View Full Version : Chavo Gives His Thoughts On Eddie Storylines

Black Widow
04-10-2007, 07:30 PM
In the new issue of WWE Magazine featuring Steve Austin on the cover, there's an interview with Chavo Guerrero. The Kerwin White character is brought up, with Chavo noting that while it won't be the biggest highlight of his career, he was thankful for it to help get him out of Eddie Guerrero's shadow, but the day Eddie died, he was back to being Chavo. When asked whether he ever felt any of the Smackdown storyline involving Rey Mysterio and Vickie Guerrero was disrespectful to Eddie Guerrero's memory, Guerrero responded, "Absolutely not. Hey, if I wanted to be a real jerk about it, I could have been upset that Rey Mysterio was coming out in low riders. Eddie and I used to do that originally, so I definitely could have interpreted it as Rey taking my spot. Sometimes you simply have to stand up for what you believe in. I think Eddie would have been proud of that."

In regard to what Eddie would have thought of Vickie being involved on camera, Chavo said, "I know he's looking down on Vickie and saying, "That's my girl." For someone who's never been in the business, she's one of our best Divas."

Chavo was also asked about former WWE Diva Amy Zidian, who was released shortly into her tenure after several instances where she allegedly disrespected talent, including Vickie Guerrero, commenting, "Amy who? Look, this business isn't for everyone, I don't think it was her fault, she just didn't know any better, and ended up making a fool of herself. Vickie was a little upset about it, because she's not a Playboy cover girl. She looks great, but she's a real mom, and a real person. That's what makes her different than other Divas."


04-11-2007, 12:40 AM
vickie wanted to be in playboy?

04-11-2007, 12:44 AM
vickie wanted to be in playboy?

Read it again.