View Full Version : SmackDown! Linked To Virginia Tech Massacre

Dangerous Incorporated
04-19-2007, 05:05 AM
In a Associated Press story on Cho Seung-Hai, the student who perpetrated the massacre at Virginia Tech University, was described as being a loner who spent time on his computer and watching TV, noting he watched Friday night wrestling. The article said, "He (roomate Karan Grewal) he said Cho usually worked alone on his computer and watched TV, including Friday night wrestling. He was always alone; in the dining hall, watching television, working out with weights in the gym. He rarely spoke to anyone." Also MSNBC's "Hardball with Chris Matthews" noted this fact too.

Source: AP

So now they're gonna try and pin this on WWE yet again. How about banning guns and look at the government instead of looking for an scapegoat in wrestling?

04-19-2007, 07:13 AM
How about blaming the school for not shutting itself down after the first attack.

Wrestling and video games seem to be the whipping boy of the media. Don't they realise this guy had to be f*cked up to begin with to do this? I also wish they would stop stereotyping loners and people that do not socialise. Not all of us are going to go around killing people.

King Sir Greatness
04-19-2007, 10:56 AM
How about blaming the school for not shutting itself down after the first attack.

Wrestling and video games seem to be the whipping boy of the media. Don't they realise this guy had to be f*cked up to begin with to do this? I also wish they would stop stereotyping loners and people that do not socialise. Not all of us are going to go around killing people.

I agree with you, brotha.

04-19-2007, 02:35 PM
This had nothing to do with wrestling lol. Just a crazy mofo that felt he wanted to be remembered for something. Well congrats he will be remembered.

04-19-2007, 04:42 PM
This had nothing to do with wrestling lol. Just a crazy mofo that felt he wanted to be remembered for something. Well congrats he will be remembered.

Your half right. Crazy yes. I think it was more of the whole thing with his girlfriend. After he killed her and the RA in the morning, he probably figured if he was going down for it, he might as well take out his anger.

People are idiots. How is someone able to do that to other people? I just don't get it.

Dark Drakan
04-19-2007, 04:51 PM
All i keep reading about is that loser Jack Thompson jumping all over the video games industry again and blaming them...

Violent video games blamed for Virginia Tech slayings (http://uk.theinquirer.net/?article=39007)

Jack Thompson takes it out on Counter-Strike - CVG.com (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=162315)

me hate libs
04-19-2007, 09:10 PM
In a Associated Press story on Cho Seung-Hai, the student who perpetrated the massacre at Virginia Tech University, was described as being a loner who spent time on his computer and watching TV, noting he watched Friday night wrestling. The article said, "He (roomate Karan Grewal) he said Cho usually worked alone on his computer and watched TV, including Friday night wrestling. He was always alone; in the dining hall, watching television, working out with weights in the gym. He rarely spoke to anyone." Also MSNBC's "Hardball with Chris Matthews" noted this fact too.

Source: AP

So now they're gonna try and pin this on WWE yet again. How about banning guns and look at the government instead of looking for an scapegoat in wrestling?

Banning guns wouldn't have stopped this. If somone wants to get a gun and kill a bunch of people, they're gonna do it. If you're willing to murder someone, the notion that guns are illegal probably wouldn't register with you. Banning guns only takes them out of the hands of law abinding citizens. If one of those people shot had a concealed weapon, pulled it out and used it, this wouldn't have been as bad as it was.

When you outlaw guns, only outlaws have guns.

04-19-2007, 09:32 PM
I would have to say it's not the video games ether some people are just plain dumb, So what if he played a game or 2 almost everybody in the world plays video games. Other people always look to blame it on something other then what the situation really is about.

04-19-2007, 11:43 PM
idk when gun violence and wrestling became linked to eachother whoever tries to blame wrestling for this is an idiot

04-20-2007, 01:06 AM
jeez these people are morons, how can you even relate the 2? When do you see guys on WWE going around with guns killing people? i mean come on. Its entertainment, not promoting to go out and kill people

04-20-2007, 02:22 AM
It is easier for people to blame a form of entertainment then actually believe someone could have been so screwed up to willingly kill that many people. People don't want to think that the "big bad" evils of movies and games actually exist in real people in the real world and they need no influence from such things as music and wrestling.

Don't these nuts think that if shooters made killers as they claim, there would be millions of 20 or so year olds going around with AK-47s? There are millions of gamers that play such games, but when one guy goes bad we all get the rap. Bullshit!

04-20-2007, 02:29 PM
jeez these people are morons, how can you even relate the 2? When do you see guys on WWE going around with guns killing people? i mean come on. Its entertainment, not promoting to go out and kill people

O.K.,first off!I'm seriously NOT trying to be a smartass on this...

Does anyone not remember SCSA pulling a gun(granted it was a toy "pop" gun!) on Vince on live television?
How about Brian Pillman pulling a gun on SCSA?
Granted they didn't kill anyone,BUT,its the point.
How are the kids that watch wrestling,take that?
And I know the answer thats going to be answered for it..."the parents should be monitoring what they see on T.V."

I'm not disputing the fact that wrestling is entertainment,and that the 2 things in question are in NO WAY related.I'm just trying to make a point involving the two.

I just want to know whatever happened to the good old days,when you took whoever deserved it,out behind the schoolyard,beat their ass,and that was the end of it?
Most of the time,everybody was friends with each other afterwards,and there wasn't any bullshit involved!