View Full Version : *SPOILERS* TNA iMPACT! Taping Results from Orlando, Florida

04-18-2007, 11:13 AM
Hour 1 - April 17th Edition

Jeff Jarrett comes out, followed by Kurt Angle. Angle is mad at Jarrett for letting Sting win. Sting's comes out, setting up Sting vs. Kurt Angle for next week with Sting's title match on the line.

Gail Kim is brawling with Jacqueline in the crowd.

Robert Roode defeated Chris Harris.

Roode says Young has to tell him who his friend is by next week.

Christopher Daniels defeated Samoa Joe, A.J. Styles, and Rhino. Daniels hit Rhino with a bat and pinned him.

Roode and Young come back out. Roode wants to know who Young's friend is. Young won't tell him, and Roode hits him with a chair. Roode then proceeds to handcuff Young. While Young is being beaten down, Jeff Jarrett comes to the rescue. Jarrett clears house on Roode, and hits Ms. Brooks over the head with a guitar.

Team 3D defeated Christian Cage & Abyss to retain the tag team titles. Team 3D gave Abyss the 3D to retain the titles. LAX was at ringside but did not interfere. Cage and Abyss argue after, and Abyss is about to attack Cage but doesn't .The rest of Cage's guys come out to attack Abyss. Abyss fights them off and ends up hitting Mitchell with the black hole slam. Abyss then gets beat up by all of Team Cage. They used a chair and even a barbed wire bat.

Very interesting first hour.

Hour 2 - April 26th Edition

In an Xplosion match, Jerry Lynn defeated Havok (Johnny Devine) with a piledriver.

Kurt Angle vs. Sting went to a no contest. It was a short match that was mainly stalling. Christian and his buddies ran down to beat up on them, but Sting helped Angle clear house. For something that is supposed to be a dream match, giving it literally under four minutes in the middle of a TV show isn't exactly ideal.

Jay Lethal & Sonjay Dutt defeated Senshi & Shark Boy, Shelley & Kazarian, and Petey Williams & Jerry Lynn. This match was a four-way, and the winners compete in a triple threat match with Chris Sabin at Sacrifice for the x division title.

Team 3D defeated Scott Steiner & Tomko to retain the tag team titles. LAX helped 3D win (why?) and 3D pinned Tomko. LAX brawls with Steiner & Tomko after the match.

On Xplosion, Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley defeated Senshi & Petey Williams when Shelley pinned Williams.

Christian Cage defeated Sting by DQ to retain the NWA title. Angle ran down and attacked Cage to cause the DQ. Sting hits Angle with the bat, and then leaves with a disappointed look on his face.

Interesting to note that Samoa Joe did nothing at these tapings besides the short four-way match in the first hour. I'm thinking that the segment involving Jarrett being revealed as Young's friend will be saved for hour two.


Flair Country
04-18-2007, 03:56 PM
Thanks for posting man. I'm suprised they would give Daniels the win over Styles, Joe, & Rhino. This should really help his push into the Heavyweight Division.

04-18-2007, 09:11 PM
sounds interesting i am definately not gonn miss these two weeks of impact

04-19-2007, 04:18 AM
Thanks man! Interesting to see Daniels won, too. Joe can't seem to get into any good 1 on 1 rivalries now, for some reason. Looks like they are bringing Jarrett to the upper-mid card now with the Eric Young storyline. I thought he would have a run at Cage.

04-24-2007, 11:31 PM
Anyone think that WWE saw the spoilers and made the 1 hour match on Raw just to show TNA what a dream match is?