View Full Version : 27 arrested in poker raid including a former WCW superstar

04-10-2007, 06:17 PM
27 arrested in Roswell poker raid

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 04/10/07

Roswell police arrested 27 people (including former WCW grappler Glen "The Disco Inferno" Gilbertti reports pwinsider.com) in an overnight raid on a high-stakes poker game in an upscale neighborhood off Holcomb Bridge Road.

The raid on a home on Nesbit Ridge Drive near Centennial High School capped a six-month investigation into the operation, which police said charged players $10,000 to enter the weekly, Monday night games of Texas Hold'em and other games.

Roswell police Sgt. B.C. Brackett said that when officers entered the house overnight, they found players gambling around three tables in the basement of the house.

Those arrested were "from all walks of life," Brackett said. At least two men arrested were from out of town, one from Savannah and the other from Macon, he said.

Two women hired to serve drinks were among those arrested.
Officers also impounded more than 20 cars parked along the street outside the house. The investigation began after neighbors complained about traffic in the otherwise quiet neighborhood.

Brackett said that while the game was by invitation only, potential players could apply to enter the game through a Web site.

The house is a modern stucco and wood two-story on a quiet cul-de-sac in the Nesbit Ridge subdivision of 39 homes.
The owners are Dan and Angela Tyre, according to neighbors and public records. He owns a car wash and she works for a wine distributor, said neighbor Mary Hager, who used to baby-sit for the couple's two young children. One is under a year old and the other is under 3, she said.

Hager and her husband, Tracy, who are retirees, said the gatherings at the Tyre residence have been a Monday night tradition for a couple of years. They started as a Monday Night Football gathering, the Hagers said, and apparently escalated from there. The Hagers said they were invited to come watch the games but declined.

They said Dan Tyre always made sure there was no noise, and the Hagers never knew the gathering had morphed into high-stakes poker games.

"They're wonderful people," Mary Hager said. "Andrea is a wonderful mother. Danny is friendly, always says hello.."
Tracy Hager said "a swarm" of police, including a SWAT team, arrived around 10:30 p.m. and forced their way into the basement of the house, where the card-players were gathered. There were about 20 cars parked in the cul-de-sac, and many of them were towed away, he said.

"I stood out here and watched it until about 1:30 in the morning," Tracy Hager said. "It was still going on when I went to bed."

The Hagers said it felt like a bit of an over-reaction by police to what seems to them to be a victimless crime.
Three cars were still in the Tyre's driveway this morning — a Mercedes, an Infinity and a Pontiac — along with a Cadillac SUV and another Mercedes parked inside their closed garage. A copy of the AJC was still sitting on the lawn at 10 a.m.

A middle-aged woman at the residence answered the doorbell, but she closed the door in silence when the visitor identified himself as a reporter.

While most of those arrested will face misdemeanor charges, two men believed to be running the game will be charged with felony commercial gambling counts. The names of those arrested were not released.

"I've been with the city for going on 27 years, and I've not seen an operation like this in my tenure," Brackett said.

(thanks to Mike Informer)

source: pwinsider.com

i really don't know why people do this when they know that they will get in serious trouble if caught

04-11-2007, 12:45 AM
they should have carpooled i would call the cops too if twenty cars were parked near my house every monday

04-11-2007, 03:16 PM
Many more details are surfacing now regarding the story Georgia Wrestling History first reported this morning about last night’s raid on the home of Dan (earlier reported on WSB Radio by Richard Sangster this morning as Walter Tyree) and Angela (also being reported as Andrea) Tyre in Roswell, in what local law enforcement officials are calling the biggest bust of any kind they have made.

According to a woman who used to baby-sit for the couple, stated that he owns a car wash and that his wife is employed with a wine distributor. The couple has two children; one is two years old and the other is not yet one.

The source said the gatherings at the Tyre home initially began simply to watch Monday Night Football games, but it escalated from there, both in size and activity. She added that her and her husband had been invited at some point, but they had declined.

