View Full Version : McMahon Exhausted, Austin Happy To Be Back, More

04-07-2007, 06:20 PM
-- Vince McMahon usually spends a lot of time on the headset assisting JR and Jerry Lawler with commentating. This was not the case this past Monday on RAW. Vince left JR and The King on their own for a majority of the show as he prepared for his segment. He spent much of the first hour preparing. Vince is usually more prepared for RAW but he was burnt out from the busy schedule and exhausting WrestleMania weekend.

-- Steve Austin is said to have been having a blast since his return to WWE. Unlike several other superstars, who appeared to be exhausted for having to participate in all the WrestleMania week festivities, Austin was very energetic.

Austin was seeking as much feedback as possible, in regards to his big screen debut. He was looking for honest feedback with both, pros and cons, for the final cut of the movie. It’s also been said that he was reading everything he could in newspapers, magazines and online publications.

Source: PWTorch Newsletter

i am not suprised vince is exhausted as he went all out to promote wrestlemania and i think one reason why austin's been enjoyed coming back to the wwe was the fact that the fans still love him

04-07-2007, 06:56 PM
Even after years of being gone from wrestling, the fans still love him.

04-08-2007, 12:34 AM
i dont blame mcmahon for being unprepared he had a really big schedule these past couple of weeks

04-08-2007, 02:04 PM
I think maybe Vince should go on vacation for awhile and sense Stone cold was happy about being back he should just take over for awhile and run things lol.

04-08-2007, 03:18 PM
good to see the work ethic is still there on Vince's part/