View Full Version : Smackdown - 13th April, 2007

04-16-2007, 07:17 AM
We begin with the opening credits, and the show tonight comes to us from Providence, Rhode Island. Lots of pyros as we are shown what looks to be a very hot crowd for the show and I'm excited about this one.

We begin with a promo for the handicap match with Mr. Kennedy facing up against Finlay and Lil' Bastard. Teddy Long is in the ring and he's telling us that since Batista asked for the rematch last week, the whole world is wondering when and where it will take place. He's going to tell us too. It's happening at Backlash! It's not just any match either, it's a Last Man Standing Match. So Providence, let's get ready to rumble.

The music of Finlay and he comes out and makes his way to the ring to a nice pop from the crowd. Lil' Bastard sticks his hand out from under the ring which Finlay acknowledges with a slap. We get a replay of Wrestlemania with a Kenton Bomb off the ladder by Kennedy on Lil' Bastard. The music of Kennedy hits and he comes out briefcase in hand. We are then treated to a replay of last week with Finlay attacking Kennedy from behind in revenge for attacking Lil' Bastard and warning him off touching him ever again. In the ring Kennedy calls down the mic but walks away as Finlay comes close. Nice Finlay chant before Kennedy grabs the mic, begs off Finlay and says we don't have to do this. Kennedy says it was a big match and it just happened. Tension was high, things got out of hand and he takes full responsibility of what happened last week with Finlay attacking him and he's sorry which gets some jeers from the crowd. Finlay says he's never met anyone who whimpers and grovels like he does to a big cheer from the crowd but he's going to give him the benefit of the doubt and accept his apology but if he ever touches Lil' Bastard again, the shillelagh will be right down his throat. Kennedy swears it will never happen again and he extends an apology to Finlay again and then says the same for the little guy under the ring. Kennedy tries to call of the match by offering his hand out. Finlay stares him down then takes his hand. The music of Long again hits and he's on stage. He doesn't know what the hell they're doing but if they want to call it off that's fine but it's a Tag Team match tonight then, Finlay and Kennedy against Undertaker and Batista! A big crowd pop for this as Finlay and Kennedy have words with each other and Finlay looks unimpressed with what is going to happen tonight. Rudi's rant - What a nice start to the show and darn it, I wanted to see Finlay fight Kennedy tonight. I think Finlay as a face would be well accepted seeing that with Lil' Bastard they do get a good reaction every week. I can only surmise that they're not turning Finlay the good guy tonight because of the loss of Booker at the moment and maybe they need that extra bad guy in the ring?

Backstage, Michelle is having her outfit played with, when what we hear are big noises and there is ruckus and as Michelle rushes to see what it is, in the change room Jillian is in the change room and looks like she's beaten down on Ashley who is writhing around in pain. Michelle goes in and calls for help as London and Kendrick rush in to find out what is happening as we go to a commercial break and I'm wondering if Michelle is going to be a face from now on with the concern that she showed for Ashley?

Commercial break...

Back from commercial and Deuce and Domino come out to stage with Cherry in the car. They make their way to the ring and they're getting a bit of a reaction as they get Cherry into the ring. The music of London and Kendrick then hits as they make their way to the ring minus Ashley. They have held the title for 327 days as Cole questions their state of mind after Ashley was injured. I note too that London is sporting facial hair now.

