View Full Version : *SPOILERS* Raw - 16 April 07 - Italy

Dangerous Incorporated
04-16-2007, 11:16 PM
Pre-Show Notes:

*When WWE played the history of WWE video, every clip of John Cena was booed out of the building.

*The set is the same one used for recent tapings in Great Britain, with Italian flags replaced the UK flags.

*Todd Grisham came to the ring to introduce Heat.

Dark Match:

*CM Punk defeated Kevin Thorn with Go To Sleep. Thorn was bleeding after the match.


*Val Venis pinned Daniel Rodimer with the Money Shot. Crowd was chanting the World Cup song to entertain themselves.

*Matt Hardy pinned Kenny Dykstra with the Twist of Fate. A bit long and slow at times.


*The Italian announce team will be at ringside at a table next to Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler.

*Monday Night Raw opens with Jonathan Coachman on the stage, announcing John Cena vs. Rated RKO tonight. Coachman then introduces Vince McMahon, who rips on the crowd and "fashion city." McMahon introduces Umaga and Armando Alejandro Estrada. They review destroying ECW champion Bobby Lashley last week at the end of Raw. McMahon promises to destroy Lashley at Backlash and notes that neither Lashley nor Shane McMahon are here tonight. He says that Umaga is here, though, and issues an open challenge for anyone to face the Intercontinental champion. No one comes out. McMahon raises the stakes, saying the title is on the line. No one comes out. McMahon asks if anyone from the audience would like to fight Umaga. A lot of fans raise their hands. An "obvious plant" is called into the ring. McMahon tries to talk to the "fan", who responds to him in Italian. A referee comes down and we have our first match.

WWE Intercontinental champion Umaga vs. ?

After the fan nearly gets a two count, McMahon returns and announces the match is no No Holds Barred. Estrada slaps the fans, who slaps him back. Umaga and Estrade trounce the fan. The building chants for Lashley. Lashley hits the ring and attacks Umaga. McMahon grabs a chair but Lashley blocks it and Vince scampers out of the ring. Lashley drills Umaga with the chair three times, then spears him. Lashley puts the fan on top of Umaga. The fan gets the pin. The fan, announced as "Santino" is the new WWE Intercontinental champion.

*Backstage vignette with Ric Flair psyching up Carlito for their match tonight.

*They announce the main event of Raw next week from London will be WWE champion John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels.

*Carlito and Ric Flair vs. Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin

Ric Flair interferes during the match and is admonished by the referee. Carlito is hit by Haas as he rebounds off the ropes. Benjamin hits an exploder suplex and pins Carlito. Carlito has words with Flair and walks off.

*They air a vignette on HHH's injury. It may have been just for the live crowd.

*They air a recap video on the Make-A-Wish child that was General Manager last week.

*Maria interviews WWE champion John Cena, who is booed by the crowd. Shawn Michaels comes in. Cena says that before Wrestlemania he had to worry about whether Michaels had his back or not, but next week, he doesn't have to worry about that - he's just going to kick Michaels' ass.

*They air a trailer for The Condemned.

*WWE Women's champion Melina is backstage preparing for the Diva Fashion Show with Johnny Nitro. Eugene appears on the scene and Nitro sends him packing.

*They air a video feature on The Great Khali and announce he'll return to Raw next week.

Johnny Nitro vs. Eugene

Nitro pins Eugene with a snapshot neckbreaker in a quick bout.

*The Diva Fashion Show is next.

*Torrie Wilson wins the Fashion Show. Melina attacks her, leading to the babyface Divas clearing the ring.

Jeff Hardy (with Matt Hardy) vs. Lance Cade (with Trevor Murdoch)

Hardy goes for the swanton but Cade gets his knees up. Cade then nails a lariat for the pin.

*Another Condemned promo.

Chris Masters came to the ring and cut a promo saying none of the greats like Da Vinci and Michelangelo created a masterpiece like his body.

Chris Masters vs. Super Crazy

Dueling chants for each. Masters gets the win with a new move, not the Masterlock.

*They aired a new Undertaker video highlighting his undefeated streak (15-0) at Wrestlemania.

*Added to Backlash is Melina vs. Mickie James for the WWE Womens title.

WWE champion John Cena vs. Rated RKO - Handicap Match

Edge and Orton did a promo before the match saying they were letting bygones be bygones to get the job done together. Late in the match, they were destroying Cena. Shawn Michaels came out and pulled the rope down, causing Orton to fall from the ring. Cena made a comeback and went for the F-U on Edge, but Orton dropkicked them, bumping the referee in the process. Michaels tries to hit Sweet Chin Music on Cena, but he avoided it. Edge got nailed. Cena hit the F-U on Michaels, then covered Edge for the pin. RKO attacked Michaels and after some hesitation, Cena hit the ring. Cena and Michaels hit their finishers on RKO. Michaels then nailed Cena with Sweet Chin Music and celebrates to end the show.

On tonight’s edition of RAW, a “fan” that debuts inside the ring faces off against Umaga. He will be the newest edition to the RAW roster and he goes by the name “Santillo.” He has been working in Ohio Valley Wrestling as Boris Elexiev. In OVW, he has been portraying a Russian monster heel.

Santillo’s real name is Anthony Carelli, and he is Italian. Thus resulting in WWE giving him the big debut tonight on the Italian tour.

In a side note, you may recall Carelli as an OVW student that was slapped around by Jim Cornette. That was the reason for Cornette’s departure from WWE.

04-17-2007, 01:51 AM
wow cant believe that italien guy won it just like that well i guess is could believe it since carlito did the same thing but still wow, main event was predictable

04-17-2007, 02:25 AM
o i thought the "fan" was really a fan darn lol i wish if i ever goto an event i get picked it would be awesome even if i get killed.