View Full Version : ECW Results - 10th Apr 2007

04-11-2007, 12:39 PM
ECW Results - 10th Apr 2007

ECW opened with Vince McMahon (looking like Freddy Krueger with that fedora) making his way to the ring. Vince addressed the crowd from the center the ring, saying that he experienced the greatest humiliation of his life at Wrestlemania 23 when his head was shaved bald. Crowd popped huge for that. He asked the crowd if they enjoyed it and they went nuts again. He said later that night, he vowed he would regain his dignity and self-respect and exact revenge. He said Steve Austin is too busy with The Condemned and Donald Trump is "back in his ivory tower", so that leaves just Bobby Lashley.

The crowd began chanting "You suck", so in return McMahon announced that Lashley won't be here tonight because he's been barred from the building. McMahon promised he wouldn't have been on ECW anyway because he's suffering from a "severe concussion", showing footage of the attack on Lashley from last night on Monday Night Raw.

McMahon said that Lashley claimed Wrestlemania was the best night of his life. Vince promised that Backlash would be the worst night of Lashley's life and would lose the ECW World championship. He ran down the challengers for the ECW title in the Backlash handicap match. McMahon said he could hear the ring announcer right now announcing, "Your new ECW World Heavyweight champion, Vincent K. McMahon."

Vince said that Lashley knew he was going to make Lashley's life a living hell. Vince promised to do just that, saying every night he would make Lashley's life hell. Vince said that every one of the fans in the building laughed at him when he lost his hair, so he would somehow, someway make their lives a living hell as well. A determined McMahon looked around the ring before thanking the fans and promising to see them at Backlash. Typical good promo by McMahon.

Joey Styles and Tazz promoted the Lashley vs. Vince & Shane McMahon and Umaga ECW title match at Backlash as the camera followed Vince walking to the locker room.

Backstage, Rob Van Dam asked CM Punk how he was feeling. Punk said his ribs feel better. RVD told Punk that he represents the old school style of ECW and showed that at Wrestlemania 23. He was complimenting Punk on his work when Elijah Burke interrupted and told Van Dam that Punk was New Breed material. RVD scoffed at it, but Burke said that Punk would show him next week when he announces that he's joining the New Breed. Punk got annoyed and cut them both off saying that since he's getting it from both sides now, he'll make a decision this week and walked off. Van Dam looked confident and then walked off. Burke smiled at Van Dam but when he left, looked worried.

Fine segment setting up later in the night. Punk's intensity and realism when talking is what sets him apart from a lot of the guys - you can see he invests himself into what he's doing, as opposed to reciting words handed to him. It makes a world of difference.

So far, decent show from a storyline evolution standpoint, but 15 minutes in, no wrestling.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Kevin Thorn (with Ariel)

Tommy Dreamer, limping, made his way to the ring, wearing an ECW Originals shirt. That shirt is easily the worst ECW-related shirt in the entire history of those letters. They showed clips of him taking all the punishment last week in the excellent eight man tag match. Thorn came out holding his neck. I like that the guys are selling their pain from last week, as opposed to TNA where AJ Styles falls off the Elevation X and he's fine on the next episode of Impact. Ariel looked amazing, like always.

Dreamer gets whipped into the corner and shoulderblocked down. Dreamer came back with a neckbreaker, but Thorn retreated. He went to get back in the ring but Dreamer hit him with a sliding kick. Dreamer drilled him into the ringsteps and worked over him outside. Thorn took Dreamer's knees out, and he fell to the floor. Thorn tossed Dreamer into the ring and locked on a chinlock. They showed Punk watching from a monitor in the back. Good way to tease his decision. Thorn nailed spinebuster, but Dreamer kicks up. Dreamer ducks a clothesline and hits a neckbreaker. Dreamer nails several rights. Dreamer charges him in the corner, but is nailed with a kick. Thorn charges Dreamer but is caught with a spinebuster for a near call. Dreamer went to the ropes but Ariel distracted the referee. Thorn crotched Dreamer on the ropes, nailed the Dark Kiss and pinned Dreamer.

Your winner, Kevin Thorn!

Nothing memorable. Really too short to be anything of note and more of a backdrop to tease Punk's decision than a competitive bout.

Backstage, Extreme Expose were preparing and goofing off when Snitsky stalked in. He stared off into space and one by one, Layla, Brooke, and Kelly Kelly snuck off, scared.

They aired a feature on The Condemned.

Tazz and Joey Styles updated everyone on the condition of Hardcore Holly, showing Snitsky "breaking his arm" last week and noting that Holly would require surgery to repair the damage.