Match 1: Deuce n' Domino (with Cherry) vs. Paul London and Brian Kendrick (Champions) (without Ashley) in a Tag Team Championship Title match
We being with Deuce against London and Deuce quickly in control with an elbow to the face. It doesn't last long as London off the ropes attempts a small package but only for a one count. A stand off again and Deuce in control with blows against London and a body slam and a shoulder block before London kicks Deuce in the hamstring and Deuce steps back and tags in Domino who doesn't like what happened there. London aims a kick at Domino who catches his leg but London then turns it into a near fall with a roll up package before he gets a kneed to the chest from Domino. A sling into the rope and London hops over Domino and makes the tag to Kendrick and together the both of them double team Domino with a double hip toss. Kendrick now works on the arm of Domino. Domino quickly takes charge and tries to wear down Kendrick who after some bouncing off the ropes takes down Domino with a hip toss and tags in London who off the top rope bounces onto the arm of Domino before an attempted pin. Domino tags Deuce and it's his turn to hit into London against the ropes much to the referee's disapproval. London gains control though and mounts the ropes with Deuce beneath him and gets in three hits with the crowd counting before launching a heel kick over the referee's head and onto Domino on the apron who was coming to interfere knocking him to the floor! Kendrick comes in and dropkicks Deuce then gets on all fours and London off the ropes jumps on his back and then onto the top rope and in a botched move as he slips on the ropes still manages to springboard against Domino on the floor below and we get a commercial break as London is catching his breath on the floor below as the crowd give a very nice pop.

Commercial break...

Back from commercial and Deuce is still being worked on in the ring by London and Kendrick. Kendrick charges into the corner to tackle Deuce who moves out of the way and distracts the referee whilst Domino grabs Kendrick and drops him neck first over the top rope and the momentum is changing a little in this match. Deuce takes it to Kendrick before tagging in Domino who throws Kendrick across the ring with a front suplex and then works on the neck of Kendrick. A nice flying elbow by Domino on Kendrick and an attempted pin and more work on Kendrick with the referee unhappy with what is happening in the corner. A tag and Deuce teases London in the corner then continues the assault on Kendrick. More tag work with Kendrick being beaten before Kendrick finally manages to somersault his way past a Domino attempt at a clothesline and to a huge cheer from the crowd makes the tag to London who rushes in and takes it to Domino with two nice dropkicks and then an inverted atomic drop and then a forward head scissors and an attempted pin before Deuce breaks the pin. Off the top rope it's London who jumps back into the ring using the back of Domino as another springboard! An attempted pin and another interference by Deuce who is taken to task by the referee and then by Kendrick who rushes in only to be thrown through the ropes and onto the floor! The referee tries to tell Deuce to leave the ring but to no avail as Deuce lines up London for the Smash 'em in the mouth and the referee calls for the bell and they're disqualified!
Paul London and Brian Kendrick defeated Deuce and Domino (with Cherry) by disqualification to retain the Tag Team Titles in 12 minutes.
Rudi's rating - ***
Rudi's rant - A very aggressive match and some nice moves by London and Kendrick and it's great to see them work together. There was that botched springboard attempt off the top rope by London but he still made it work and Deuce and Domino I think are really not that bad in the ring. They're aggressive, hard hitting and give them time to develop more and they'll be even better in the ring. I like the way they work already.
Post match and Cole and JBL agree in the decision as Deuce and Domino are irate at what happened. The referee is taken to task by Deuce who is held back from exiting the ring by Domino and Cherry as the champions have their hands raised by the referee as go to a...

Commercial break...

Back from commercial and we get a replay of the last few moments of the Tag Team match with Mickey Henson the referee disqualifying Deuce n' Domino and the challengers looking totally livid. Backstage again then and Teddy Long is holding the hands of Kristal and he has something special for her tonight and you know Kristal, Milan in Italy is one of the most romantic cities in the world and we're interrupted as Deuce n' Domino storm in and Long says they need to lower their voices if they intend to speak to him. They're upset at the loss and Long says he saw the match and says the referee did the right job. In the future Long says they need to abide by the referee's decision and Deuce looks very upset as Domino and Cherry drag him out of the office as then Kristal says she likes it when Long takes charge and then we're back to action as we hear the music of MVP hitting and he makes his way to the ring in a red number tonight. Cole plays compliments to MVP as a rising star as the music of Chris Benoit hits and he makes his way out to the ring for this non title match up. Benoit shows MVP the belt and shakes his head before handing it to the referee and this match is on.