It is being reported that Dan Tyre, along with Glen ‘Disco Inferno’ Gilberti (though all sources have named Gilberti among those arrested, only some have named him as being a partner to Tyre in the oversight of the gaming), were running a gaming operation out of Tyre’s home. It has not been disclosed at this time whether the children were at the residence at the time of the raid, nor does it specify their age or relation to Tyre.

It appears surveillance had been conducted for up to six months, begun after complaints from neighbors in the area of constant traffic, and people coming and going from the home. A warrant was obtained on Monday and served upon the raid, whereas a SWAT team kicked in the door to enter the home around 10:30 PM last.

Upon entry, police discovered players sitting at three gaming tables in the basement of the home. Police were said to have been on the scene for about three hours.

Twenty-seven people, including Tyre, Gilberti, and two waitresses, who had been employed to serve the players, were immediately arrested and taken away from the home in three police vans.

More than twenty vehicles were impounded and searched, turning up a reported two handguns and a bag containing what was believed to be about two hundred pills. Initial reports say the pills were suspected as being ecstasy.

Police also seized approximately $45,000 in cash, playing cards, gaming tables, and poker chips, from the home. It is being reported that the games of Texas Hold ‘Em were taking place weekly.

Players were required to pay an entry fee of $10,000, upon receiving an invitation after registering online at an unspecified website to enter the games. Of the aforementioned impounded vehicles, lined up hundreds of feet along the street where the home is located, some had license plates as far away as Mississippi and North Carolina. There were also two men who were said to have come from Savannah and Macon.

Aside from Tyre and Gilberti, names have not been released, except for Ron Gibson, who spoke with Tom Regan of WSB TV. It was speculated earlier this morning that more names of note would be disclosed, but to this point, that has not been done. Regan also mentioned an unconfirmed report of a “nationally known poker star” being involved.

It appears the winnings and losses from the games were tallied on paper. A police spokesman called it a “safe game”, explaining why so little cash was found.

Three cars – a Mercedes, an Infiniti, and a Pontiac – were reported as not being impounded, and were still in the driveway of the home this morning. A Mercedes and a Cadillac SUV, believed to be those of the residents, were reported to still be parked in the garage of the home.

When a reporter approached the door mid-morning, a middle-aged woman is said to have answered, but shut the door when the reporter identified himself. It could not be determined if that was Mrs. Tyre, or whether she has been arrested for her association.

A report early this afternoon on WSB TV, as people began bonding out of the Roswell Detention Center, included a statement from Gibson, identified by the news source as a “defendant”, where he was quoted as saying the story and the allegations were being “blown out of proportion”, and that he is “blown away” by the situation.

Tyre and Gilberti (if he indeed is found to have been Tyre’s partner in running the operation) are expected to be charged with commercial gambling, which under Georgia law is punishable by one to five years in a state prison. It is believed the remainder of the arrestees will only be charged with misdemeanors.

Among local sources reporting the developing story: the Atlanta Journal-Constitution; WSB 750; WSB Channel 2 (ABC); WAGA Channel 5 (FOX); WXIA Channel 11 (NBC); and WGCL Channel 46 (CBS) Well everybody loves Poker, no matter where you live. i enjoy playing a game few times a day but online is easier than to go to someone's basement with waitresses and what not lol.

04-11-2007, 03:26 PM
Many more details are surfacing now regarding the story Georgia Wrestling History first reported this morning about last night’s raid on the home of Dan (earlier reported on WSB Radio by Richard Sangster this morning as Walter Tyree) and Angela (also being reported as Andrea) Tyre in Roswell, in what local law enforcement officials are calling the biggest bust of any kind they have made.

According to a woman who used to baby-sit for the couple, stated that he owns a car wash and that his wife is employed with a wine distributor. The couple has two children; one is two years old and the other is not yet one.

