View Full Version : WWE Ends Its Relationship With Deep South Wrestling

04-19-2007, 02:19 AM
Written by: Daniel Pena - April 18th, 2007

WWE has ended its relationship with one of its developmental territories, Deep South Wrestling. WWE.com made the following announcement regarding the change:

WWE ends relationship with DSW

Written: April 18, 2007

World Wrestling Entertainment has ended its relationship with Deep South Wrestling. For the past two years, DSW has served as one of WWE's developmental territories. Check back here as more information becomes available.

I wonder if we'll now see an influx of guys from DSW who were in Double A Wrestling get moved into Triple A as in OVW or just get released. I do hope that atleast some talent does get an opportunity to go into OVW as they could hone their craft and get seasoned enough (Hopefully a year atleast) to the point where they would be ready to make it up to the big leagues in which I mean into WWE.

04-19-2007, 02:23 AM
ive always thought ovw was better than dsw some guys will probably move to ovw depending on there situation

04-19-2007, 02:37 AM
OVW is like the WWE's version of Triple AAA Baseball while DSW was like AA.

Black Widow
04-19-2007, 11:18 AM
by Phil Lowe
19 April 2007, 3:04 am

World Wrestling Entertainment last night issued the following statement on WWE.com:

World Wrestling Entertainment has ended its relationship with Deep South Wrestling. For the past two years, DSW has served as one of WWE’s developmental territories. Check back here as more information becomes available.

At time of writing, Ohio Valley Wrestling remains as the only WWE developmental territory at this time. All content from Deep South Wrestling’s website has been removed and replaced with a statement that tonight’s scheduled TV taping has been cancelled.

We’ll have an update on the situation, and hopefully more information on where this leaves those who were on the DSW roster a little later today.


04-19-2007, 02:32 PM
Thats kind of a surprise wonder why they have done this?