Match 2: MVP vs. Chris Benoit in a non title match
A Benoit chant from the outset as MVP tries to tell Benoit he's out of there as they lock up. An arm drag by Benoit and Cole is calling lots of moves tonight. A lock up of hands before Benoit takes down MVP and goes to work on his left arm. MVP makes it to the ropes and forces the break and a hip toss by MVP and he keeps Benoit down on the mat for a while. That's stopped by Benoit who takes down MVP with a leg drop as he comes off the ropes and tries the Crossface on MVP who slides out of the ring to regroup. Back in the ring and MVP kicks Benoit in the midsection but can't gain control as Benoit takes over with a number of chops against the chest. JBL says the chops are like being hit with a frypan and then like from inside. MVP is whipped into the corner and Benoit charges in but is met by a boot to the face by MVP as we get another Benoit chant. An attempt of a snap suplex by MVP is blocked and reversed by Benoit who then takes down MVP off the ropes with a big elbow before a backbreaker and an attempted pin. Benoit tries another crossface but MVP makes it with a foot to the ropes and the break is made with Benoit beating MVP out to the apron. MVP fights back and kicks Benoit in the back after spinning him over and then works on the neck of Benoit as we get yet another Benoit chant from this hot crowd. Benoit finally gets to his feet and with a German suplex throws MVP onto the apron. On the apron Benoit tries to suplex MVP back into the ring but he blocks it. Benoit tries from the apron then to German suplex MVP onto the floor but MVP hangs on for dear life and then with elbows hits him to the floor. Benoit in a clever move sweeps the feet of MVP out from under him and his head hits the apron as he lands on the floor as well! Benoit goes after MVP but in an act of desperation MVP pulls Benoit forward and slams him into the steel ring post shoulder first which leaves him lying in pain on the floor as we go to...

Commercial break...

Back from commercial and MVP is working on the neck of Benoit again. JBL pays MVP praise for being able to work a match and keep his opponent on the ground. In the ring Benoit gets to his feet and regains some control over MVP! He tries to suplex him but it's blocked by MVP again. Benoit in frustration as MVP is facing him headbutts him a couple of times before whipping him into the ropes. MVP ducks a blow on Benoit's return from the ropes and then Benoit as he comes off the ropes again is picked up by MVP and given a front suplex which sends him flying across the ring! Both Benoit and MVP are bleeding from the mouth at this time of the match. MVP whips Benoit hard into the corner then attempts the pin and then again before kicking Benoit in the back again. More work on the neck of Benoit by MVP as more plaudits by JBL and Cole. MVP off the ropes lands a dropkick to the injured arm of Benoit. MVP with elbows onto the arm of Benoit. Benoit manages to get to his feet and is whipped into the ropes. He ducks under a bit boot attempt to the face but off the ropes again is met with a big knee to the chest! Another attempt at a pin but for a two count only. Benoit on his feet and out of nowhere lands a Northern Lights Suplex and Bridge pin attempt on MVP but only for a two count! MVP picks up Benoit for a vertical suplex but from the upside down position Benoit knees into the head of MVP and breaks the hold and then with MVP on the ground connects with the Crippler Crossface! MVP however makes it feet first to the ropes and Benoit is forced to break the hold. German suplex time as Benoit lands the three of them before mounting the ropes and looking for the flying headbutt. MVP gets to his feet and tries to knock Benoit down but Benoit knocks him back onto the canvas and then tries to land the flying headbutt but MVP moves out of the way at the last minute! A double count to 6 and MVP rolls over Benoit and almost makes the pin. MVP is frustrated and whips Benoit into the corner and then lands the big boot to the face before almost getting a three count! A Benoit chant as MVP talks to the referee before working on the neck of Benoit. MVP now off the ropes with a boot to the head of Benoit, then off the ropes again with another! MVP lines up Benoit for a big right hand but Benoit when he gets to his feet ducks the blow and catches MVP and lands yet another German suplex! He tries it again but MVP grabs the ropes and Benoit falls into the ring. MVP looks at the ropes then at Benoit who is on his knees then looks to German suplex Benoit out of the ring! Benoit blocks the move by rolling forward but that allows MVP to grab the pin by rolling Benoit up and getting the three count with the help of the ropes!
MVP defeated Christ Benoit in a non title match up in 19 minutes.
Rudi's rating - *** 3/4
Rudi's rant - Smackdown has had two long matches tonight and this one was very nicely done with MVP stealing the pin and setting up a rematch I daresay at Backlash. MVP was given big plaudits from both JBL and Cole during the match and it looks like he's in for a big push. There were a couple of slow parts to the match but MVP showed that he can certainly go the distance and he meshes well in a match with Benoit who is the master of making anyone look good! A great match and a great show so far!
Post match and MVP celebrates his win from the rampway as a bloodies looking Benoit in the mouth is left feeling his arm in pain in the ring. JBL comments on MVP being one of the hottest stars beating one of the all time greats as we are reminded of the main event coming up later as we go to...