The source said the gatherings at the Tyre home initially began simply to watch Monday Night Football games, but it escalated from there, both in size and activity. She added that her and her husband had been invited at some point, but they had declined.

It is being reported that Dan Tyre, along with Glen ‘Disco Inferno’ Gilberti (though all sources have named Gilberti among those arrested, only some have named him as being a partner to Tyre in the oversight of the gaming), were running a gaming operation out of Tyre’s home. It has not been disclosed at this time whether the children were at the residence at the time of the raid, nor does it specify their age or relation to Tyre.

It appears surveillance had been conducted for up to six months, begun after complaints from neighbors in the area of constant traffic, and people coming and going from the home. A warrant was obtained on Monday and served upon the raid, whereas a SWAT team kicked in the door to enter the home around 10:30 PM last.

Upon entry, police discovered players sitting at three gaming tables in the basement of the home. Police were said to have been on the scene for about three hours.

Twenty-seven people, including Tyre, Gilberti, and two waitresses, who had been employed to serve the players, were immediately arrested and taken away from the home in three police vans.

More than twenty vehicles were impounded and searched, turning up a reported two handguns and a bag containing what was believed to be about two hundred pills. Initial reports say the pills were suspected as being ecstasy.

Police also seized approximately $45,000 in cash, playing cards, gaming tables, and poker chips, from the home. It is being reported that the games of Texas Hold ‘Em were taking place weekly.

Players were required to pay an entry fee of $10,000, upon receiving an invitation after registering online at an unspecified website to enter the games. Of the aforementioned impounded vehicles, lined up hundreds of feet along the street where the home is located, some had license plates as far away as Mississippi and North Carolina. There were also two men who were said to have come from Savannah and Macon.

Aside from Tyre and Gilberti, names have not been released, except for Ron Gibson, who spoke with Tom Regan of WSB TV. It was speculated earlier this morning that more names of note would be disclosed, but to this point, that has not been done. Regan also mentioned an unconfirmed report of a “nationally known poker star” being involved.

It appears the winnings and losses from the games were tallied on paper. A police spokesman called it a “safe game”, explaining why so little cash was found.

Three cars – a Mercedes, an Infiniti, and a Pontiac – were reported as not being impounded, and were still in the driveway of the home this morning. A Mercedes and a Cadillac SUV, believed to be those of the residents, were reported to still be parked in the garage of the home.

When a reporter approached the door mid-morning, a middle-aged woman is said to have answered, but shut the door when the reporter identified himself. It could not be determined if that was Mrs. Tyre, or whether she has been arrested for her association.

A report early this afternoon on WSB TV, as people began bonding out of the Roswell Detention Center, included a statement from Gibson, identified by the news source as a “defendant”, where he was quoted as saying the story and the allegations were being “blown out of proportion”, and that he is “blown away” by the situation.

Tyre and Gilberti (if he indeed is found to have been Tyre’s partner in running the operation) are expected to be charged with commercial gambling, which under Georgia law is punishable by one to five years in a state prison. It is believed the remainder of the arrestees will only be charged with misdemeanors.

Among local sources reporting the developing story: the Atlanta Journal-Constitution; WSB 750; WSB Channel 2 (ABC); WAGA Channel 5 (FOX); WXIA Channel 11 (NBC); and WGCL Channel 46 (CBS)

Glenn "Disco Inferno" Gilberti remains in custody today after being arrested last night. No bond has been set and Gilberti is at the Roswell GA Detention Center awaiting transfer to the Fulton County facility where a bond will be set. The transfer is expected to take place later today or tomorrow morning.
Looks pretty bad, 1-5 years in prison? All for the game of poker, I think this is bad for poker itself.

04-12-2007, 12:46 AM
lols 6 months investigating poker.. while there are pedophiles and murderers lurking around... its just poker IMO plus not alot of money was found so i thnk its gonna be just a misdemeanor charge