View Full Version : Steve Austin speaks on WWF/WCW, wrestling again, and more

04-18-2007, 11:07 AM
Thanks to Joseph Daoud and PWInsider.com for the following recap of Steve Austin's interview on The Hour with George Stropolopolis on CBC:

They started with a 90 second clip of his career and a clip from the movie The Condemned.

-He said that wrestling was his life long dream and his role model was Dusty Rhodes.

-Acting was opened to him during the peek of the Austin Era but he wanted to stay with the WWF.

-He said that most of his money came from merchandise sales.

-Wanted to prove WCW wrong when they said that he isn't marketable.

-Did 13 Episodes of Nash Bridges and they wanted to do a spin off of the character.

-Said that his stepfather made him a better person

-Hates that some people let the fame go to their heads. He says he stays humble.

-After the break he said that he watched the SummerSlam 1997 incident 30 to 40 times a day but now he watches it every now and then to get a reality check.

-Said that he was buddies with Owen and what happened at Over the Edge was a "bad deal"

-Said he was in the ring wrestling The Undertaker when he got the news of Owen's death.

-He said he could work as a top star for 2 years at WWE's schedule but says he isn't and will never be at the 120% he was before and he is only now 99%.

-Says he is looking 15 years down the line.

-Told the director to "take care of him".

- Took 2 years for the movie to complete.

-Says he would love to do action movies if he is still having fun and his fan base enjoys it

-When asked if he would do "Brokeback Mountain" roles, he laughed and said he would pass.

Interview ended there.


04-18-2007, 11:55 AM
I miss him i wish he would be a wrestler again.

04-18-2007, 09:55 PM
what happened at summerslam 1997? was that owens death

04-19-2007, 01:50 AM
what happened at summerslam 1997? was that owens death

No that was two years later. I believe this was the event that Owen piledrove him and broke his neck. I believe that is what he meant by break in the interview. Surprisingly this began to really kick start the Austin/McMahon fued.

04-19-2007, 02:38 AM
Don't we all miss him?? I hope either him or The Rock comes back but I highl;y doubt it.

04-19-2007, 04:48 AM
Yea, the more and more I think about it, the more and more i miss him in WWE. I'm definatly not one of those guys that says "WWE is nothing without Austin". Definatly not true. However, everytime I watch old Austin matches and Austin/Rock WM17, i just really think back and realize how much i miss him. I tell you, I was at WM23 in Detroit and I was marking like crazy when Austin was doing those old elbow drop, lou thez press, and of course the Stone Cold Stunner. It brings me back like crazy...