View Full Version : JR Answers The Infamous Lillian Rumor, The Idiot who tried to streak WM, more

04-07-2007, 08:22 AM
Credit: pwinsider.com

"Jim Ross has posted his latest blog entry, answering comments from readers, and you can go to http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog/2007/04...-garcia-chyna/ to check it out. Some highlights from this entry:

- Ross talks about the John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels match at Wrestlemania, noting that he felt it told a compelling story and taking to task critics that are picking the match apart. Concerning internet rumors of heat between the two, he wrote "“internet rumors” have it that there are issues between HBK and Cena. How would they know? Did they report that they actually interviewed either wrestler? Or was this the proverbial “word on the street” talk? HBK and Cena are very competitive in the ring and that’s all I care about. Factless dirt is not something I hang my black hat on. My suggestion is that neither should you."

- In regards to the rumor (which was certainly NOT reported here) that Lilian Garcia is a lesbian, Ross writes "Good grief the wrestling internet can be brutal! Lilian is not a lesbian, but if she were what would it matter? I know that Lilian was married and is now dating a guy. My “No Man’s Land” remark Monday night was a cliché’ that implied Mr. McMahon had not been invited to reside where he was at the moment.

- For the five hundredth time (or at least if feels that way), Ross reiterated that there will not be a Hulk Hogan vs. Steve Austin match. Ross also writes "Austin was in Dayton Monday night, but the decision to not utilize him on Raw was not Steve’s."

- JR said he did not notice the fan trying to get in the ring prior to Cena vs. Michaels at Wrestlemania, since he was watching his monitor at the time, but noted "the guy is an idiot starved for attention who apparently wanted to “streak”. He deserved to be manhandled and I hope he spent the night in jail at least. There is no place for that sort of B.S. in my opinion."

- Concerning Kurt Angle, Ross writes "I don’t pay much attention to what any wrestler, including Kurt Angle, say in a negative way about any subject. These rants are usually a means to draw attention to one’s self or to simply generate publicity. It is as old as the business itself."

- For you Great Khali fans, Ross has this gem for you: "The Great Khali is what we call an “attraction” wrestler. His skill set will never be as refined as say a HBK or a Benoit for example but the business has always liked utilizing the “freaks of nature” over the years including 601 pound Haystacks Calhoun and the 600 pound McGuire Twins none of which were great wrestlers or athletes but did well for a period of time being booked as attractions. Andre far exceeded the “attraction” label and could perform when he was younger and healthy. Will Khali ever be Andre? Not likely, but neither will any other “attraction big man” in my opinion."

JR's blog is always a good read, and you can go to http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog/2007/04...-garcia-chyna/ to check it out.

04-08-2007, 12:37 AM
i saw that guy that guy was taken out by the ref as soon as he got in