View Full Version : WWE News: Major backstage heat on Carlito, Ric Flair upset, more

04-12-2007, 06:17 AM
Carlito has a massive amount of heat on him backstage right now after he voiced his displeasure with the decision to remove his match with Flair from WrestleMania to make room for Melina vs. Ashley and Kane vs. Khali. The feeling at the office was to send him on a permanent vacation from Raw to Heat until he faded away from the fans. Carlito was telling friends that he expected to be fired and was already making plans for his life should it happen.

The plan was for the Flair/Carlito angle to go well past WrestleMania 23, but it has been put on the backburner for now. Ric Flair was also feeling down about not being on the show, especially since in his mind he only has one or two WrestleManias left in him. Flair didn’t speak publicly about it, but definitely did not hide his disappointment when talking to people throughout the week about it.

The feeling within WWE is that nothing will really happen to Carlito, but management definitely put the fear into him that it will.

Credit - Wrestling Observer Newsletter

it would be shit if they fired carlito,and i feel sorry for flair

Fade To Black
04-12-2007, 07:38 AM
It's a shame because carlito is a great talent but they should have put flair in wrestlemania bec ause it will probebly be his last

Flair Country
04-12-2007, 02:56 PM
Yeah WWE really screwed the pooch on the decision to take out Flair vs. Carlito. The Kane vs. Khali match was boring and the Divas match was just simply a joke. I was hoping that WWE would let a legend like Ric Flair end his career with style, but it looks like they are just going to let him fade away.

04-12-2007, 08:28 PM
Man, maybe if they fuckin used Carlito right, as a heel, he'd be a star and they'd see his true potential.

04-12-2007, 10:44 PM
I feel bad for Flair he has the passion for the sport but they take them girls and put it almoast the main event for WM23 i mean there match was after the undertaker match that isnt right Taker should of been the main event according to tradition.

04-12-2007, 11:41 PM
all this could be solved with a heel turn if carlito was heel he would be happy and would also get more and better matches

04-13-2007, 08:14 PM
There both right they should have been on the WM23 card would have rather seen there match instead of the crap Diva match they had. At least they should have had 2 divas that could wrestle instead of one that is a very good wrestler and has to carry the other one that doesn't even know what a wrestling hold is. Carlito better not get fired he's pretty good in all aspects of wrestling. He should be getting a push not flack from a bunch of idiots in the back that truthfully don't have a clue most of the time.

Garden State Saint
04-14-2007, 05:25 PM
I having nothing against Flair or Carlito but let's be honest, nobody really missed the match from WrestleMania 23. A year from now we won't be looking back and wondering how great the match could have been. The two of them having a match at Mania would have had no heat to it plus was there any need for another face vs. face match? In my opinion, no, no there wasn't.

04-15-2007, 12:25 AM
If they had done the Carlito vs Flair match Carlito would have been able to turn heel, for example have Flair win and then they go to shake hands anc Carlito beats him down to a bloody pulp getting him heel heat and making a better match then the divas and Khalis put together.

04-15-2007, 02:02 AM
I having nothing against Flair or Carlito but let's be honest, nobody really missed the match from WrestleMania 23. A year from now we won't be looking back and wondering how great the match could have been. The two of them having a match at Mania would have had no heat to it plus was there any need for another face vs. face match? In my opinion, no, no there wasn't.

But would you not rather have that match then the crap that was the diva match and Kane/Khali? No one cared about either of those matches or the storylines behind them.