View Full Version : Two More Top WWE Stars May Be Released

04-08-2007, 06:56 PM
Following the controversial interview with the Ottawa Sun last week, Carlito is said to have “nuclear heat” on him backstage. The initial reaction was to send him on a permanent vacation to Heat and let him fade away. Carlito even expected to be fired over the weekend. They probably won't let him go, but they certainly scared him off of saying much in future interviews.

Last week, Mike “The Miz” Mizanin was also paranoid about being fired. Apparently, someone backstage convinced him to do a major rib on JBL, who already hates Miz and has a well-known reputation as a bully. No more details about this one yet.

Credit: PWInsider.com

i couldn't care less if the miz got fired as i think he sucks but i hope carlito stays as he has a massive future in the wwe

04-08-2007, 09:27 PM
I guess if he got alot of heat then he won't have such a massive future in WWE after all huh?

04-08-2007, 10:02 PM
The WWE is starting to come off as pathetic. Let a wrestler speak his mind, especially one that should have been at the WWE's biggest show. McMahon has really changed recently. He is afraid to have his ideas questioned anymore.

If the WWE continually loses talent the caliber of Carlito, their shows will continue to fade into the jokes they are becoming, and TNA could slowly expand into a much bigger company.

The WWE already has huge stars like Jericho and RVD at least thinking about TNA, but considering the amount of young talent they ignore they could implode like WCW under its AGE while TNA brings out the potential of the future superstars.

What the hell is wrong with the WWE today?

Phenomenal One
04-08-2007, 10:11 PM
if wwe let carlito go, it would be a big mistake because he does have a bright future ahead on him in wwe, as for miz, i could care less about him cause i personally dont like him so having him get fired wouldnt really matter to me

04-08-2007, 10:49 PM
I agree with you, I couldnt care less about 'The Miz'. But Carlito, on the other hand, I do. He's a hell of a performer, and they'd be making a mistake if they do let him go, which I highly doubt. The last thing the WWE needs, is another superstar heading to TNA.

04-09-2007, 12:05 AM
The WWE is starting to come off as pathetic. Let a wrestler speak his mind, especially one that should have been at the WWE's biggest show. McMahon has really changed recently. He is afraid to have his ideas questioned anymore.

If the WWE continually loses talent the caliber of Carlito, their shows will continue to fade into the jokes they are becoming, and TNA could slowly expand into a much bigger company.

The WWE already has huge stars like Jericho and RVD at least thinking about TNA, but considering the amount of young talent they ignore they could implode like WCW under its AGE while TNA brings out the potential of the future superstars.

What the hell is wrong with the WWE today?

You do realize that the WWE didn't fire him right? It seems like you've already got it in your mind that WWE gave him the boot, and now your ranting about how horrible they are. They didn't fire him, so pretty much every point you made in that mini-rant is completely unfounded.

As for Carlito being this great talent, he hates his job and rarely shows emotion...what a great asset.

04-09-2007, 12:13 AM
since when is the miz a "Top WWE Star" if he gets fired he can go back to the real world or something idc, carlito might be a big loss because unlike the miz he actually has some potential to suceed in wwe

04-09-2007, 12:25 AM
You do realize that the WWE didn't fire him right? It seems like you've already got it in your mind that WWE gave him the boot, and now your ranting about how horrible they are. They didn't fire him, so pretty much every point you made in that mini-rant is completely unfounded.

As for Carlito being this great talent, he hates his job and rarely shows emotion...what a great asset.

They have not last Carlito yet, but they have lost quite a bit of talent equal or greater than Carilto. The WWE let Christian, Angle, the Dudley's, and even potential stars like Tomko get away. Carlito would just be another in a long line of losses for the WWE. I never assumed Carlito was going to be fired, just making a statement that they have to stop losing stars of his caliber.

