tend to pop up, WWE likes to jump on to be on top of it.

Once again, I repeat, don't believe this 100%, Meltzer tends to lie, and be false on alot of his accusations and news. HBK is a true professional, so that makes it more non-believable, although everyone does get angry at points.

Michaels has been known to do what he pleases and speak his mind whenever he wants. Remember the incident when Hall and Nash left the then WWF? After watching the match again, Michaels looks pissed throughout the match and it many instances is upstaging Cena (I thought something was wierd when Michaels was talking to Cena but nothing could be heard; the crowd wasn't all that loud at that point).

Scripted or not, I still loved HBK ignoring the cliched show of respect. Loved the promo (shoot or work?) where he came out and slammed Cena and his lack of talent (I am the better man).

But, if it wasn't scripted, will it hurt HBK? Are they throwing this Orton and Edge deal into the mix to remove HBK from the title scene? I wouldn't be surprised since Vince loves to protect his little project.

Superkick Kid
04-04-2007, 08:37 PM
There are internet reports being posted around saying that Shawn Michaels is furious with John Cena over "not selling the leg properly" during his WrestleMania match as well as other things with the source being attributed to Dave Meltzer on Live Audio Wrestling directly following WrestleMania.

This report is fake.

You can listen to what Dave Meltzer said yourself at http://liveaudiowrestling.com/audio/audio.php and he's on the show starting at the forty-five minute mark and there is no mention of this supposed "story." They talk about buyrates, post-Mania angles, boom periods, and some of the matches before going into MMA discussion for the rest of his time on the show.