Commercial break...

Back from commercial and Kristal is trying to interview MVP. MVP says to the crowd I told you so! The crowd knows what he is capable of! He celebrates his win before we go back to JBL and Cole where JBL says he is talking the talk and walking the walk. We then go to a replay of last week where Booker is Tombstoned on the Announce table and they note he was operated on this week for an injured elbow and knee and suffered a strained, sprained neck and is out indefinitely because of what happened.

We then are given a RAW rebound reminding us of Lashley's ongoing battle with the McMahon's and Umaga. Thankfully still, we have had no live appearance by Vince McMahon on the show. We're reminded then of the main event tonight as we go to...

Commercial break...

Back from commercial and Daivari is in the ring as we get the music of Kane and he makes his way to the ring with that purpose in his step as always. As he enters the ring, Daivari exits the ring cleverly as Kane stares down at him. Kane steps back as the bell rings for the match to begin and Daivari enters slowly.

Match 3: Daivari vs. Kane
Daivari as the match begins tries to take it to Kane after ducking his first blow but Kane no sells the blows and meets Daivari coming off the ropes with a big boot to the face! It's Kane in control with Daivari just taking a beating and I feel sorry for Daivari's association with Khali as his manager. Kane with a big side slam, and then off the top rope with a big clothesline which the crowd loves totally. Kane with a big huge right in the corner and then an elbow against Daivari on the apron and then trying to wrap him around the steel post before in the ring again landing the choke slam and this one is over!
Kane defeated Daivari in 4 minutes.
Rudi's rating - * 1/2
Rudi's rant - I know that Kane needs to be made to look strong after Wrestlemania with his loss against Khali but is putting him in a squash match against Daivari an answer. Daivari deserves, as a cruiserweight, much better than this I think.
Post match and William Regal and Dave Taylor hit the ring and try to beat down on Kane. Kane fights them both off but they continue their assault until Kane finally takes advantage of them and they slide out of the ring and walk slowly back up the rampway mouthing off at Kane as he laughs at them.

Commercial break...

Back from commercial and a Mark Henry promo for his imminent return. I wonder how many people he is going to hurt and destroy this time? It was a great promo though as JBL and Cole discuss his return briefly before we get the music of Batista and he makes his way to the ring after his full ring entrance and the crowd is really hot for him. We then get the gong as Batista from the ropes stares towards the stage and the crowd go crazy for Undertaker as he slowly makes his way to the ring. Batista from inside the ring stares down at him as Undertaker takes forever to enter the ring. Rudi's rant - As much as I love the entrances of both of these guys it's 5 minutes of my life I won't get back. :)

Commercial break...

