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04-18-2007, 10:06 PM
Fortune tellers seek signs to predict French poll

With France's presidential elections just days away, the nation's fortune tellers are urgently shuffling tarot cards and staring into crystal balls as they try to predict the result ahead of time.

Most opinion polls put right-wing former interior minister Nicolas Sarkozy in the lead for Sunday's first round vote, ahead of Socialist Segolene Royal and centrist "third man" Francois Bayrou.

But with up to 40 per cent of the electorate still undecided, there remains plenty of room for alternative forecasting methods, even though these could prove as reliable as the polls which failed to predict the outcome of the 2002 election.

Maitre Desmet, an African geomancer who predicts the future by casting a handful of shells into a basket and interpreting the way they fall, suggests Ms Royal will win.

"There are far more female shells opened to the sky," he said.

"Therefore, there is one person coming out clearly as a favourite: It is a woman who will run in the second round."

Astrologist Maria Aguilera by contrast thinks Mr Bayrou will win the presidency, based on what her tarot cards say.

"He is destined for high places, he will provide France with an important image on the international scene," she said, drawing cards of the devil, the magician and the world.

Gazing into his crystal ball, Dominique Lehmann disagrees.

"I would say there will be a second round between Sarkozy and Royal. It's true that the right-wing party has a better chance to succeed. But it will be a very, very close race," he said.

- Reuters