04-09-2007, 12:45 AM
Carlito hates his gimmick he was just fine being a heel because that is what he likes to do and they should let him do that so he will show more passion towards his work

04-09-2007, 01:23 AM
I think it would be really dumb to fire Carlito and a bad move to do.

ceribral assassin
04-09-2007, 01:31 AM
i thimk the wwe should read what peaple wright in these forums .for the most part everyone is on the same page about how they feel with superstars and ect. we know what we want and we are not gitting it from wwe i hate to say it but i think tna will take over soon .

04-09-2007, 02:13 AM
To be honest I am not a fan of Carlito, I think he is quite overrated and I would not be too disappointed to see either him or The Miz leave. I think he is average in the ring and his gimmick can't be taken seriously, so I never see him becoming a main eventer. I know he is a popular wrestler though so I guess it would be a mistake for them to release him.

Whether I like him or not, releasing a wrestler for speaking their mind is ridiculous

04-09-2007, 02:58 AM
wwe is starting to buckle down thats good in a way i guess.

04-09-2007, 03:28 AM
wwe is starting to buckle down thats good in a way i guess.

Not good when a wrestler cannot speak his mind. Look at legends like Foley and HBK. They would never have had the success they are known for if they didn't forcefully step in and voice their opinions.

04-09-2007, 03:41 AM
They have not last Carlito yet, but they have lost quite a bit of talent equal or greater than Carilto. The WWE let Christian, Angle, the Dudley's, and even potential stars like Tomko get away. Carlito would just be another in a long line of losses for the WWE. I never assumed Carlito was going to be fired, just making a statement that they have to stop losing stars of his caliber.

I dont think WWE will let Carlito get away. As for Angle the WWE fired him for being an out of control ass who wants to die in the ring. How is that losing him? Christian and Tomko arent that good. Christian is good at running his mouth and thats it. Same with at least one of the Dudleys.

04-09-2007, 03:49 AM
i thimk the wwe should read what peaple wright in these forums .for the most part everyone is on the same page about how they feel with superstars and ect. we know what we want and we are not gitting it from wwe i hate to say it but i think tna will take over soon .

TNA will never take over.

04-09-2007, 04:26 AM
the best thing they could do with carlito is turn him heel again along with ric flair...maybe do a new 4 horsemen with flair being the j.j. dillon of the group. they could milk that with fans for a few months at least before having carlito turn on flair to get him even more over as a heel than he already would be.
carlito is great and tna would scoop him up in about 4 seconds if the wwe let him get away. as far as miz...please fire miz...pretty please.

04-09-2007, 10:18 AM
i dont think they will fire MIZ plus i thnk his getting a little better... but miz has got to be scared right now..

04-09-2007, 03:34 PM
Actually the Miz is getting better he doesn't need to be carried threw a match all that much and he did a pretty good job with the Crippler on SD so I say keep both of them on the roster cause they both bring something to the table. It also seems that Carlito right now has a lot of momentum built up with Flair so i say go with it.

I also don't think TNA will be taken over anytime in the next 5 to 8 years thats for sure.

04-09-2007, 08:58 PM
I dont think WWE will let Carlito get away. As for Angle the WWE fired him for being an out of control ass who wants to die in the ring. How is that losing him? Christian and Tomko arent that good. Christian is good at running his mouth and thats it. Same with at least one of the Dudleys.

Christian is one of the best this business has seen. He can wrestle and he can give great promos. The WWE messed up horribly by not only losing this guy, but never giving him the push he deserved.

Tomko is a good rising star. Again the WWE never tried to push him, instead leaving him to languish on HEAT or Velocity quite often. Those shows do not help a career. Just look at Venis. One of the most loved superstars and gets huge pops at live events even though he is on the pre-show! But it is hard to get momentum when you are never on TV. Tomko is accomplishing quite a bit now that he is actually on TV.

I never cared for the Dudley's, but the crowd seemed to always be behind these guys. What hurt them in the WWE was the fact they are a tag team and the WWE could care less about the tag team scene (anyone else remember when these belts used to be almost as important as the WWE Title itself? What happened?)