Back from commercial and we still have the music of Undertaker before finally we get the music of Mr. Kennedy and he makes his way to the ring, briefcase in hand again. He stands halfway down the ramp as Undertaker and Batista aren't moving from the ring before the music of Finlay hits and he makes his way down to where Kennedy is and together they approach the ring.

Match 4: Batista and The Undertaker vs. Mr. Kennedy and Finlay
We begin with Undertaker and Finlay in the ring as he wanted to start this match and Batista leaves the ring and looks bemused as Finlay dodges Undertaker before tagging Kennedy and telling him to get into the ring. Undertaker finally traps a dodging Kennedy and takes to him in the corner before chasing away the referee. Undertaker with lots of blows against Kennedy before whipping Kennedy into the corner only to be met by an elbow as he charges in. Kennedy in control tags Finlay and they double team Undertaker as Batista looks on. Undertaker and Finlay go toe to toe before in the corner Kennedy chokes Undertaker as Finlay distracts the referee. Kennedy now and he works on Undertaker before Undertaker throws him into the corner and works on both Kennedy and Finlay! A tag to Finlay and from behind he takes to Undertaker who then fights back against both of them before whipping Finlay hard across the ring! Finlay bounces off the corner and Undertaker picks him up and delivers snake eyes but before he can do anything is slapped on the back by Batista who wants in! Undertaker off the ropes preparing for the big boot is met by a clothesline from Kennedy! Batista is the legal man in the ring and as Kennedy turns around is met by a clotheslines from Batista who then takes to both him and Finlay with a number of power slams before throwing Finlay out of the ring and landing a big spinebuster onto Kennedy! Batista shakes the ropes as the crowd is cheering but Undertaker back in the corner slaps Batista and tags himself in! Batista and Undertaker go face to face as we go to...

Commercial break...

Back from commercial and Undertaker is working on Kennedy. He tags Batista by slapping him on the chest and Batista goes to work on Kennedy now with big boots in the corner and knee drops. He pushes Kennedy back into his corner then slaps Undertaker to tag him and throws Kennedy to the canvas. Undertaker works on Kennedy now, on the arm and it's old school time but Finlay distracts him and it allows Kennedy time to take advantage and he goes to work on Undertaker. A whip across the ring is reversed by Undertaker and Kennedy walks into a big boot to the face coming from the ropes. Undertaker tags in Batista who stops Kennedy from tagging Finlay. A suplex by Batista and an attempted pin is broken by Finlay and Kennedy takes advantage by poking Batista in the eye and it's a tag now and Finlay comes in and takes it to Batista! Finlay off the ropes tries to leap onto Batista but is caught midair and slammed back first back into the corner by Batista! Batista with a whip across the ring and a big clothesline onto Finlay and he tags in Undertaker who beats down on Finlay. Out of the ring Undertaker goes and with Finlay draped across the apron delivers big elbows against the head of Finlay and then off the apron with a big leg drop against him before throwing him back inside the ring!

Undertaker works on the arm of Finlay before mounting the ropes for old school but Batista slaps the back of Undertaker and tags himself in and enters with a big smirk on the face. Batista and Undertaker stare at each other as Finlay out of nowhere rushes in and takes down Batista with an arm to the head as Undertaker does nothing to help and steps back out onto the apron. Finlay makes the tag and Kennedy now comes in and goes to work on the left knee of Batista softening him up as we get a Batista chant happening from the crowd. Lots of work on the knee now and a tag to Finlay who continues to work on the leg. Undertaker from the apron tells Batista to get up as we get an Undertaker chant happening now as Finlay works on Batista more and tags in Kennedy. Both Kennedy and Finlay continue to work on the leg of Batista. Batista out of the ring is taken down in the leg by the shillelagh of Finlay and Undertaker decides it's time to come around and do something about it! He picks up the steel steps and throws them into the ring! Finlay is backing away as outside of the ring Kennedy continues to work on Batista. Undertaker comes around and tries to take to Kennedy but the referee tells him to go back into the corner. Kennedy in the ring continues to work on Batista as we get another Batista chant.