CM Punk vs. Stevie Richards

Wow, Stevie on my TV two weeks in a row. They noted Richards asked for another shot at Punk after losing last week. Just as the match was about to start, Matt Striker's music ht and he made his way towards the ring, dressed in a shirt and tie, holding his sternum. As he made his way to the ring, Sandman's theme hit and Hak made his way to ringside. They went to commercial as Joey Styles noted both sides were scouting Punk.

When they returned, Punk was hitting a backbreaker across the knee on Richards. Punk chopped Stevie in the corner, and whipped him out. Richards reversed it, but missed Punk in the corner. Richards went after Punk's ribs, which made sense since Punk "hurt them" at Wrestlemania. More logic in my wrestling; I like that. Richards went for an abdominal stretch, but Punk escaped the attempt and Kicked Richards. They traded strikes. Punk got the better of the exchange, ending it with a backfist and roundhouse kick. Punk hit his running kneelift into the corner, followed by a bulldog for a two count.

Striker and Sandman began arguing outside the ring. Striker shoved Sandman. Sandman went to cane Striker in return but he ducked and the cane caught Punk in the back of his legs as he rebounded off the ropes. Richards rolled up Punk but he escaped and covered Richards for the pin.

Your winner, CM Punk!

Sandman got into the ring after the match and explained to Punk that it was an accident. He told Punk that they've known each other since "Norm Connors in 98." and he wouldn't "steer him wrong." Connors promotes the IWC in Pittsburgh. Joey Styles and Tazz wondered if the errant cane shot would have any bearing on Punk's decision later tonight. Good storyline stuff.

Extreme Expose danced. Well, two of them did. Snitsky made his way to the ring and for some reason, Layla, the most coordinated of all three suddenly turns into the only one unable to figure out how to get out of the ring. She turned into the first girl that always gets killed in a horror movie. It looked really hokey. Snitsky stalked her but Balls Mahoney hit the ring and nailed Snitsky with a chair. No effect. Jason Voorhees sells for nobody, brother.

Joey Styles and Tazz reviewed CM Punk promising his decision later tonight. They aired the RVD, Punk, Burke segment from earlier.

Rob Van Dam vs. Marcus Cor Von

Rob Van Dam made his way to the ring with Sabu, who was wearing a neckbrace. After a commercial break, Cor Von came out with Elijah Burke. Burke and Cor Von together look like a top act. Cor Von muscles RVD into the corner, but gives him a clean break after a shove. Cor Von elbows RVD in the mouth and works over him with punches and clubbing blows.

Van Dam tries to monkeyflip Cor Von out of the corner but is caught for a powerbomb attempt. Van Dam escapes and turns it into a victory roll attempt. Cor Von takes over, hitting several shots to Van Dam's midsection but only gets a one count. Van Dam fights his way off the mat but Cor Von drilled him with a neckbreaker variation for another near fall. Slowly paced so far.

Cor Von continued to work over RVD in the corner. Van Dam takes him down with bodyscissors for a nearfall, Cor Von comes back with a belly-to-back suplex. RVD goes for an enziguiri but Cor Von ducks and nails a release German suplex. Cor Von suplexes RVD over, then cinches a side chinlock, riding Van Dam on the mat.

Van Dam fought his way to his feet. He went to kick Cor Von in the face, but it was blocked and drilling RVD into the corner. He goes right back to the chinlock. Tazz called it a rear naked choke. The crowd is bored to death it seems. Some Van Dam chants finally. RVD makes a comeback with some clotheslines, leg kicks and spinning back kicks. Van Dam hits a springboard into a sidekick.

Van Dam and Cor Von had some weird miscommunication that ended with RVD hitting a corkscrew legdrop. Cor Von backdropped RVD over the ropes but he landed on his feet and hit a Ryder kick off the top rope. Elijah Burke attacked Sabu at ringside and waited for RVD to see him, then drilled Sabu with a DDT on the floor. Van Dam went after Burke but got Pounced by Cor Von and pinned.

Your winner, Marcus Cor Von!

CM Punk's music hit and he ran to ringside, checking on Sabu and Rob Van Dam. He got into the ring and faced off with Marcus Cor Von and Elijah Burke, ready to fight, then slowly dropped his hands and embraced them. Tne New Breed all lifted Punk on their shoulders and carried him around the ring while he celebrated. Joey Styles sold it like he was shocked and wondered what this meant for the Originals in their battle against the New Breed.

04-17-2007, 03:47 PM
Good to see that Punk joined the New Breed I like that move a lot.