Batista finally attempts to fight back but is taken down again with a blow to the knee and Finlay is tagged in and more work on the knee continues. Undertaker paces along the apron and slaps at the turnbuckle trying to fire up the crowd. He stomps on the ring steps as Batista finally tries to power out of the corner. A tag to Kennedy and more work on the leg of Batista. Kennedy slaps at Batista trying to tease him but coming from the ropes is met by a desperation spinebuster by Batista who finally manages to make the tag to Undertaker! The crowd erupts as Undertaker rushes in and takes to both Finlay and Kennedy and gets them in opposite corners and alternates clotheslines in the corer before throwing Finlay over the top rope! He grabs Kennedy and delivers a choke slam! He goes to give the slash against the throat gesture signaling for the Tombstone Piledriver but Batista reaches over the ropes and slaps him on the back making the tag! Batista enters and Undertaker stands over Kennedy as Batista looks to pick him up. Undertaker backs away to the ropes and is out of nowhere taken over the top rope by a clothesline from Finlay who has reentered the ring! Undertaker lands feet first! He pulls Finlay out of the ring and goes to work on him as Batista lands a Batista Bomb on Kennedy and makes the cover and this one is over!
Batista and The Undertaker defeated Mr. Kennedy and Finlay in 22 minutes.
Rudi's rating - ****
Rudi's rant - Why did I rate this match highly? There was a lot of psychology in this match with Finlay and Kennedy focusing on the leg of Batista. That was good. Finlay and Kennedy always put on a good match so that was great as well. Undertaker and Batista? Their feud over the title belt has given Batista a new lease of life almost and he showed a lot of aggression tonight. The tags between the two who didn't really look like wanting to work together was a nice sight to behold and the tension is still there between them and that in itself augers well for Backlash. A really nice match.
Post match and a stare down with Undertaker outside of the ring and Batista leaving the ring and smiling at Undertaker before going up the rampway as a last minute replay of the match before we're left with Undertaker in the ring staring down at Batista who makes signals of having the belt around his waist as the show goes off air.

Okay folks, did I miss out on anything here in the show? For some reason I feel as if I almost missed out on a match or something but I'm sure I haven't. What is good about that way of thinking is that this episode just flowed along very nicely without anything to rock the boat in a negative way. I think that means, no McMahons bar in the RAW rebound. There were a huge amount of people missing tonight. Where do I start? Cruiserweights? Excluding Daivari who was very much beat up fodder tonight there were no cruiserweights at all on the show. I miss seeing Jimmy Wang Yang, Gregory Helms, heck, even Chavo and Shannon Moore. There were no Diva matches though we got a glimpse of the next Diva feud with Jillian Hall obviously finding something to dislike about Ashley. Perhaps it was her photo shoot? Perhaps she just wants to be associated with one of the Tag Team champs? Michelle seemed to be playing the good girl tonight. Where was Boogeyman? Where was Miz? Was Lil' Bastard real tonight? All we saw was a glimpse of his arm tonight. For a roster that is so thin it's scary it held its own and what made it were the big matches bar the Kane match. The Tag Team match was given double its usual minutes. MVP and Benoit had a great match and the main event was excellent with the time and the animosity between Batista and Undertaker. Teddy Long and Kristal seem to be heading somewhere in a story line. I wonder when Vickie is going to make her long awaited announcement from weeks ago. Mark Henry coming back and then Rey Mysterio will give the roster a much needed boost and though I can see some of you collectively groaning about Mark Henry he certainly has much more ring presence wrestling wise than Boogeyman sorry. :) I'm giving this show a resounding 7 1/2 out of 10, the commentary tonight is definitely worth a 9 and was as good as I've heard Cole call in ages and the crowd a 9 out of 10 for being great pretty much the whole night through. See you all next week and to all the readers out there, stay safe.


source:lordsofpain/Rudi Pavani for the comments.